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When dogs attack

When Stanley Lee heard the cries of a jogger under attack by two pit bulls near Rainbow Beach Park, he didn't hesitate: He grabbed a...

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Abuse and reform

The realization that Illinois' public pension system is broken — and gradually approaching broke — now has Illinois' top...

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Go for Iran's 'oil jugular'

Last week, Iran threatened to choke off oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz if the European Union delivers on its vow to embargo...

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The challenge for 'Landslide Romney'

The challenge for 'Landslide Romney'

We won't predict any presidential nomination other than Barack Obama's. The guy's chance of emerging from primary season as the Democratic...

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Speaking of free marketeers …

Speaking of free marketeers …

Everyone knows Congress has its share of wheeler-dealers, but stock traders? Yes, maybe more than we thought. Media reports have raised...

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  Detention hour

Detention hour

From the uproar over new legislation covering the detention of terrorism suspects, which President Barack Obama signed Saturday, you might...

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Peanut butter alert

Peanut butter alert

Food banks and pantries — and, of course, parents — understand the advantages of peanut butter. It's easy to transport, store...

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Pirates in the House

Pirates in the House

Democrats and Republicans in Congress may not have much in common, but most agree on one thing: It's illegal and immoral to pirate...

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Play now, pay later

Play now, pay later

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to play football. Not if you believe the claims of more than 120 retired NFL players who have sued,...

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Badge of honor

Badge of honor

Chicago's MacArthur Foundation, which funds the famous genius grants, is pushing another genius idea: Digital merit badges.

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Post-Christmas lights

Post-Christmas lights

If you're a procrastinator, you may not have put up the Christmas lights on your house until a few days before the big holiday. And if you...

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Trouble at DCFS

He was 4 years old, barely. When relatives saw Crescencio "Christopher" Valdez on Thanksgiving, he had a swollen eye and bruises and he...

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8.8 billion hours of federal paperwork

That clipping has to be somewhere on this desk. Maybe it's under the Do It Right Now pile. No, there it is, its little headline protruding...

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How not to fix the immigration system

Crops don't get picked. Chickens don't get plucked. Kids don't go to school. And the line at the Department of Motor Vehicles is really,...

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Gerrymandering Illinois

Gerrymandering Illinois

One panel of federal judges called Illinois' new congressional map "a blatant political move to increase the number of Democratic...

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While we're at it …

While we're at it …

Illinois lawmakers have forgotten promises they made three years ago, after the arrest of then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich exposed the state's...

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Medicare and Mediscare

Medicare and Mediscare

What was the biggest political lie of 2011? Lots of competition there.

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Merry Easter!

Merry Easter!

Blame it on the recession. Blame it on Facebook. Blame it on the 44-cent first-class stamp. This is the year a lot of people we know decided...

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As Christmas dawns

What is this day, this Christmas, that dawns with a chorus of joy? What river of love and magic speeds the message from that moment of...

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Are you there, God particle?

Are you there, God particle?

If you were hoping last week to learn one of the greatest secrets of the cosmos, you'll have to wait a little longer. Scientists said they...

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Exploiting Kim's death

Exploiting Kim's death

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il drove his country deep into starvation and isolation while stockpiling cognac and fine foods for himself...

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Reforming health reform

Reforming health reform

When President Barack Obama's health care reform was making its way through Congress, Republicans and other opponents registered plenty of...

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 A clear winner

A clear winner

How do Republican presidential candidates form a firing squad? They stand in a circle. At least that's been the joke among Democrats...

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You, Molaro, Burke  and $3 million

You, Molaro, Burke and $3 million

Which gouge most enrages you? Is it the injury Bob Molaro inflicts on you and every Illinois taxpayer? Or is it the spiteful insult from his...

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What others are saying

The funniest thing I heard this season was right after Ndamukong Suh went all stompy stompy on Evan Dietrich-Smith, when Troy Aikman said,...

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Judges getting tough in 'State of Corruption'

Your selfish and corrupt actions negatively impacted the trust that the citizens of Illinois place in their government. … I find it...

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Never too early

Illinois should learn on Friday if it has snagged up to $70 million in the latest Race to the Top competition. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Stop cheating Social Security with payroll-tax cut

Stop cheating Social Security with payroll-tax cut

As 2011 draws to a close, how fitting that Congress is fighting over money — again. Late Wednesday, a push to extend a payroll-tax...

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Why the Tribune wouldn't hand over its notes

William Cellini's defense attorneys didn't need a subpoena to learn what's in Annie Sweeney's notebook. All they had to do was read the...

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Reasonable doubt exists in Holly Staker slaying

Juan Rivera has spent nearly two decades in prison for the 1992 sexual assault and stabbing murder of 11-year-old Holly Staker in Waukegan....

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British PM risks isolation to protect financial services

British Prime Minister David Cameron bills himself as a "euro-skeptic," but "closet Chicagoan" might be a more apt description.

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Sposato puts kids on hold

Ald. Nicholas Sposato, 36th, has spent the last few weeks thinking about his future. His political future. The City Council is wheeling...

