5 January 2012 Last updated at 11:17 ET

Hackers take on German far rightAnonymous logo

Hackers claiming to be part of Anonymous launch a Wikileaks-style site targeting the German far-right.

Fingers nearly touchingSweden's file-sharing 'religion'

An organisation dedicated to file-sharing is officially recognised as a religion in Sweden.

Toshiba laptop from 1999Websites 'undervalue old laptops'

Websites offering to buy old laptops do not offer the "best deals", according to a Which? investigation.

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Rory Cellan-Jones Article written by Rory Cellan-Jones Rory Cellan-Jones Technology correspondent

Can Silicon Valley transform TV?

What is the problem with television - and has Silicon Valley got the answers? For the last decade we have been told that TV is ripe for an internet revolution, but so far attempts have made little impact.

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