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NCSL Fall Forum 2011

NCSL Fall Forum 2011

The Fall Forum gives you the chance to advance the States' Agenda and tackle the difficult policy issues of our time.  More

State Approaches to Evaluating School Principal Effectiveness

Webinar:  Improving principal effectiveness is a priority for state and federal policymakers.  Recent enacted bills will reform educator evaluations and tenure.  More

Ethics in the Virtual World:  October/November 2011

Be it via Facebook, Twitter, blogs or texting, legislative staff seem to agree that social media can be confusing and tough to monitor, and can raise more questions than answers.  More

Legislative Staff Organizations, Networks and Coordinating Committee
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NCSL Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee


 Tactical & Technical Teams

NCSL Contacts

2011-2012 LSCC Subcommittees and Tactical & Technical Teams

Programs & Professional Development Subcommittee 

Tara Perkinson, Virginia
Vice Chair: Earnest Sumner, Florida
Vice Chair: Jan Yamane, Hawaii
Stephanie Barrett, Vermont
Thomas Bennett, West Virginia
Sallie Bolton, Kentucky
Mary Camp, Texas
Martha Carter, Nebraska
Roger Norman, Arkansas
Linda Pittsford, Texas
Anne Sappenfield, Wisconsin
Terry Spieler, Missouri
Eddie Weeks, Tennessee
Nia Wilson, Pennsylvania


I. NCSL University and E-Learning

A. Identify opportunities to promote, strengthen and evolve these key participation tools.
B. Review and monitor existing efforts and actively pursue options for new and expanded efforts, including taking responsibility for planning and implementation of LSCC-sponsored programming activities.

II. Programs and Schedules

A. Review programming and scheduling to ensure and maximize efficiencies in allocation of time and resources for staff activities at professional development seminars, forums and the Legislative Summit.
B. Identify opportunities for continued support and expansion of staff participation in professional development activities and recommend implementation plans for increased participation.

1. Personal and district staff.
2. Young professionals.
3. Seasoned staff.
4. Others.

III. Identify and recommend programming for LSCC-sponsored sessions at the Legislative Summit and take responsibility for logistics associated with this important programming element.
IV. Coordinate with other subcommittees and NCSL staff to review and monitor professional development issues and opportunities, including those related to the Legislative Staff Management Institute. 

Communication, Community & Collaboration Subcommittee

Holly Lyons, Iowa
Vice Chair: Paula Dominguez, Rhode Island
Vice Chair: Tom Wright, Alaska
Jonathan Ball, Utah
Peter Capriglione, North Carolina
Miriam Fordham, Kentucky
Ken Levine, Texas
Lindsey Napier, Georgia
Jay Pearson, Virginia
Jimmetta Peoples, Alabama
Peggy Piety, Indiana
Mark Quiner, Wyoming
Walker Reagan, North Carolina
Chuck Truesdell, Kentucky
Lisa Wallmeyer, Virginia


I. Orientation Activities

A. Review and further develop all of the various staff orientation activities, including centralization and organization of materials, and take responsibility for LSCC-sponsored orientation activities.
B. Implement and further develop the LSCC mentorship program as a model 1-on-1 networking program that might be documented and used as a standard for other outreach activities within NCSL.

II. Membership Drive

A. Identify opportunities and make recommendations for expansion of staff involvement in NCSL.
B. Identify and target under-participating staff segments and develop plans to increase their participation.
C. Identify and target under-participating states’ staffs and develop plans for increasing their participation.

III. Community Interests

A. Identify opportunities for philanthropic and civic outreach in conjunction with communities where staff meetings are being held, including taking responsibility for the annual Lee Denim Day participation, and the annual Legislative Summit charitable activities.
B. Identify opportunities for working with academic institutions, in locations where staff meetings are held, to enhance and engage civic education potential.
C. Identify opportunities to work with LSMI program management to strengthen alumni relations and encourage them to give back their expertise to students in higher education institutions.

IV. Review and make recommendations related to the evolution of the Statehouse Ambassadors program, including the exploration of options to partner with legislator members of the NCSL Executive Committee, where appropriate.

V. Identify opportunities to use, promote and evolve NCSL’s website collaboration tools and listservs as legislative staff communication and networking tools.

VI. Coordinate with other subcommittees and NCSL staff to review and monitor communication and collaboration issues and opportunities, including outreach efforts.

Institution, Support & Efficiencies Subcommittee

Mike Sunseri, Kentucky
Vice Chair: Gary Wieman, Nebraska
Vice Chair: John Bjornson, North Dakota
Rich Beckwith, Missouri
Raul Burciaga, New Mexico
Melissa Calderwood, Kansas
Laura Clemens, Ohio
Betsey Daley, Virginia
Rick DeLeon, Texas
Mark Mitchell, Kentucky
Tim Rice, Illinois
Scott Sager, Wisconsin
Karl Spock, Texas
Jeffrey Wice, New York
Andrea Wilko, Utah


I. Public Relations

A. Take responsibility for the “Legislative Service as a Career” promotion program and aggressively pursue its utility.
B. Identify, support and create opportunities to positively highlight and promote legislative staff’s NCSL activities to states’ legislative leadership, legislative members and the public, including improved exposure of the Legislative Staff Achievement Awards, Online Democracy Award and Notable Documents Awards.

II. Review and make recommendations for renewed availability of NCSL staff-focused publications.

A. Civility Accord
B. Diversity publication
C. Legislative Staff Services publication
D. Model Code of Conduct publication
E. NCSL and You publication
F. Preserving Legislative Digital Records publication
G. Succession Planning publication
H. Others

III. Review the recent “Challenges” staff survey results and the 2011 Legislative Summit’s accompanying session suggestions to identify opportunities for incorporation of those results in current and future NCSL programming.