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More bets like Mitt's would improve the debates

Everyone seems to agree that when Mitt Romney challenged Rick Perry to bet $10,000 during Saturday's GOP debate, he committed a major gaffe....

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Four reporters may have saved pension abuse legislation

We don't expect the perpetrators — a slew of Democrats in the Illinois House — to confess. But let's all remember what they...

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The terrible cost of dropping out

American educators and parents spend years drumming a message into teenagers: Don't quit school. You won't find a job. You'll wind up in...

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Taxpayers get soaked by layers and layers of gov't

"Kill the townships, the regional school superintendents, the county recorder, the state comptroller, half of the school districts in...

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Good ideas won't be enough

Good ideas won't be enough

Chicago's ethics ordinance isn't getting the job done. It wasn't meant to, if you want to know the truth. See No Evil, Hear No Evil...

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What others are saying

When European and North American banks teetered on the brink of meltdown in 2008, requiring bailouts and extraordinary central...

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The Soldier Field fiasco

The Soldier Field fiasco

Friday, Sept. 28, 2001. Standing on turf near an end zone, Mayor Richard M. Daley defies critics of reconstructing Soldier Field to...

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Teacher report cards

Teacher report cards

For years, Chicago Public Schools principals followed a Lake Wobegon standard when evaluating teachers. Virtually every teacher was above...

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Zagel and the next crooked pols

Zagel and the next crooked pols

"He was corrupt when he took the oath of office. He was corrupt until the day he was arrested."

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Crime up, prosecutions down

Crime up, prosecutions down

We write a lot about public corruption. Let's talk about corruption outside of government.

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When a judge matters

When a judge matters

Wednesday dawns with expectancy and, for federal convict Rod Blagojevich, dread. He returns to a huge courtroom with warm wood paneling...

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Charter schools under the microscope

Charter schools under the microscope

More than 14,000 students fill charter school waiting lists in Chicago. The biggest reason for that: Parents believe their kids will gain...

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Pain seeps from the cracks in retired Rhode Island teacher John Corsetti's voice as he laments what is happening to his pension: His check...

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Governor, sign this pension abuse bill

Governor, sign this pension abuse bill

For decades, Illinois politicians have used public pension systems as their private slush funds. They've used those honey pots to provide...

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What's it going to take?

What's it going to take?

Between 1989 and 1995, a son, daughter and nephew of a single lucky constituent all were awarded state university tuition waivers by a...

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What others are saying

So it's all Grover Norquist's fault. Democrats and the media are singing in unison that the reason Congress's antideficit supercommittee has...

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Stop shopping. Read this.

Stop shopping. Read this.

Like many of you, we spend much of the day peering intently at a computer screen. We are focused. We cannot be distracted from the...

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Stop these corrupt betrayals

Recall your reaction — ours traversed the short distance separating disgust from fury — to the Tribune front-page headline of...

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Households that considered themselves comfortably middle class, and looked forward to a comfortable and secure retirement, find themselves...

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Meter cheaters

Meter cheaters

Some things shouldn't need to be said:

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Rewarding the best principals

Back in August, Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard told us his plan to overhaul the school system started not only in the...

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Runaway train

Thanks to years of budgetary excess and a protracted economic slump, there are many states that face serious fiscal crises. Then there are...

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Obama's energy crisis

Obama's energy crisis

The White House decision to back a California-based maker of advanced solar panels with a $535 million loan guarantee in 2009 looks...

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Republican comedy hour

Republican comedy hour

Casey Stengel, who managed the New York Mets in their inaugural 1962 season, when they set a record for losses, once said ruefully, "I've...

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Talking safety

Talking safety

Andrew Wegrzyn piled into a Jeep with a bunch of friends a few weeks ago for a three-block trip to a restaurant. He didn't bother with a...

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Chicago's deal of the day

Chicago's deal of the day

For a city with, at best, a mixed reputation as a hub of business innovation, Friday is big. The deal of the day? The scheduled initial...

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In plain sight

In plain sight

After Abraham Caudel was charged with sexually assaulting his 14-year-old daughter eight years ago, he hopped a Greyhound bus, crossed...

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What others are saying

(The dog evidently) became an evolutionary inevitability as soon as humans met wolves. Highly social wolves and highly social humans started...

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The big chill

The report cards for Chicago schools were nothing to take home to mom and dad, either. And yet, what's consuming the Chicago Public...

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What others are saying

Punctuation arouses strong feelings. You have probably come across the pen-wielding vigilantes who skulk around defacing movie posters and...

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We owe, we owe

We owe, we owe

President Barack Obama unveiled a modest initiative this week that's aimed at one of the most persistent drags on the U.S. economy....

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The scholarship game

For years, Illinois lawmakers have made a game of dodging an up-or-down vote on the scandal-ridden General Assembly scholarship program....

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Failing grades

Failing grades

If Illinois politicians could be ousted by a no-confidence vote, there would be a lot of empty offices in Springfield.

