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November 4, 2011

ADHD Pictures Slideshow: Symptoms in Children

Reviewed by Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD on December 23, 2008

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in Children

Girl not motivated to finish homework.

Mom frustrated with childs poor schoolwork.

Teacher not happy that boys are not paying attention

Boy covering his hears and not listening to his mother.

Boy bored and unattentive in school.

Girl in her disorganized and messy bedroom.

Dad trying to help his son who doesn't understand and is giving up on homework.

Girl has lost something but doesn't seem to care.

Boy daydreaming in class while other students work.

Girl has forgotten how to do an assignment in class.

Boy fidgeting with his hands in his mouth.

Girl not happy about having to stay in her seat in class

Girl yelling while climbing on playground equipment.

Boy intentionally ruining game of chess by knocking pieces over.

Girl talking excessively to another girl while in class.

Girl rasing her hand and yelling out answer before being called upon.

Boy not happy about having to wait his turn.

Boy bothering another boy while in class.

Doctor talking to a boy with ADHD.

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