IV. Review and monitor activities related to the “Self-Assessment Guide for Legislative Agencies,” including development of opportunities to highlight its use and success, and to create future focus efforts.

V. Work with NCSL staff to improve the efficiency of membership information retrieval for use in program planning and outreach efforts.

A. Membership lists
B. Creation of a master list of past, present and future moderators, panelists, speakers and subject matter experts to ease ongoing program planning efforts.

VI. Coordinate with other subcommittees and NCSL staff to review and monitor institutional issues and opportunities, including recommendation of efficiencies in NCSL’s programming for legislative staff.


Senior Staff & Director Relationship Building Tactical \ Technical Team

Holly Lyons, Iowa
Vice Chair: Mark Quiner, Wyoming
Vice Chair: Earnest Sumner, Florida
Lindsey Napier, Georgia
Tim Rice, Illinois
Nia Wilson, Pennsylvania
Tom Wright, Alaska


  • Establishing, maintaining and developing relationships with legislative staff directors and senior legislative staff in states is a key component of continued legislative staff participation in NCSL activities. This team will brainstorm and recommend plans for strengthening and expanding this component and recommend activities to appropriate subcommittees and/or the LSCC, where plans can be incorporated into existing priorities.

Standing Committee Issues & Planning Tactical \ Technical Team

Linda Pittsford, Texas
Co-Chair: Chuck Truesdell, Kentucky
Stephanie Barrett, Vermont
Raul Burciaga, New Mexico
Melissa Calderwood, Kansas
Miriam Fordham, Kentucky

  • This team will review and monitor staff participation in the Standing Committees, including further development of the outcomes from the Special Workgroup on Standing Committees, as they relate to legislative staff.
  • This team will coordinate with other teams and subcommittees and NCSL staff to review and monitor activities related to the staff sections, in general, with an eye toward improvements and efficiencies, where identifiable.

NCSL Support & Operation Issues Tactical \ Technical Team

Martha Carter, Nebraska
Vice Chair: Jan Yamane, Hawaii
Vice Chair: Laura Clemens, Ohio
Paula Dominguez, Rhode Island
Tara Perkinson, Virginia
Jeffrey Wice, New York

  • Historically at LCSS meetings, suggestions and comments regarding the NCSL staff’s operational and support services to state legislative staff have arisen from discussions about ways to improve or enhance those services. This year, these suggestions and comments should be formally reported to this team for further exploration with NCSL and LSCC officers. The team will track and report on progress made to address any suggestions and comments.

NCSL Website Testing & Feedback Tactical \ Technical Team

Gary Wieman, Nebraska
Vice Chair: Anne Sappenfield, Wisconsin
Vice Chair: Mike Sunseri, Kentucky
John Bjornson, North Dakota
Ken Levine, Texas
Lisa Wallmeyer, Virginia
Andrea Wilko, Utah

  • Coordinate and cooperate with NCSL staff to identify key areas of NCSL’s website where staff interactions typically occur. Test those areas for usability, functionality and accuracy of response. Report findings to NCSL, with specific attention to interactions that do not work exactly the way a typical legislative staff user would expect, for NCSL’s attention and consideration. Special attention should be paid to registration activities, and other functions which are typically performed on a limited or annual basis.

Staff Section Officers Tactical \ Technical Team

Rich Beckwith, Missouri; Chair, NALIT
Vice Chair: Jay Pearson, Virginia; Vice Chair, LINCS
Vice-Chair: Mark Mitchell, Kentucky; Chair, RACSS
Robert Marchant, Wisconsin; President, ASLCS
Terry Spieler, Missouri; President-Elect, ASLCS
Thomas Bennett, West Virginia; Chair, LSS
Sallie Bolton, Kentucky; Vice Chair, LSS
Roger Norman, Arkansas; Chair, LSSS
Peggy Piety, Indiana; Vice Chair, LSSS
Chuck Truesdell, Kentucky; Chair, LINCS
Mary Camp, Texas; Chair, LRL
Eddie Weeks, Tennessee; Chair-Elect, LRL
Jonathan Ball, Utah; President, NALFO
Betsey Daley, Virginia; President-Elect NALFO
Peter Capriglione, North Carolina; Vice Chair, NALIT
Scott Sager, Wisconsin; Chair, NLPES
Karl Spock, Texas; Vice Chair, NLPES
Jimmetta Peoples, Alabama; President, NLSSA
Rick DeLeon, Texas; Vice President, NLSSA
Walker Reagan, North Carolina; Vice Chair, RACSS


  • This team will work together on planning, promoting and producing professional development seminars for 2012, whether joint or individual. This includes oversight of any hub location provisions, and program planning for future years.
  • This team will consider other options for providing professional development opportunities, including the use of e-learning grant funds, and provide oversight of any group collaborative efforts.
  • In consultation with the Communication, Community and Collaboration Subcommittee, this team will make recommendations related to planning, promotion and implementation of the New Staff Section Officer Orientation at the Legislative Summit.
  • This team will coordinate with other teams and subcommittees and NCSL staff to review and monitor activities related to the staff sections, in general, with an eye toward improvements and efficiencies, where identifiable.

Strategic Planning Tactical \ Technical Team

Patsy Spaw, Texas
Martha Carter, Nebraska
Laura Clemens, Ohio
Holly Lyons, Iowa
Tara Perkinson, Virginia
Linda Pittsford, Texas
Earnest Sumner, Florida
Chuck Truesdell, Kentucky
Gary Wieman, Nebraska
Tom Wright, Alaska
Jan Yamane, Hawaii


Updates as of  10/7/11

For information about the work groups, contact Larry Morandi.  Submit updates to this file to Joyce Johnson


Fall Forum 2011

 Online Learning:  NCSL University

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