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Where is the republicans version? Oh yeah they don't have one, cause that would be socialism.

Hasn't Republicans wanted an exchange (across state lines). Isn't this what they vowed for? Now that they have to do it, now they don't want it. Problem is more than they would rather fail the people than to be wrong/right for Obama. Look at Mitt R. He is not sure if Healthcare worked or did no work (what a joke).

Posted on Snyder rep seeks way to get health exchange going on December 17, 2011, 12:50PM

Don't forget about the Anti Bully Law Republicans came up with.

republican law - "You can Bully on grounds of religious views"
translated to - "If you are gay you SHOULD be bullied by Christians/Others cause it is wrong to be gay"

Yeah the Republicans are on the right track.

Posted on Michigan Republicans to continue economic focus on December 17, 2011, 12:44PM

Sage is speaking anti socialism while he flushes his pooo down the sewer line and then turns on the community water to wash his hands. Sure don't like social programs but still use them just the same as everyone else?

Posted on Michigan Republicans to continue economic focus on December 17, 2011, 12:40PM

Your comment makes me think of you as an old dumb white guy that has never left his arm chair.

I can agree with you that shows on TV are crap but there are some very good ones if you try hard enough.

Posted on Christian leaders join Muslims in Lowe's protest on December 17, 2011, 12:34PM

Bliss - You are laughable.

Yeah lets just forget the cost of two wars as it not important in the total debt. Your 500 billion price tag is about 1/2 to 1/3 actual costs. But costs and figures are not important on what I am about to say. If you would do some digging into history and look at countries that fail you will find that 95% of countries that have failed are do to warring for years and years.

However, don't worry about reading history just keep believing that a man named Clinton is the single handed person who has created this mess.

Cheers my delusional friend.

98% of these comments on here are against Kahn wasting time. But this is the Republican party. Republicans that have voted Republican thought that they were getting something better.

However, this is what the Republican party has turned into. They are the flag waving, in your face, neo Christan (which are not very Christan), gun touting, small government saying, tea party, Glen Beck listening, Fox News Watching freak shows.

They have gone against most everything that they had once stood for only to accomplish nothing for the people in which they represent. Don't beleive me (John MacCain, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, etc) All of their policies or ideas have changed (no war to war, healthcare to no healthcare, global warming to i don't know).

So let me get this straight! I pay for lawmakers to make laws and they come up with this to save money. In order to justify their savings approach we need to see data. How many of these so called people are they targeting. Is it even worth it? Will our taxes go down due to this?

This again shows that as a country we need to have everyone under healthcare. Then there is no arguing and bickering on who gets healthcare and who doesn't. Republicans have spent more time in finding ways to eliminate benefits and giving tax breaks to the upper class that they have failed at everything.

Posted on Michigan Senate bans domestic partner benefits on December 07, 2011, 8:38PM

Deadlyaim - Your post makes me laugh. The argument has nothing to do with him being a Christian and yet you brought it up.

I think the problem is more of issue along the line is that the US hired mercenaries not with Christianity. I have a problem with paying a mercanary 100hr and paying someone 30,000$ or less to be in the army. You know this is wrong but you are too much bull headed to admit it.

Argument has nothing to do with liberals and conservatives but hey if you want to support a Christian killer that profits from his activities then, hey I cannot stop your ignorance.

OH MY 2 Interceptions for Detroit already. I'd give matthew one more try after that PULL HIM!

Posted on Live Game Blog: Carolina Panthers at Detroit Lions on November 20, 2011, 1:25PM

Yeah, imagine that teachers are teaching as a profession to make money. Surprise, surprise.

Harley - Do you go to work to make money or do you go because you have nothing better to do.

From the sound for the title I thought they really found some crack. LOL

Ahh those lazy government workers, remember the ones republicans fired because privatizing was cheaper.

Posted on Road project payments withheld after crack found on November 19, 2011, 8:48PM


Posted on Poll shows Debbie Stabenow leading top GOP nominees on November 19, 2011, 8:45PM

Your proof is what?

Posted on Poll shows Debbie Stabenow leading top GOP nominees on November 19, 2011, 8:44PM

"Condoleezza Rice says invasion of Iraq, removal of Saddam paved the way for uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya"

LOL - Let me know when I can stop laughing.

I had a medical treatment done in Spain for 180$ Euros which would have cost at least $1000. I got it done in a week which would have taken a heck of a lot longer. That was $180 for an emergency room, doctor visit, and a ENT doctor visit.

We could learn A LOT from other countries, but why listen, because the head in sand GOP plan works much better.

Name a government program that has helped millions and millions of people.

1. Roads
2. Bridges,
3. Fire
4. Police
5. Medicare
6. Medicaid
7. SS
8. Clean water, and Air
9. Schools
10. Space exploration
11. Etc

You are a complete DUB.... You use a government program every single day. There are tons of benefits of government programs and some overrun budget and some do not. However, you think you are smart by asking a GOP FOX NEWS question. Example - The road you drive probably had a budget that was over run but was it worth it? Also, those overrun budgets are brought on by private firms under budgeting and or doing the thing wrong to begin with. One budget you probably support is the defense budget and you probably think that one is ok.

So before you start to think you are smart try and do some thinking first.

BTW: At least the law doesn't turn the medical staff into punching bags like GOP has done to teachers. Maybe Obama should make the law so that NO UNIONS are involved, Doctors should be evaluated on how many people the SAVE or CURE, everything should be outsourced, Doctors should be paid 10.50$ hour, etc.

