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Map & Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT)



  • To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map and geography collections
  • To provide a forum to increase the availability, use, and bibliographic control of map and geography collections
  • To increase communication and cooperation between map and geography librarians and other librarians
  • To contribute to the improvement of education and training of map and geography librarians.

Staff Liaison

Danielle M. Alderson
American Library Association
50 E Huron St
Chicago, IL 60611-2788
Work: (312) 280-3213
Fax: (312) 944-6131
E-mail: dponton@ala.org


Effective June 28th, 2011, MAGERT changed its name from the Map and Geography Round Table to the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table and its corresponding acronym to MAGIRT.  We feel this change better communicates our focus and mission.
The Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) is one of 18 round tables in the American Library Association. Formed in 1980, MAGIRT--with close to 400 members the world's largest map library organization--provides a forum for people interested or involved in any aspect of map or geography librarianship. MAGIRT members benefit from:
  • A forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map and geography collections or information.
  • Advocacy and education for increased availability, use and control of map and geography collections.
  • Annual meetings with informative programs and opportunities to meet professional colleagues; mid-winter working meetings providing opportunities for involvement on committees and task forces; and informal after-meeting gatherings offering fun and new friends.
  • Publications such as base line, the MAGIRT newsletter; Coordinates, MAGIRT online journal; Cartographic Citations: a Style Guide (2nd edition published in 2010) and others related to map, geography and GIS libraries and librarianship.

Posted on December 14, 2011 | 9:26 am

Posted on October 25, 2011 | 10:42 pm

Posted on June 14, 2011 | 7:19 am

Posted on June 2, 2011 | 5:11 pm

Posted on May 25, 2011 | 11:44 am