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Staff columnists
Ask Amy

Ask Amy

Holiday houseguests: The more, the messier - December 15, 2011 - Dear Amy: My brother and his teenage children come to visit for the holidays and stay for three to five days at our house.

Barbara Brotman

Barbara Brotman

This holiday, spend time — not money - December 12, 2011 - I found myself chatting recently with a young woman who was finding the holidays especially nonpeaceful.

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

Vladimir Putin's divided Russia - December 15, 2011 - Moscow is not a city of ghosts, but on Saturday, tens of thousands of figures were seen marching in the Russian capital chanting, "We exist! We exist!" That might seem like an exercise in the obvious. But the crowd thought a reminder was in order...

Teddy Greenstein

Teddy Greenstein

Michigan may hold key to NU's bowl destination - November 27, 2011 - For Northwestern fans, it's not quite time to pass the oregano.

David Haugh's In the Wake of the News

David Haugh's In the Wake of the News

Bears look as if they dropped the ball - December 15, 2011 - On the day before Sam Hurd signed a $4.15 million contract with the Bears last July, he was talking his way out of trouble with Homeland Security officials in Texas who found $88,000 cash and marijuana in his car.

Melissa Harris' Chicago Confidential

Melissa Harris' Chicago Confidential

James Pritzker to restore, open Frank Lloyd Wright's Emil Bach House - December 15, 2011 - Retired Col. James Pritzker is most known for the 8-year-old military library that bears his name. And the meticulous restoration of the library's new home, the Monroe Building on South Michigan Avenue, is winning him praise.

Globetrotting by Philip Hersh

Globetrotting by Philip Hersh

Saint Xavier playing for 1st NAIA title - December 13, 2011 - Football success is nothing new to either the Fejedelem brothers or Saint Xavier University.

Jon Hilkevitch's Getting Around

Jon Hilkevitch's Getting Around

New master plan emerges to transform Union Station - December 12, 2011 - Extravagant proposals to transform Union Station in Chicago from a 1920s passenger depot into a modern transportation center have come and gone like passing trains.

Ask Rex Huppke: I Just Work Here

Ask Rex Huppke: I Just Work Here

I Just Work Here: Networking's gender gap - December 12, 2011 - I recently received an advance copy of a book that has the word "SEX" in the title in big, red capital letters and, because I'm a sucker and a guy, I opened it and started looking for pictures.

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Drury Lane finds its Mama Rose - December 15, 2011 - The Drury Lane Theatre in Oakbrook Terrace has cast its Mama Rose in William Osetek's production of "Gypsy." The infamous stage mother will be played by Klea Blackhurst, known for her albums and concert performances and also for the well-received...

Gregory Karp

Gregory Karp

Cash vs. credit mindset - December 15, 2011 - You know what they say about beauty and the beholder? It apparently lies in the eye of the cardholder too.

John Kass

John Kass

Charlotte the deer gets gift of life from Tribune readers - December 16, 2011 - It looks as if Charlotte the deer — the gentle creature who thinks she's a horse — isn't going to be killed for Christmas by the state of Wisconsin after all.

Julia Keller

Julia Keller

Sherlock Holmes in a skirt - December 3, 2011 - When Tasha Alexander strolls the streets of Chicago, she doesn't much see Wrigley Field or the Chicago River or Logan Square. Or Honda Civics.

Rick Kogan's Sidewalks

Rick Kogan's Sidewalks

Listening back to the golden age of holiday music - December 10, 2011 - We all have our holiday traditions and almost all are accompanied by music.

Greg Kot

Greg Kot

Concert review: Wilco at the Civic Opera House - December 12, 2011 - Pat Sansone showed off his opera voice. John Stirratt played some fuzz-tone lead bass. Glenn Kotche danced on the drums with his sticks and then stood on them with arms raised as though he were in a band playing Kiss covers. Mikael Jorgenson packed...

Gail MarksJarvis

Gail MarksJarvis

In a gift-buying bind? Books worth a read - December 16, 2011 - If there is someone on your holiday shopping list who would like to put the rough times of the last few years into perspective or start the year right with a more thoughtful approach to investing, I have some ideas for you.

