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December 13, 2011
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Super Bowl Parties the Healthy Way!

Have a Safe and Healthy Super Bowl Celebration

How to Eat Healthy on Super Bowl Sunday

Whether you are having or going to a party, these tips provide a Healthy Game Plan for Super Bowl Sunday.

Eat healthy

Avoid a false start with fattening foods. Eat healthy snacks before the celebration, or better yet, take healthy snacks with you to prevent overindulging.

Hosting the party? Add healthy snacks to your menu instead of just the typical pizza and wings. Go for the super bowl trophy by serving all healthy snacks.

Consider food safety

As you prepare game day meals and snacks, take steps to avoid serving recalled products and follow food safety guidelines to prevent illness.

Follow the Four Rules of Food Safety

  1. Clean,

  2. Separate,

  3. Cook,

  4. Chill.

Limit alcohol

Don't get a penalty for drinking and driving. Take steps to make sure you and other guests you celebrate with avoid driving under the influence of alcohol.

  • Plan ahead. Always designate a non-drinking driver before any party or celebration begins.

  • Don't drink and drive or let others drink and drive.

  • Be a helpful host by reminding your guests to designate a sober driver and offer alcohol-free beverages.

Alcohol is common during super bowl celebrations, but be mindful that for pregnant women, consuming alcohol can cause babies to be born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a lifelong condition that causes physical and mental disabilities.

Get physical activity

Score a first down by adding games that include physical activity. Physical activity doesn't need to be hard to be beneficial. Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates, and that strengthen your muscles.

  • Dance along with the music during half time or put on your own half-time show.

  • Take the fun outside and play a game of half-time tag football.

  • Make your own cheers with your favorite moves.

  • Lift hand weights, stretch, or use a stationary bicycle or treadmill while watching television.

Stay warm

If it's going to be cold, take these steps to stay warm on game day.

  • If you are tailgating or celebrating outdoors, dress warmly and wear loose-fitting, layered clothes.

  • Outer garments should be tightly woven and water-repellent.

  • Drink warm liquids that do not contain caffeine or alcohol. Alcoholic drinks cause your body to lose heat more quickly.

  • Keep heat sources at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.

Stay safe

Parties and tailgating can be fun, but it's important to pay close attention to things that may cause injury and take precautions. Injuries, both unintentional and intentional acts of violence, are among the top ten killers for Americans of all ages. Injuries (for example, concussions, and brain injuries) can cause pain and inconvenience, and even lead to disability, chronic pain, and a profound change in lifestyle.

  • Never leave children unattended.

  • Avoid wearing clothing or costumes that block your vision or restrict your movement.

  • Make sure your pets can handle the excitement before placing them in new or strange situations.

  • Never use generators, grills, camp stoves, or other gasoline, propane, natural gas, or charcoal-burning devices inside your home, basement, garage, or camper. Even when using these items outdoors, make sure they are not near an open window.

  • Have a fire extinguisher nearby when cooking or using a grill in case there's an accidental flare-up.

  • Have a first-aid kit in your home and vehicle to handle injuries like small cuts and bumps and bruises.

  • Wear seatbelts.

  • Wear appropriate protective gear when playing a pick-up game or riding bicycles, motorcycles, and skateboards.

Try these healthy recipes for your Super Bowl Feast this year!

Enjoy the game!

SOURCE: CDC.gov. Have a Safe and Healthy Super Bowl Celebration.

Last Editorial Review: 2/3/2011 1:20:31 PM

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