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Gov. Rick Snyder signs Michigan business/income tax overhaul into law

By Peter Luke | Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 2:37 PM
rick snyder sign.jpg

Snyder and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley call the plan a game-changer for the state’s business tax climate and say it defuses the fiscal “time bomb” that allowed retirees to exempt their pension income from tax.

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phetom June 01, 2011 at 11:25AM

This still makes me vomit.

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chucknchar May 29, 2011 at 11:39AM

So my pension is now going to be taxed?

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eldiablopoco May 29, 2011 at 1:13AM

Show me the lower taxes!

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alamo8thst May 28, 2011 at 9:26PM

Snyders tax plan will be a disaster.... Because the tax takes money out of the hands of the consumer at a time when consumer spending is supposed to be reviving the crippled economy. Further more, businesses will not create one additional job unless consumer demand for the products and services they provide increase. So higher consumer taxes will curtail consumer spending and in all likelihood the economy will lose jobs. The purpose of the tax hike was to create jobs while in effect it will do the opposite. Thus far in the "economic recovery" businesses have added jobs but we are still losing jobs at a rate as high or higher than the newly added jobs. In addition, we've seen a big jump in the trade deficit which means that instead of investing in American jobs, businesses are purchasing foreign made goods instead, which spurs further domestic job losses.

The only thing this tax hike will accomplish, will be to increase the profitability of corporate America in Michigan. The money they will not have to pay the state, through Snyders corporate welfare program, will go straight to profits and they will be distributed to share holders, except that which the CEO's will rake in as a state funded bonus.

Will the business tax relief bring new business to Michigan? NO! Businesses are making too much money off of cheap imported products. They continue to raise the trade deficit and cut jobs, so what is it exactly that Synder hope to prove by giving them tax cuts?

The only solution to this problem is to place limits on imported products or reduce the attractiveness of low cost imports by applying tariffs to them, make imports marginally unattractive and jobs will return to America by the millions. There is no such thing as global free trade! It is not free to the millions of unemployed Americans. If is not free to those whose incomes have been flat or declining after inflation for the past twenty years. It is not free for those who have lost their jobs, their homes and have joined the ranks of the rapidly growing American underclasses as the separation between the haves and have nots widens. Free trade is a "free ride" for those corporations and import distributors who've become instant billionaires selling their cheap products to an ever shrinking group of American consumers.

Yes, it is a two sided coin and the Repubs will pay dearly in the next elections for shafting John Q. Public. They, in their rush to implement their idea of the far right Neo Con agenda, have stepped on the toes of the large group of Repub supporters, those who support conservative Christian ideology and vote Republican but are not the core group of economic benefactors of the Republican party, the wealthy. These people are the tax payers, who've just seen their incomes shrink as they become the funders of the Michigan's new Corporate Welfare Program.

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ka5s May 28, 2011 at 12:00PM

Oh, the griping about military pensions? Retirees can be recalled up to age 70; my CO at Phu Loi (1968) had served in WW2 and Korea; if they'd called me in '91 I would have gone as ordered. Heck, I had mobilization orders good 'til age 60, and reservists and National Guard who served in VN were being recalled and sent to Iraq. But "God and the Soldier we adore, in time of trouble, not before..."

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ka5s May 28, 2011 at 11:59AM

What an interesting bunch of comments. So Snyder is adding a tax that hasn't been collected for years? Every state with an income tax I've been in since leaving the Service taxed my military pension along with earned income. The Federal government does too (AND part of Social Security). No big thing. Redistribution of the tax burden? Looks like it, all right. 'Course, other states only taxed business profits. But it might work. Might not, too. And that's what elections are for.

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michigansue May 27, 2011 at 5:15PM

Wow....no wonder Michigan is in the shape it is......not a whole lot of very bright people on these posts. "Pay up sucka"? I suggest go back to school and do ya some larnin'!

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jimpse May 27, 2011 at 10:30PM

Mushy dont need schoolin he has about five degrees, just ask him.

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chpfn May 27, 2011 at 4:14PM

Here is that sacrifice BS again, only if it were true, if he had all to sacrifice including business this argument might have at least a sliver of validity.

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deATalenta May 27, 2011 at 3:51PM

This guy is doing what he can to keep us from drowning. Of course it will take alot of sacrifices and I am sure people are gonna hate him for it. But he seems to be most focused on producing jobs we so desperately need, and he has hardly NOTHING to work with.

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Know the Facts May 27, 2011 at 4:19PM

@ deAT;
Sorry, but this guy is doing what he can to line the pockets of cigar chomping CEO's.

Annual tax cuts to Michigan Businesses = $1.7 BILLION
Annual jobs expected to be created = 24,000
Resulting cost per job = $70,000

Not a very good return on our investment, is it?


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gencountycit May 27, 2011 at 1:14PM

CuriousONe --- you aren't curious enough or you would know Engler left the budget in a shambles and Jennifer had to clean up after him,,,,just like Obama has to clean up after Bush. There is a statistically proven history at the national level that shows we do better financially under Democratic presidents, from many sources. Since World War II, Democratic presidents have consistently produced greater GDP growth, lower unemployment, and lower inequality than Republican presidents (without producing substantially higer inflation). The differences are remarkable and stand up to virtually every challenge that can be thrown at them (outliers, technology, etc.).
Check the facts, don't just watch Faux notnews and listen to Limbaugh shove lies down your throat.

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Know the Facts May 27, 2011 at 4:23PM

From C1's textbook, "Laws of Expert Macroeconomics":

ALL constructive statistics shall be attributed to republicans.
ALL detrimental statistics shall be attributed to democrats.

I have to wonder, did C1 learn these universal rules at a Limbaugh lecture or a Beckonomics class?


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deATalenta May 27, 2011 at 4:11PM

While Obama was 'cleaning the mess' he dropped $3.5 trillion dollars..so who is gonna clean up that mess?

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Know the Facts May 27, 2011 at 4:26PM

Obviously not the top 2%!!!

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