Nina Metz

Nina Metz

Forbidden love at the nexus of gripping new project - December 15, 2011 - As the year winds down, local filmmaker Malachi Leopold is revving up efforts for a unique project based on the experiences of his Uncle Alex, who was a Peace Corps volunteer in Iran during the late 1960s and '70s.

Clarence Page

Clarence Page

Americans would benefit from a Muslim version of the Huxtables - December 14, 2011 - A conservative Christian group has launched a boycott against "All-American Muslim." The TLC cable TV reality show about Muslim families in America fails to live down to the group's narrow-minded stereotypes. Their gripe, in my view, makes about as...

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips

'Dangerous Method' a nuanced Freudian trip – 3 1/2 stars - December 15, 2011 - The doctor-patient relationship is a sure way to attract an audience's prurient interest, as long as proper ethical boundaries are ignored. This brings us to a movie by and for grown-ups with actual attention spans: "A Dangerous Method."

Mike Mulligan

Mike Mulligan

Injuries expose flawed roster - December 13, 2011 - The Bears margin for error this season was always microscopic. Now it's that way in game plans, too.

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Mary Ellen Podmolik

Ways to keep remodeling costs, and frustration, down - December 16, 2011 - It'll soon be that time of year when the holidays are over, homeowners take shelter inside their abodes, take a long hard look around and decide it's time to plan a remodeling project.

Dan Pompei

Dan Pompei

Bears on learning curve - December 15, 2011 - From the moment the bone snapped in Jay Cutler's thumb to the moment the handcuffs snapped on Sam Hurd's wrists, we have learned plenty about this Bears team.

Howard Reich

Howard Reich

Jazz meets Jewish music in a Hanukkah jam - December 15, 2011 - Holiday concerts are plentiful at this time of year, but few resemble the one that will unfold Sunday afternoon at Spertus.

Phil Rogers

Phil Rogers

Cubs bid for Darvish - December 14, 2011 - Daisuke Matsuzaka hasn't fulfilled the expectations that came with a $103 million commitment. But he helped Theo Epstein win a World Series ring in 2007, and he hasn't scared the Cubs' new president away from the high price of elite international...

Phil Rosenthal

Phil Rosenthal

Tax wishes keep Sears, CBOE, CME Group home in Illinois for holidays and beyond - December 14, 2011 - Remember when Sears' hefty holiday "Wish Book" was required reading each December for anyone looking to compile a truly thorough requisition list of gifts and toys as reward for a year of not-awful behavior?

Ameet Sachdev's Chicago Law

Ameet Sachdev's Chicago Law

More graduates of elite law schools finding work outside law firms - December 16, 2011 - Amid a growing debate about the value of going to law school in times of economic uncertainty, the University of Chicago is happy to report that its graduates are doing very well, thank you very much.

Mary Schmich

Mary Schmich

CTA job may carry apprentice to next stop - December 16, 2011 - "You might want to stand back," says Brandell Kemp. "This stuff is kind of strong."

Dawn Turner Trice

Dawn Turner Trice

Unexpected loss leads to grief — and inspiration - December 14, 2011 - Scott Bauer's 43-year-old wife, Lauri, died unexpectedly last Jan. 5. Though it has been a tough year for Bauer and his three sons, he calls the holidays a particularly "awful" time for children dealing with grief.

Phil Vettel

Phil Vettel

Flying high on a new day - December 15, 2011 - The question for me is whether Blackbird is a four-star restaurant with three-star amenities, or a three-star restaurant with four-star cuisine.

John von Rhein

John von Rhein

Composer's friendship with CSO principal yields special gift, a violin concerto - December 13, 2011 - How many composers are fortunate enough to have a brand-new work performed by two major soloists with two major orchestras under two major conductors, only a few months apart?

Ellen Warren

Ellen Warren

The working equation: Move more, eat less - December 14, 2011 - You finally decide to get off the couch and start an exercise program. You faithfully go to the gym, walk in the neighborhood, swim, bike — whatever — and your weight stays stubbornly the same.

