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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Xombi & iZombie
Written by John Rozum and Chris Roberson, drawn by Mike Allred and Frasier Irving

The world has zombie fever and why not? Zombies are the perfect bad guys. They're pure engines of evil that no one feels bad about killing. However, not all stories of the undead follow the George Romero model, some branch out and do their own thing. Xombi, a former Milestone comic now integrated into the main DC Universe follows David Kim, a scientist kept alive forever thanks to nanite technology that he developed while Vertigo's I, Zombie stars Gwen, a zombie who eats freshly dead brains once a month and finds herself compelled to take care of their unfinished business. The former launched this week by writer John Rosum and artist Frasier Irving while the first six issues of the latter—written by Chris Roberson and drawn by Mike Allred—are collected in this week's I Zombie Vol 1 Dead To The World. Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

First Wave & Green Hornet: "Pulped"

Written by Brian Azzarello & Kevin Smith, drawn by Howard Porter

DC's First Wave pocket universe might not be long for this world, but its combination of classic and pulp superheroes like The Spirit and Doc Savage along with different versions of Batman and the Blackhawks had a lot going for it that should stay in the backs of minds for a while. Perhaps a big crossover will help things out. With Green Hornet back in the consciousness thanks to the flick of the same name and the well regarded comic written by Kevin Smith and Phil Hester along with Dynamite's other books in the series, it seems like the absolute perfect combination of heroes, especially considering the similar looks of Green Hornet and The Spirit (suits, ties, hats and domino masks all around). Mixing in all the other characters and throwing them up against some hand-wringing evil scientists with giant monsters and robots at their behest would be the best way to utilize all the characters involved. Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

"Savage Dragon & Deadpool"
Written by Erik Larsen, drawn by Rob Liefeld

Deadpool has teamed up with some pretty interesting characters over the years, especially in Deadpool Team-Up, but we can think of no one better for him to run afoul of than Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon. Both characters are tough as hell, can regenerate and always have an entertaining way of dispatching their enemies. We'd place this story in an alternate universe and throw literally every enemy both characters has ever faced and just watch our heroes tear through them. It would be epic, no doubt.

Adding to the story's epic nature would be the combined efforts of creators and former Image partners Erik Larsen and Rob Liefeld. In our perfect world, the pair would switch up art chores. Just imagine how cool Liefled's take on Dragon villains like Cyberface, Overlord and other members of the Vicious Circle gang or Larsen trying his hand at Deadpool, Ajax, Black Swan and others. The world needs more insane, high energy comic books filled with people in funny costumes getting their heads chopped off or smashed by giant green hands. If you're curious how both these characters are doing today, Savage Dragon's Emperor Dragon storyline wrapped up with this week's #169 while Deadpool has not one but three books that came out this week: Deadpool Corps #11, Deadpool #33 and Deadpool Team-Up #884.

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Crossovers We Want To See: Silver Surfer/Green Lantern Corps
Crossovers We Want To See: Walking Dead / Infestation


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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Silver Surfer/Green Lantern Corps – Sentinels of Space

Written by Greg Pak, drawn by Doug Mahnke

While on patrol in their space sector a pair of Green Lanterns are obliterated in flash of light. As news of their demise reaches Oa, Salaak sends Honor Guard Lanterns Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner and a select group of other Lanterns including Kilowog and Soranik Natu to investigate the murder. While there, they come across the Silver Surfer who's investigating the deaths which have a strange energy to them. Surfer teams up with the GLC to track down any enemy that turns out to be Ego the Living Planet. The ring slingers and Surfer do their best to fight Ego, but only walk away with the victory when their own living planet Mogo comes in to save the day.

Sure, Silver Surfer and Green Lantern have crossed over in the past, but that was when there was only one GL trying to keep the spaceways safe. Now that we've had the Green Lantern Corps back for several years, it's time for them to team up with the Silver Surfer and see what happens. Greg Pak's take on Silver Surfer #1 hit this week as did issues of Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. We'd like to see a combination of all three books to see how Pak handles DC's space cops and Doug Mahnke on art chores because, frankly, he's the best there is at what he does. Even without a huge name like Geoff Johns on the book—though we're sure he'd have at least some input if this dream project ever happened—we're pretty sure this would sell huge numbers.

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Crossovers We Want To See: Doctor Who and The Time Masters
Crossovers We Want To See: Justice Society and the Invaders


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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Written by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Robert Kirkman

Drawn by Gabriel Rodriguez

IDW's dimension-spanning Infestation zombie pollution finds itself landing in the Walking Dead universe but, it doesn't come alone. A quintet of heroes from other worlds have made the journey as well in an effort to put a stop to it once and for all. Snake Eyes, Spock, Optimus Prime and Egon Spengler find themselves in a strange place—one that seems to have been hit by the zombie infestation far earlier than their worlds—and soon find themselves teamed up with a man who knows just how to handle the undead, Rick Grimes. Rick, his friend Michonne, and the rest of their companions team up with the other dimensional quartet to put a stop to the zombies once and for all.

