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October 27, 2011
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estrogens (synthetic)-vaginal cream


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WARNING: Estrogens have been reported to increase the chance of womb (endometrial) cancer in women who have been through menopause, especially in women with a uterus who receive estrogen-only hormone therapy. Estrogens may also increase the risk of ovarian or breast cancer. If you experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or lumps in the breast, notify your doctor immediately. Estrogen given in combination with another hormone (progestin) for replacement therapy can infrequently cause heart disease (e.g., heart attacks), stroke, serious blood clots (pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis), dementia, and breast cancer. These risks appear to depend on the length of time this drug is used and the amount of estrogen per dose. Therefore, this medication should be used for the shortest possible length of time at the lowest effective dose so you obtain the benefits and minimize the chance of serious side effects from long-term treatment. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for details. If you use this drug for an extended period, you should be evaluated at least once a year. See Notes section. Products that contain estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease. This medication is not effective in preventing or treating a threat or tendency of miscarriage (natural habitual abortion). This drug must not be used during pregnancy because its use may result in birth defects or cancer later in the child's life. See Precautions section.

USES: This medication is a female hormone and is usually given to women who no longer produce the proper amount. It is used to reduce menopause symptoms (e.g., vaginal dryness).

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Suggested Reading on estrogens (synthetic)-vaginal cream by Our Doctors

  • Related Diseases & Conditions

    • Menopause
      • Menopause is the time in a woman's life when menstrual periods permanently stop, also called the “change of life." Menopause symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, urinary incontinence, weight gain, and emotional symptoms such as mood swings. Treatment of menopausal symptoms varies, and should be discussed with your physician.
    • Vaginal Dryness
      • Vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy occurs in women during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. With vaginal atrophy, the lining of the vaginal wall becomes thinner, drier, less elastic, and light pink to bluish in color. Symptoms of vaginal atrophy include vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, and/or pain during intercourse. Treatment options for vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy include hormone treatment and over-the-counter vaginal lubricating and moisturizing products.
    • Sexual Health: FAQs About Sex and Relationships
      • Sexual health information including birth control, impotence, herpes, sexually transmitted diseases, staying healthy, women's sexual health concerns, and men's sexual health concerns. Learn about the most common sexual conditions affecting men and women.
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estrogens (synthetic)-vaginal cream

What causes vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy?

Vaginal atrophy is the medical term that refers to the thinning of the wall of the vagina that occurs during menopause (the time when menstrual periods have ceased) in women. Prior to menopause, the vaginal lining appears plump, bright red, and moist. As estrogen levels decline, the lining of the vagina becomes thinner, drier, light pink to bluish in color, and less elastic. This is a normal change that is noticed by many perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

Estrogen levels begin to fall as the menopause approaches. Estrogens are mainly produced by the ovaries. Estrogens control the development of female body characteristics such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. Estrogens also play a significant role in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can occur earlier or later in life. The average age of me...

Read the Vaginal Dryness article »

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