Jen Weigel

Jen Weigel

Hey big spender! - December 15, 2011 - You like to shop — but not just anywhere. Only the best will do for you. But there's one problem: You don't have an unlimited budget. So why do you still feel entitled to have designer labels when it makes more financial sense to grab the...

Jon Yates' "What's Your Problem?"

Jon Yates' "What's Your Problem?"

Problem Solver: Readers react to bank fees - December 15, 2011 - Last Thursday's column about 18-year-old Daniel Ganziano and his $229.10 in overdraft fees from TCF Bank seems to have struck a nerve.

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn

2012: The year in preview - December 14, 2011 - "Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to."

Other columnists
Matt Bowen

Matt Bowen

Denver's altitude could leave Bears gasping - December 10, 2011 - "I can't breathe."

Dennis Byrne

Dennis Byrne

Sara Lee should move to honor Chicago's troops - December 13, 2011 - For uncounted thousands of Chicago-area men, last week's announcement that Sara Lee Corp. was moving from Downers Grove to a West Loop office building meant something other than a story about Mayor Rahm Emanuel poaching suburban businesses.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

The 'hot mess' of U.S. politics - December 16, 2011 - A delightfully useful and versatile term has been floating around a lot lately: "hot mess." Usually it refers to a person, often (but not always) a woman, whose behavior is exceedingly self-destructive but who remains exceedingly compelling...

Leah Eskin

Leah Eskin

A trifle decadent - December 11, 2011 - The massive holiday meal should be followed by a trifle of dessert. Nothing so overbearing as to make the revelers repent, and nothing so trifling as to be mistaken for fruit. It should be pleasing to the eye, pleasing to the palate and...

Ilyce Glink & Samuel Tamkin

Ilyce Glink & Samuel Tamkin

How to recognize a good offer - December 12, 2011 - Our friends received an offer for their house while they were away on vacation. The initial offer came in about 12 percent below their asking price.

Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg

GOP presidential race: What's the rush? - December 8, 2011 - In 2008, the Democrats were blessed with two candidates the party's rank-and-file admired almost as much as the press corps did. Ultimately, Barack Obama, the hope-and-change guy, was more popular than Hillary Rodham Clinton if for no other...

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

The Hundred Years' German War - December 15, 2011 - The rise of a German Europe began in 1914, failed twice, and has now ended in the victory of German power almost a century later. The Europe that Kaiser Wilhelm lost in 1918, and that Adolf Hitler destroyed in 1945, has at last been won by German...

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington

On Obama, Teddy Roosevelt, and the not-so-fierce urgency of maybe next term - December 14, 2011 - "What's happened to the American deal that says, you know, we are focused on building a strong middle class? That is not a left or right position. That is an American position."

Benny Kass

Benny Kass

Getting to the root of tree law - December 16, 2011 - Q: I live with my girlfriend at her house. I am trying to fix our backyard, and we have a neighbor behind us with a 100-year-old oak tree. There are two main trunks of that tree hanging over our fence line. We are not talking about some small...

Joyce Lain Kennedy

Joyce Lain Kennedy

Interest surges in online freelance jobs - December 14, 2011 - Q. A couple of years ago, I read your advice about mapping out a job search campaign before blasting onto the job market. Yesterday I learned that my department will be downsized. With my continued employment up in the air, I'm thinking about...

Robert Koehler

Robert Koehler

The spiritual jackpot - December 15, 2011 - The topic was "Indians of the Midwest" and the professor was knowledgeable and conveyed serious respect for Native culture, but something kept gnawing at me as she talked.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Obama's campaign for class resentment - December 12, 2011 - WASHINGTON — In the first month of his presidency, Barack Obama averred that if in three years he hadn't alleviated the nation's economic pain, he'd be a "one-term proposition."

Dan McNeil

Dan McNeil

Tebow bashing misguided - December 8, 2011 - One doesn't need to look far to discover something in sports worthy of one's ire. In some cases, even contempt is justifiable.

