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December 1, 2011
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Ear Wax

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What is ear wax?

The skin on the outer part of the ear canal has special glands that produce ear wax, also known as cerumen. The purpose of this natural wax is to protect the ear from damage and infections. Normally, a small amount of wax accumulates and then dries up and falls out of the ear canal, carrying with it unwanted dust or sand particles.

Ear wax is helpful to coat the skin of the ear canal where it acts as a temporary water repellent. The absence of ear wax may result in dry, itchy ears, and even infection.

What does ear wax look like?

Cerumen varies in form and appearance from person to person. It may be almost liquid, firm and solid, or dry and flaky. The color of ear wax varies depending upon its composition. Glandular secretions, sloughed skin cells, normal bacteria present on the surface of the canal, and water may are present in ear wax.

Ear Wax Illustration

Most of the time the ear canals are self-cleaning; that is, there is a slow and orderly migration of the skin lining the ear canal from the eardrum to the outer opening of the ear. Old earwax is constantly being transported from the deeper areas of the ear canal out to the opening where it usually dries, flakes, and falls out.

When should ear wax be removed?

Under ideal circumstances, a person should never have to clean their ear canals. However, we all know that this isn't always the case and sometimes removal of ear wax is necessary. Excessive ear wax may build up in the ear canal for many of reasons including:

  • narrowing of the ear canal resulting from infections or diseases of the skin, bones, or connective tissue;
  • production of a less fluid form of cerumen (more common in older persons due to aging of the glands that produce ear wax); or
  • overproduction of cerumen in response to trauma or blockage within the ear canal.

When wax has accumulated so much that it blocks the ear canal (and interferes with hearing), a physician may have to wash it out (known as lavage), vacuum it, or remove it with special instruments. Alternatively, a physician may prescribe ear drops that are designed to soften the wax [such as trolamine polypeptide oleate-ear drops (Cerumenex)].

The patient may first try an over-the-counter product (OTC) if they need to remove ear wax, such as Debrox or Murine Ear Drops. If the ear still feels blocked after using these drops, a physician should be consulted. If the person does try OTC ear wax softeners, it is imperative to know that he or she does not have a perforated (punctured) eardrum prior to using the product. Putting ear wax softeners in the ear in the presence of a perforated eardrum may cause an infection in the middle ear. Similarly, simply washing one's ear in the presence of a perforation may start an infection. If a person is uncertain whether or not he or she has a perforation (hole) in the eardrum, consult a physician. Some individuals may also be hypersensitive to products designed to soften ear wax. Therefore, if pain, tenderness or a local skin rash develops, the use of these drops should be discontinued.

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Suggested Reading on Ear Wax by Our Doctors

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    • Ear Infection (Otitis Media)
      • Middle ear infection or inflammation (otitis media) is inflammation fo the middle ear. There are two types of otitis media, acute and chronic. Acute otitis media is generally short in duration, and chronic otitis media generally lasts several weeks. Seventy-five percent of children in the U.S. suffer from otitis media at some point. Treatment depends upon the type (chronic or acute).
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    • Objects Or Insects In Ear
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Ear Wax

Ear infection or inflammation (otitis media) facts

  • Otitis media (ear infection or inflammation) is the most common diagnosis in sick children in the U.S.
  • Otitis media features fever, ear pain, and a feeling of fullness in the ear; as well as fussiness and feeding problems in young children.
  • Otitis media is usually an infection and/or inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Ear infection or inflammation causes fluid buildup in the middle ear.
  • A cold or other respiratory infection can lead to ear infections or inflammation.
  • Exposure to other children's colds as often occurs in daycare centers, raises the risk of contracting otitis media (ear infection or inflammation).
  • Bottlefeeding increases the risk of ear infection or inflammation in babies.
  • Middle ear pus causes pain and temporary hearing loss.
  • Rupture of the eardrum allows the pus to drain into the ear canal.
  • Otitis ...

Read the Ear Infection (Otitis Media) article »

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