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November 10, 2011

Bipolar Disorder Overview Pictures Slideshow

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on March 27, 2009

The effects of bipolar disorder are similar to that of people riding a roller coaster - up one minute and then down the next.

A man with bipolar disorder laying in bed experiencing depression.

Poor judgement and risky behavior such as gambling are manic phase symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Hypomania (sudden increased energy) can be a disruptive behavior as this woman with bipolar II does the limbo feeling like the life of the party.

A person may experience mixed bipolar disorder (depression and mania at the same time) even while doing a favorite activity such as playing music.

An image scan of the human brain.

Bipolar disorder affects males and females equally.

A man struggling to deal with his bipolar disorder.

Woman relieveing her mood swings by taking a shot of alcohol and smoking a cigarette.

A bipolar depressed man thinking about commiting suicide.

A crucial step in diagnosing bipolar disorder is to rule out other possible causes of extreme mood swings.

Lithium and other mood stabilizers can smooth out the wild cycle of ups and downs.

Talk therapy can help patients stay on medication and cope with their disorder's impact on work and family life.

Regular aerobic exercise such as going for a bike ride can help mange bipolar disorder.

Electroconvulsive therapy can help if a person with bipolar disorder becomes suicidal, psychotic, or dangerous to others.

By educating friends and family about bipolar disorder, patients can receive more compassion and support.

Patients need to know that millions of Americans have bipolar disorder and that it is a treatable illness – not a personality flaw.

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