We know that IDW's Infestation event isn't a crossover in the traditional sense. The characters from G.I. Joe, Transformers, Star Trek and the Ghostbusters universes won't actually be crossing over, though they will be facing the same zombie threat on their respective worlds. Given that this is purely fantasy, we decided to cherry pick our favorite characters from those worlds and the creators of both books, by teaming the dynamic duo of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning with Robert Kirkman and Gabriel Rodriguez. They will be doing the covers for this book and currently do an amazing job on IDW's Locke & Key. The book would probably be a logistical nightmare but, you could probably sell a few thousand copies on the idea of Snake Eyes and Michonne chopping off zombie heads alone.

Related Posts:
Crossovers We Want To See: Doctor Who and The Time Masters
Crossovers We Want To See: Justice Society and the Invaders


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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

"Doctor Who and The Time Masters"
Written by Paul Cornell, drawn by Dan Jurgens

While traveling through time with his companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams, the Doctor is surprised when the TARDIS gets rocked by an unknown force. It's not until the Doctor actually opens the door of the ship to see the source of the collision: Booster Gold, Skeets and an unconscious Rip Hunter in the Time-Sphere. Booster and Skeets explain that, while on the trail of time traveling villain Per Degaton, their shipped was rocked by an unseen force that was still after them. As they finish their tale and the Doctor takes a look at Rip, the unseen force reveals itself to our heroes: the combined might of the Daleks and Per Degaton. Knowing space is no place to do battle with these enemies, the Doctor throws a time lasso around the Time-Sphere and transports the whole party to an abandoned Earth outpost. The battle rages on, with Rip eventually coming to in time to assist the Doctor with his plan to defeat the villains. Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Justice Society & The Invaders: We Were Soldiers
Written by Geoff Johns, painted by Alex Ross

In their respective realities, the Justice Society and Invaders race towards a final battle with Hitler in World War II just when one of his sorcerers traps each team in a vortex that sends both teams hurling through time and space, winding up in strange combinations throughout history and dimensions. In the grand tradition of old school Justice Society comics, the smaller groups will have to learn to work together and trust one another in their quest to return to their current timelines only to discover that Hitler has merged the two and has now teamed up with himself to fight the combined forces of the Invaders and the JSA! Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Casanova & B.P.R.D.: Secret Agent Men
Written by Matt Fraction & Mike Mignola, drawn by Jim Steranko

After a hard fought adventure in an alternate timeline, super secret agent Casanova Quinn is looking forward to some rest and relaxation when his travels are interrupted by some uninvited guests: Abe Sapien, Johann Krauss and Liz Sherman of the B.P.R.D. After comparing notes and realizing that the magics of an enemy they were facing must have mixed with Cass's traveling technology, the brains at E.M.P.I.R.E. get to work on figuring out which reality to return the agents to. Meanwhile, a brand new mission becomes a priority and Cass asks his newfound friends if they'd be willing to help him out given their special abilities. The newly formed group heads off on a mission to explore a corporation that may or may not be a front for intergalactic drug runners. With a fantastic mix of the bizarre and classic thriller spy exploits the story takes plenty of twists and turns, with Cass and the B.P.R.D. members working together to take down the operation. By the time they're done, the E.M.P.I.R.E. scientists are able to send them back home where they find themselves right where they left off. Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Heroes For Hire & Secret Six

Written by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Gail Simone

Drawn by Steve Englehart

A mysterious benefactor contacts the Secret Six, requesting their services to attack and kill a group of villains in New York. Bane, Scandal Savage, Ragdoll, Catman, Deadshot and Jeannette head to the Big Apple to track down a gang of freaks including a bunch of ninjas and a guy with a flaming skull. Of course, it turns out that they've really been duped into attacking the current line-up of the Heroes For Hire which includes Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Punisher, Elektra, Misty Knight, Moon Night, Black Widow, Falcon, Paladin and Silver Sable. An all out, brutal brawl ensues between the two teams with plenty of near casualties on both sides until they finally realize they've been set up. After doing some digging, the two teams, now working together, discover that Kingpin instigated the entire thing. The combined teams stage an all out attack on the plus-sized mobster and wind up fighting through an army of assailants from assassins to ninja. Read more...

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Welcome to Crossovers We Want to See, a fairly self-explanatory recurring feature in which we pitch the meeting of a pair of characters or teams from different comic companies. Playing editor, we'll dream up writer and artist combinations and basic story points.

Crossovers We Want To See: Jonah Hex & Billy The Kid in "Old Time Odyssey"
Written & drawn by Eric Powell

In a time before superheroes, Darkseid sends some minions to Earth to evaluate the planet's usefullness. A small fleet of Parademons and a few evil New Gods get Boom Tubed to Earth and start terrorizing the locals out west. Billy the Kid and his travelling band of former circus freaks are the first to encounter the aliens, but soon enough, Jonah Hex is on the case as well, along with plenty of other heroes from DC's wild west like El Diablo, Scalphunter and Bat Lash. The assembled heroes form a plan that makes enough trouble for Darkseid's minions that they run back home, hoping that their master will offer more assistance. Instead, he decides to hold back and investigate at a later date. Read more...

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