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December 5, 2011
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Kinesio Taping Method and Kinesio Tex Tape

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Kinesio Tex Tape was created and developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in 1973. It is a treatment that is felt to prolong the effects of physiologic work done. After many unsuccessful attempts to use adhesive tapes that were commercially available, Dr. Kase developed Kinesio Tex Tape.

What is the Kinesio Taping Method?

The Kinesio Taping Method is felt to cause physiological effects on several body systems. The systems affected by the body are thought to include the circulatory/lymphatic, neural, muscular, and fascial systems, as well as the joints. Kinesio Taping is currently being used by therapists to change muscle tone, move lymphatic fluids, correct movement patterns, and improve posture. The Kinesio Taping Method is a unique method of applying Kinesio Tex Tape in a specific manner to create change in the aforementioned systems. Benefits of using the tape are that it is more economical over time than other modalities, it is easy to learn and apply, there are less types of tape, and it may be used over a longer period of time.

Picture of Kinesio Tape

The Kinesio Taping Method differs from athletic strapping tape and the traditional McConnell Taping Method. Athletic strapping tape is used mostly to limit ranges of motion and to constrict muscle movement. The effect of this method is to create a bridge over the areas that are injured so that athletes can perform sport movements and have either prophylactic support or support to an injured part of the body. Athletic tape is typically removed after the end of an athletic event.

The McConnell Taping Method is a technique that tapes body parts to affect a specific biomechanical movement. McConnell Tape uses a very rigid, highly adhesive tape that is applied for no more that 18 hours and often for shorter periods of time due to patient discomfort.

Image of Kinesio Tape

The Kinesio Taping Method has been developed specifically to be used in conjunction with Kinesio Tape. The Kinesio Taping Association certifies practitioners of the Kinesio Taping Method. Kinesio Tape can be identified by the words "Kinesio Tex" printed on the back of the tape.

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