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Indians now turning to surrogacy?

Indians now turning to surrogacy? New Delhi: Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao are among the first celebrities to talk about it openly, but how many Indians are turning to surrogacy? Or even know about the possibilities of IVF? It's a pressing issue given that 30 million couples in India struggle with infertility. A boon to those couples, In-Vitro Fertilisation or IVF is a technique in which eggs are fertilised outside the body, and then implanted...
01:54:55 PM Dec 07, 2011

Living with Autism and the negative comments

Living with Autism and the negative comments Mumbai: At least 1 million people in India live with autism, a condition that is still very poorly understood. For many parents of children with disabilities, the big challenge is teaching the world to adapt. From birth, Chitra knew that something wasn't quite right with her son Shravan, who as an infant, he never made eye contact. Chitra said, "We noticed that he was not doing the regular coo-ing or...
08:48:52 AM Dec 06, 2011

Your fitness queries answered

Your fitness queries answered New Delhi: You wrote in with your questions, yoga expert Shalini Vadehra replies. 1) Syed Inayath asks: Please can you suggest how much time we have to spent on yogasans. What is the importance of inhaling and exhaling. Shalini: Dear Syed, One must try to hold on to a posture for 20 to 30 seconds..but if you are a beginner..to get into the correct posture and holding it for even...
05:03:46 PM Dec 05, 2011

How to recognise the symptoms of a deadly stroke

How to recognise the symptoms of a deadly stroke New Delhi: Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the country, after heart disease and cancer. While a massive stroke can kill you within minutes, you can save yourself if you recognise the symptoms in time. Dr Amit Verma, speaking to CNN-IBN, marks out what you can do to save yourself. Symptoms of a stroke: A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or...
09:50:20 AM Dec 02, 2011

30 years of HIV: Still no vaccine for AIDS

30 years of HIV: Still no vaccine for AIDS Mumbai: Thirty years since the first reported case of a person infected with the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus or HIV and 25 million deaths later, there's still no realistic prospect of a vaccine against the disease, AIDS. One of the main reasons is that HIV is such a complex virus! There are two strains - both with three subtypes each and different continents see different sub-types. So far, scientists have identified...
09:21:57 AM Dec 01, 2011
Do yoga to relieve back pain

Do yoga to relieve back pain

Doing two yoga asanas can relieve you of back pain, but do consult your doctor before trying the asans. ...
09:27:32 AM Nov 30, 2011

2.3 million people in India living with HIV

2.3 million people in India living with HIV New Delhi: Just a few days before the World AIDS day, an eye-opening report says at least 2.3 million people in the country are living with the virus. Many survivors have been fighting for quality of life. At least 2.3 million Indians live with HIV/AIDS, though the latest UNAIDS report states that the rate of infection in India has come down. It's no longer a death sentence, as survivor and...
09:27:13 AM Nov 29, 2011

For flawless skin, go the Dracula way

For flawless skin, go the Dracula way New Delhi: Are you one of those who saw Stephnie Meyer's 'Twilight' and wondered what was the secret of the vampire's flawless skin? If yes, then you will be pleased to know that Dracula therapy is very well in your reach. Doctors in New Delhi have named the latest skin rejuvenation technique, Stimulated Self Serum skin therapy, after one of the most popular vampires of all times and it is...
01:02:23 PM Nov 23, 2011

It's 45 cats vs 850 TB patients at Mumbai hospital

It's 45 cats vs 850 TB patients at Mumbai hospital Mumbai: It is not just a stubborn, multi-drug resistant form of tuberculosis that patients admitted to the Sewri TB hospital have to battle against every day -- rather, it's full-fledged war between man and beast at the civic-run facility. Daily at the hospital, end-stage TB patients -- weakened by their prolonged battle with the disease -- have to wage a veritable struggle with the 45-strong cat army, for basic resources...
11:44:36 AM Nov 23, 2011
Yoga asanas for stress relief

Yoga asanas for stress relief

Yoga expert Shalini Vadera tells you about the asanas that help relieve stress. ...
03:14:14 AM Nov 23, 2011

Beware! Farm-fresh veggies can cause cancer

Beware! Farm-fresh veggies can cause cancer Bangalore: For these alluringly green vegetable are irrigated with untreated sewage water that contain high levels of lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury and arsenic, a research by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) suggests. According to the study, the menace takes alarming proportion as consignments of such unsafe vegetables are making inroads into the city market uninterrupted from adjoining areas in the absence of a system to check the edibility of...
11:40:59 AM Nov 22, 2011

Just like any other eight year old

Not Quite Miscellaneous |  Shalini

Frankly speaking, you don't know what to expect till it is in front of your eyes. Going to meet an eight-years-old kid dealing with epilepsy, ...
03:09:54 PM Nov 21, 2011
Japanese Encephalitis vaccines to be ready soon

Japanese Encephalitis vaccines to be ready soon

New Delhi: There is some good news in the fight against Japanese Encephalitis that has claimed the lives of several children in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Department of Biotechnology Secretary Dr MK Bhan says by March 2012, three Indian companies will introduce vaccines for the new strain of Japanese Encephalitis responsible for the latest outbreak. The vaccines are in advanced Stage 3 clinical trials right at present. ...
07:19:49 PM Nov 19, 2011
Exercise, healthy food can help keep the brain young

Exercise, healthy food can help keep the brain young

Making healthy lifestyle changes now can help stave off the faulty thinking and failing memory often associated with old age. ...
09:30:44 AM Nov 19, 2011

Medicine prices shouldn't rise: Supreme Court

Medicine prices shouldn't rise: Supreme Court New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday told the central government that the prices of medicines should not rise further. "Bring it down, don't escalate it in the name of policy," the court said. "It should go down, not go up," said the apex court bench of Justice GS Singhvi and Justice SJ Mukhopadhaya. The bench said that the prices of medicines and lab tests were already too high and...
11:03:17 AM Nov 18, 2011