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November 6, 2011

Headache Pictures Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Migraine Headaches

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on August 23, 2010

Woman with a migraine.

Illustration concept of a headache.

Photo of a staircase.

A tired woman yawning.

Migraine illustration.

Blurred photo of city lights.

A man solving a problem on the blackboard.

A woman drinking coffee.

Birth control pills.

Chinese food.

Wine and cheese.

Woman with a cup of coffee.

A diary and medicine.

A man in a crowd.

A child with a headache.

A doctor talking with a patient.

A headache quiz.

A spoon full of medicine pills.

A woman taking triptan.

A woman using nasal spray.

A woman holding medicine.

A man with medicine in a glass drink.

Pill box.

A woman doing biofeedback and relaxation training.

Acupuncture performed ona man.

A grandmother pushing a child on a swing.

A woman calling the doctor.

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