Oh so the laws that the GOP passed to bash teachers are any better because I hear A LOT of people telling others not to get in teaching or to quit if they are teaching.

Yeah I hate it when you want to be a Michigan Contractor and Michigan requires you to buy insurance so that the the home owner is covered from your mistakes. I mean who idea is it anyway to force someone to buy insurance.

This is another thing I hate... When I go to the pump to buy gas the government forces me to buy a portion of road work through extra taxes I pay.

Here is another... When I pay my phone bill and I have to buy 911 service.

Burns me on that if I want a mail in my mailbox I have to go buy a mailbox from a private company.

Oh this one hurts.... If I want to send a letter I have to place it in a friggin envelope that I had to purchase from a private company.

Ticks me off too... As a londlord I am required to hire a licensed contractor from a private organization to work on my HVAC and hot water units.

My blood boils on this one... Building codes.... I hate them I want to erect a building why should I hire a contractor who knows what they are doing.

GRRRRRRR.... I should be able to walk out to telephone poll and hook up to any wire I want to with out the city saying I need to hire someone qualified.

Oh I could go on.... (Stop thinking like a GOP and start thinking period)

If thou shall not kill then what exactly are we doing in Afghanistan, and Iraq.

So if I get this straight women should not have an abortion cause it's wrong. However, it's ok to start a war on false information and to blow up people, places, and things in the name "protecting yourself"? I'm sorry but your way of rationalizing things are bit off.

Controversial? We have shows on TV like Kardasian, & Housewifes, and this is controversial?

Really the TParty is more organized?

Note: Watch the GOP debates, even the GOP are not wanting the TPartiers. Can I say Michelle Bachman? The TPartiers are a group of crazy irrational thinking individuals. Don't beleive me? From the picture on this column there looks to be some senior citizens in there. Governor Snyder just taxed them and their name is "Tax Enough Already". Where is the TEA party against the governor?

TEA PARTY = "We hate Obama "

Pavlov - That was my thought even before reading yours....

"The winner was Angelou Economics, an Austin, Texas, firm. It was awarded an $80,000 contract last month to benchmark Michigan’s level of incentives with other states and recommend changes to the state’s incentive spending and tax rates."

The state spent 80,000 to a company out of state on a study on how to bring/keep business in Michigan. Diss I miss something? We have two of the largest universities in the country (UofM & MSU) that would have helped have figured this out for close to FREE (but I would have not cared if they would have paid the university for the study).

I bet 99.9% the study will come back saying the economy needs to be more like Texas (cut schools, cut government, make business pay less taxes, right to work state, Republican BS, etc).

We need solar, wind, and other to stabilize the market. If we are all using gas to heat our house and gas one day goes through the roof that price destabilizes the market. Sort of like GM making huge SUVs and no small cars, high gas prices happened and GM had no sales.

Solar will not save us but it's a very reliable and readily available technology. Costs have to come down a bit but think of it this way. Should a new owner buy, build the largest home that he can get a loan for or should they build a home that is smaller and has great energy conservation (possibly with solar). Just remember that people bought 500,000$ homes and lost them because they could not afford the mortgage and upkeep.

COME ON RECALL VOTES. If Lord Snyder can flex his anti-school agenda then the people of Michigan can flex some muscle by their voice.

Ariel - Very good insight into the issue. I'd say 95% of the people that are union/teacher/education haters understood what you just said.

The various outside interest have a $ set on schools and tax payer money. Paul Scott is apart of this group to make and pass laws that favor scrapping the tax dollars off communities. People don't even understand this as the less money going into the pockets of the communities the less money is spent in those communities.

Posted on Rep. Paul Scott recall effort sparks talk of law reform on November 06, 2011, 8:34AM

No, we need sensible people making sensible laws and sensible ideas.

The Tea Party is anything but sensible. Their idea of helping out is blame the government and cut every dollar to everything. They claim less government but where have they been with Synder in power. Tea Party is a right wing hack group that the Republicans don't even like anymore. Basically Tea Party is so conservative the conservatives find them irrational. "The idiots that want spending cuts to their own government support SS, Medicare, Medicare". However, they do have one thing in common with Republicans, they will not cut spending to war, as war spending is ok but spending on someone's less fortunate drying grandma's pills is SOCIALISM.

Posted on Does education need an Occupy the Classroom? on November 04, 2011, 7:59PM

So no cars and food stamps for the poor but this is just fine... A sweet 40k SUV for the Emergency Fund Manger to drive his #$# in style.


The turnaround for Michigan started late in Grandholm's career. You could say that she started the seed to help sprout the tree. However, the problem with Republicans is not only will they not accept that she did have a positive plan for Michigan but they will take credit for her tree.

Synder has yet to create jobs and has yet to create any positive feeling in Michigan. The only positive feeling that I see is around Detroit. We had or have movies being made in the area, the Lions are winning again, and Tigers came close. However, Lansing smells really bad now days and the Republicans have really split the state into "you are with us or against us". So far their accomplishments have been to wright new needless bills and absolutely bash teachers as if they were the red headed step child.

BW- When you invest there is a chance of losing money. Being a bond holder doesn't mean you have 0 risk. Weather is be unethical/ethical or legal/illegal what the government did is when you invest there is chance of losing money.

You have no proof the money went to shore up the UAW. As everyone here with 2 brain cells remember this was started with BUSH (so did Bush want Obama to win?)

If the big three failed it would have had a huge effect across the nation. Bailing them out helped also to save suppliers too. So you are quite wrong on your assumptions as this really had nothing to do with Obama winning. Republicans would have done the same.