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Making Chicago, and Illinois, competitive

Making Chicago, and Illinois, competitive

Remember the Pepsi? In 2009, the CEO of a Massachusetts company that builds recycling equipment focused the convention industry on Chicago's...

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Gadhafi's death and culling dictators

Gadhafi's death and culling dictators

"I am not going to leave this land. I will die here as a martyr. … All of you who love Moammar Gadhafi, go out on the streets,...

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Thinking inside the box

Thinking inside the box

We were expecting a more inspired budget from CTA President Forrest Claypool.

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'Start over!'

'Start over!'

• If Chicago gets a city-owned casino, only the Illinois Gaming Board — and not Chicago's own City Hall, with its temptations to...

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Obama could lose, but who could win?

Obama could lose, but who could win?

President Barack Obama says he's the "underdog" in 2012, and now he's got the numbers to prove it. Only 42 percent of Americans are happy...

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Greek toast

Greek toast

From a financial standpoint, Greece is toast. And the sooner European bankers admit it, the better for everybody—including President...

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This doesn't help

This doesn't help

The two most visible figures in the U.S. debt crisis, House Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama, are busy playing 2012 politics....

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The wrong jobs formula

The wrong jobs formula

Elizabeth Warren is a staunch Democrat who recently left the Obama administration to run for the Senate in the unusually liberal state of...

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The Solyndra saga

The Solyndra saga

We know the Obama administration can't get enough of renewable energy. We know it can't get enough of "shovel-ready" projects for soaking up...

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The wrong stimulus

The wrong stimulus

President Barack Obama didn't use the S-word even once Thursday evening, but his American Jobs Act proposals to grow U.S. employment fully...

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Vacation elation

Vacation elation

Do vacations make us happy for long? According to studies published in recent years, not really. Not only are the positive effects of...

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The fourth revolution

The fourth revolution

"I was surprised by the level of incoherence in the system."

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Stop this train

Stop this train

The Obama administration has showered Illinois with about $1.6 billion for high-speed rail and other upgraded service, part of its vision...

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Power outage: Libya war shows limits of War Powers Act

Under the War Powers Act, President Barack Obama had until Friday to get congressional authorization to continue U.S. military operations in...

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Daley's decades

Daley's decades

"… And as we enter this new season, it's time to leave behind old setbacks, disappointments and battles. Because in the campaign...

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Obama gets in the game

Obama gets in the game

At a press conference Feb. 15, President Barack Obama defended his reluctance to offer a long-range plan for curbing the federal debt. To do...

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By now you're probably familiar with the plight of Mark Geinosky, who got 24 bogus parking tickets in 14 months. The Tribune's What's Your...

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Marital spat

Marital spat

Attorney General Eric Holder surprised many people, and provoked a few, when he said the administration will no longer fight in court to...

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Tacking right

Tacking right

President Barack Obama had been readying himself for Tuesday night's State of the Union address since the Nov. 2 election, the electorate'...

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Bedbug U.

Bedbug U.

Good night, sleep tight. Try not to think about those bloodsucking little Cimex lectularius pests, coming soon to a mattress near...

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In Illinois, bilingual learning for non-English speakers now starts in preschool

In Illinois, bilingual learning for non-English speakers now starts in preschool

With his navy slacks and dress shirt still creased from his mother's iron, 4-year-old Edenzoe Diaz reported for his first day of preschool...

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CPS report card shows many schools struggling

CPS report card shows many schools struggling

By Chicago Public Schools' own reckoning, about a quarter of its elementary schools and more than 40 percent of its high schools are...

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Move it, Washington

Looking closely at your 401(k) has been painful lately, and it's going to get even worse.

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The education president

The education president

Rhode Island's Central Falls High School faces a world of problems. Not quite half of the freshmen class of 2005 went on to graduate last...

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Price controls?

Price controls?

In anticipation of the bipartisan health care summit he has called for Thursday, President Barack Obama said last week that he was asking...

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A call to arms

A call to arms

With the new year that begins Friday, you and every other Illinois voter can begin to sweep your state and county governments clean, or...

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Obama's decision

"We must never forget. This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on 9/11 are...

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Reform? No.

Reform? No.

"We will not be part of any agreement which limits contributions from everyone except legislative leaders and political...

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Obama vs. Fox

Obama vs. Fox

When President Barack Obama made the rounds of the network talk shows last month to pitch his health care plan to the American people, Fox...

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The revolution of 2010

The revolution of 2010

Some people eager to open presents scribble daily X's on the calendar as their birthdays approach. Not us. Since mid-2008, we've instead...

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Promise a veto

Promise a veto

For all their talk last spring about making government more transparent, lawmakers flatly refused to subject themselves to the rules of...

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'First, let's protect us!'

Democratic leaders of the Illinois legislature know this much: Their inflated claims of passing bold ethics bills during their spring...

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Obama's Peace Prize ...

Obama's Peace Prize ...

Americans are often sharply divided on President Barack Obama, but most of them, across the political spectrum, probably wouldn't take issue...

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