Gov. Pat Quinn's New Year's resolution is to shed at least 15 pounds by walking, and he wants people across Illinois to get in on the act.

Quinn plans to walk 167 miles over the course of the year, a nod to his 2001 trek in which he walked across the state to promote universal health care. He started on the banks of the Mississippi River in Rock Island and ended at the shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago.

The Democratic governor said he doesn't think he'll be able to set aside a week to repeat the journey this year, but he plans to cover the same distance by walking at least half a mile each day.

He wants Illinois residents to join him and track their progress at Those who register and complete the challenge will get a certificate from the governor marking their achievement.

Quinn announced the program during an appearance at the United Center with former Chicago Bear and Super Bowl champion Otis Wilson, whom he also named co-chairman of a new Governor's Council on Health and Fitness. Wilson pleaded guilty in 1994 to a charge of domestic battery for an assault against his then-wife.