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Pete Hoekstra blames U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow for budget stalemate, launches website

Published: Monday, October 17, 2011, 3:34 PM     Updated: Monday, October 17, 2011, 7:40 PM
donothingdebbie.jpgHoekstra's campaign launched donothingdebbie.com Monday

Buoyed by his early fund-raising success, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra on Monday blamed Democratic U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow for the Senate's inaction in producing a budget.

Hearkening back to his 18 years in the U.S. House and his membership on the House Budget Committee, the Holland Republican said Stabenow, a member of the Senate Budget committee, shares responsibility for the budget gridlock that has lasted more than 900 days.

“They are unable and unwilling to put before Americans what they want to do with spending,” said Hoekstra in a telephone news conference

Hoekstra's campaign also announced it has launched a website, “www.donothingdebbie.com.” The one-page site asks users to sign a petition calling for the Senate to adopt a budget. It also allows users to donate to Hoekstra's campaign.

Last week, Hoekstra announced he has raised more than $1 million since he announced his candidacy in July, exceeding the pace set by other GOP contenders for the seat. Hoekstra estimated he will need to raise $12 million to $14 million for a successful challenge to Stabenow, who has held the seat since 2000.

Also running for the GOP nomination are Detroit charter school founder Clark Durant, former Kent County Probate Judge Randy Hekman, Roscommon businessman Peter Konetchy and Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan and Detroit resident Scotty Boman.

Recent opinion polls indicate Hoekstra has the leading Republican contender, based on the statewide name recognition he built during his run for governor in 2010.

Stabenow announced she also raised more than $1 million in the third quarter, bringing her total political war chest to more than $6 million.

E-mail Jim Harger: jharger@grpress.com

Related topics: Debbie Stabenow, Pete Hoekstra

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Jerry Charboneau October 17, 2011 at 3:50PM


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martoon October 17, 2011 at 4:25PM

Typical liberal response from Jerry Charboneau.

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Jerry Charboneau October 17, 2011 at 4:29PM

If laughing at idiots like you is liberal, then I guess I'll wear it like a badge of honor.

I've always been a centrist though, but don't let a little thing like the facts interfere with the venom you spew like vomit.

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martoon October 17, 2011 at 4:40PM

Jerry, Jerry I got your blood pressure up again. You must have failed as a comedian, that's why you try to post your gibberish on mlive.

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Jerry Charboneau October 17, 2011 at 4:45PM

110 over 70

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dvbunte October 17, 2011 at 5:35PM

Centrist? Curious...which issues do you take a position that is contrary to the left on, exactly? A liberal by any other name is still a liberal...and you sir, are a liberal.

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Jerry Charboneau October 17, 2011 at 5:44PM


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retired teacher October 17, 2011 at 5:52PM

i am not sure what peter is trying to accomplish. he is an idiot, lazy, liar and a poor politician. what a dolt.

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Who? October 18, 2011 at 7:18AM

Blame Debbie? Yea, and it was Rose' fault the titanic sunk too. Hoekstra just sunk his own ship.

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tstickroe October 18, 2011 at 9:33AM

Rose was a fictional character. Do nothing Debbie sounds fictional but her record speaks for itself.

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trebor October 17, 2011 at 3:59PM

Sounds like sour grapes, there old Pete.

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retired teacher October 17, 2011 at 5:49PM

this sounds like a good post. hokey has no one to blame except the gop. ain't he one??

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retired teacher October 17, 2011 at 5:57PM

this sounds like a good post. hokey has no one to blame except the gop. ai

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0000000 October 18, 2011 at 7:15AM

Hookie's mind must be going. He has forgoten all about the Party of NO holding up the budget process right to the last minute and almost shutting down the government - throwing a temper tantrum that fivals that of a two year old falling on the floor kicking and screaming. Stabenow had nothing to do with that - that was Boehner, McConnell and pure Republicanism. End loopholes, subsidies and tax breaks for the 2% - we can't afford it anymore. By the way Snyder, that includes you.

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Aletheia October 17, 2011 at 4:00PM

He is blasting her for "inaction in producing a budget."

His idea of a budget is one that takes more from the majority of Americans and gives it away in tax breaks for the wealthy. In that case I'm all for inaction!

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