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LMFAO!!! What a ridiculous lineup. Good job building this team Joe!

Posted on Detroit Pistons announce starting lineup for preseason opener on December 16, 2011, 1:36PM

This is hysterical. Joe, please ship this bozo out of town ASAP!

Have not progressed? Got blown off the court by Duke and NC? Did you even watch those games?

I ordered his jersey already. Guess I'll have to return it.

I would have not brought him back and let the young players develop. We're going to stink anyway so why have Prince in there taking up minutes that the young players could be using?

20? What are you smoking??

They'd need a lot of things to go right to win 20

I'm sorry folks but Dumars has to go! How can you supporters of him not see that now? What is he thinking? Unless he brought him back for a sign and trade, this makes no sense.

I like Jerebko but no way would I have brought Prince back.

What's next, re-upping Rip?

Fire Dumars!!!

Big whoop, he stinks.

Just tank and hope for Sullinger. That's the best strategy at this point.

If that's what makes Hart feel better about himself, fine. Whatever.
Both teams had great seasons and are playing teams they should be able to beat in the Bowl games.

Us Spartan fans need to focus on beating Georgia and then the offseason. The BCS system is the system we play by. It is what it is.

I agree that the program has been built to last. Dantonio has put together great depth both sides of the ball, but particularly on defense.
There will be a learning curve next year with Maxwell taking the helm but he has a great arm and is a smart kid. Our O line will have experience and our RBs are all solid upperclassmen with the youngster Hill getting more of a role. The WRs will be the weakest link offensively, IMO.

On defense, whether or not Worthy comes back, the cupboard is full.

Fellow MSU fans:

Please stop complaining about the situation. It plays right into all the critics and Walmarters hands. Let's go out and beat Georgia. There's nothing we can do to change the situation.

We know we beat Michigan. We know we won the Legends division. That's not going to change. If the Walmarters think getting into a BCS bowl game means they are a better team, let them keep thinking that. We have all the proof we need.

Let's shift the focus to Georgia.

Let's just worry about beating Georgia. The Bowl system/BCS are the rules they play by. No one really understands it. When we complain about this, we are stooping to Michigan's level. It is what it is. We lost a heartbreaker to Wisconsin but the point is, we lost. Life goes on.

Let's beat Georgia and get another 11 win season.

I agree. The Big Ten is no longer a two team conference like the Walmarters think it is.

MSU, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, will all be difficult teams to beat for Michigan and OSU.

MSU has an outstanding defense returning (especially if Worthy comes back) and as for the offense the running backs and O line are still there. WR and QB will be weak spots at first but let's not pretend Maxwell is a nobody. He's been with the program for 3 years now. He has a strong arm. It's not like he's a freshman starting.

Niether of those scenarios involve your precious Wolverines. If we win the game on Saturday, we will win the Big Ten Championship for a second consecutive year. We'd be playing with house money and a Rose Bowl win would be awesome but a loss wouldn't take anything away from our conference championship.

You're pretty confidence? What you are is a Walmart Wolverine.

This championship game is pitting the two best teams in the conference against each other as it should. If you can't see that, you have some serious problems and no credibility whatsoever.

MSU had the most difficult schedule of anyone in the Big Ten and only lost once (on the road) in the conference. We also beat Wisconsin (winner of the other division).

After we were 11-1 last year all the Michigan fans said "Oh, you're just a flash in the pan, one good year doesn't make you a good program." Suddenly though, they have one good season and they're "back." Interesting double standard if you ask me. We are 21-4 over the last two years.
Even if we beat Wisconsin and then go on to the Rose Bowl, we'll still have to hear about how "great" Michigan's recruiting class is. I dunno, I'd rather have the Big Ten Championships and the Rose Bowl over getting ranked high on Scout.com's recruiting rankings, but hey that's just me.

We will definitely be off of the radar next year. Media will be slobbering all over the thought of Urban Meyer at OSU and as for Walmart U, if you thought they were obnoxious about their incoming recruiting class when they first got the kids to committ, wait til the spring. They will be talking national title and if they're not #1 in the preseason poll it will be a travesty (in their minds).

Meanwhile, the MSU defense will be at least as good as this year (especially if Worthy stays), maybe better. The offense loses key playmakers at WR and the QB but the running game and offensive line are still there and Maxwell has been around the program for a few years now, so he's not some bum.

Walmarters need to understand that this conference is no longer a two team conference. MSU, Wisconsin, Penn State, Nebraska, even Iowa, are all threats.

Are you kidding? Michigan would get smoked by Houston.

If we are in the Eastern Conference next year then Toronto or Boston would be the perfect opponent. Either way, it has to be an Original 6 opponent. Either that or Pittsburgh.

I would much rather take my chances with Penn State and a defensive game.

I'm sure Wisconsin wants a rematch so badly and it's extremely difficult to beat a team more than once in a year. They moved the ball on us and the revenge factor would be very, very motivating for them. Their coaches would just keep showing them the tape of the hail mary and celebration. No thanks. I'll take Penn State.

Plus, I would like to beat as many of the teams in the BT as possible. If we play Penn State then the only BT team we did not play would be Purdue.

Fewer rednecks out there since hunter is so expensive now and it cuts into their cigarette and beer budgets.

The headline is funny. Panthers not worried about dirty talk. Didn't realize they were into that kind of stuff. To each his own I guess.

I don't know a whole lot about Texas Southern but what I do know is that our young team competed hard against both UNC and Duke and was not embarrassed by either team. These kids will get better as the season goes on. There already appears to be more chemistry than there ever was last year after just two games. This "softer" part of the schedule will be good for everyone. I really think Dawson is going to be awesome, just not sure how soon that will happen.

Big whoop, he stinks anyway.

Photos from Madden's Lounge Buck Pole Wednesday night in Davison

Look at all these rednecks 'gittin er done'

A Walmart Wolverine, obsessed with MSU.... I'm shocked

I thought we rebounded extremely well and played relatively good defense.

My question is, who is going to be our "go to" guy? I think it will end up being Dawson but I'd love to see it being one of the guards. Wood will probably be that guy once he learns our system. He looked a little lost, I thought.