Robert Pagliarini: Your Other 8 Hours

Robert Pagliarini: Your Other 8 Hours

Create your own 'Top 10' list - December 14, 2011 - If you are reading this, you have been given an incredible gift (and no, I'm not referring to this column!). You've lived another year. An entire year. You've experienced moments filled with laughs and tears, shouts and hugs. It may have been a...

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Romney's $10,000 wager was right - December 15, 2011 - — Oh, quelle gaffe.

Mark Pearlstein

Mark Pearlstein

Stripping management's financial power a bad move - December 16, 2011 - Q: Our board of directors decided to take away from the management company certain tasks such as the payment of bills, allegedly, the board claimed, because management was late on payments and paid other bills without authorization. When I...

William Pfaff

William Pfaff

Brussels agreements increase Germany's role in EU - December 13, 2011 - VIENNA -- The great economic crisis has given birth to a smaller and tighter monetary union in Europe, under the influence of a Germany that is undergoing a certain estrangement from its European partners. This amounts to a possibly dangerous wager...

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Iraq Syndrome - December 14, 2011 - This won't be Vietnam, exactly. No helicopter whisking the last remaining Americans off the roof of the embassy. A contingent of 16,000 State Department contract employees -- more than 5,000 of them armed mercenaries -- will be staying on,...

Janet Portman

Janet Portman

Exercise room carries risk of liability claims - December 16, 2011 - Q: We'd like to add an exercise room to our modest apartment complex as a way to attract tenants. But I'm worried about liability. Is there any way I can protect myself from a lawsuit if, for example, someone gets injured and claims that I was...

Bill Press

Bill Press

God doesn't care about politics or football - December 15, 2011 - Psssst! Don't tell anybody, but I have a secret. I talk to God every day. And she told me herself: She doesn't give a fig who wins the Republican primary. But you'd never know that, listening to today's Christian political charlatans.

Dean Richards

Dean Richards

Patton Oswalt gets serious in 'Young Adult' - December 3, 2011 - NEW YORK — You'd mostly recognize Patton Oswalt's face from stand-up comedy or a variety of supporting comedy roles on shows including "The King of Queens," "Reno 911" and "Community."

Mary Sanchez

Mary Sanchez

Of meatheads and Muslims - December 15, 2011 - Where is Archie Bunker when you need him?

Daneen Skube: Interpersonal Edge

Daneen Skube: Interpersonal Edge

How to handle a paranoid colleague - December 13, 2011 - Q. I work with someone who always finds the worst possible interpretation for anything anyone does. I've bent over backwards trying to make this guy feel safe, and to see that I have good intentions and am not out to get him. Nothing works. How...

David Sobolewski

David Sobolewski

'We had bigger goals' - March 21, 2011 - Obviously, the Benet team and community had an extremely rough time with the unexpected end to the season.

Carl Thomas

Carl Thomas

Obama's latest '60 Minutes' interview - December 15, 2011 - President Obama doesn't suffer from amnesia, but apparently he hopes the public does.

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks

Joe Trost's Corner Kicks soccer blog | Let's talk about rankings - November 10, 2011 - There will always be debates when it comes to rankings.

Mary Umberger

Mary Umberger

What it takes to get on reality home shows - December 15, 2011 - If you channel-surf through cable, the home renovation and real estate shows are hard to miss. Every day, all day long, viewers can watch somebody ripping out old bathroom tiles or turning a backyard into something that looks like it came from...

Bob Weber

Bob Weber

Anti-lock brakes sensitive - December 9, 2011 - Q: I have a 2001 Chevy Astro van with AWD and 69K miles. The front hubs were replaced at about 55K miles and the brake system flushed and refilled around 62K miles.

George Will

George Will

What it was, was football - November 10, 2011 - WASHINGTON — A few millennia from now, when archaeologists from an ascendant Brazil or Turkey or wherever sift the shards of American civilization and find the ruins of the Big House in Ann Arbor, Mich., they will wonder why a 109,901-seat...

In case you missed it ...