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Austria News

Austrian News – the short news from Austria

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Lower Austria: 42-year-old woman loves 14-year-old boy

An unusual couple had to stand trial yesterday in the Lower Austrian court of Wiener Neustadt.

The woman is 42 years old. Her partner only 14 years. They had sex when the boy was only 13 years old. This is not allowed in Austria. The woman received a 22 months jail term on probation. The 42-year-old woman, a professional handball coach, explained that there is a true love between her and him. She accepted the punishment and left the court hand in hand with her now 14-year-old boyfriend. The relationship and the sexual intercourse started several months too early. The 14-year-old boy is now allowed to have a 42-year-old girlfriend, and enjoy sex with her. Now the law has no problem anymore with this kind of relationship.

Photographer: Vinicius Tupinamba | Agency: Dreamstime.com

Death struggle of Lower Austrian couple because of a Spanish dish

A woman found herself in court because she has attacked her husband with a knife. The reason is quite unusual. She wanted to taste something of the Spanish dish “paella” from the husband. The husband was very hungry himself and so he defended his paella like a hero. First with fists, then he tried to [...]

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Viennese policeman offered to take beer instead of financial penalty

The 28-year-old policeman from Vienna loves to drink beer. His thirst was so huge that he offered to take a beer crate instead of making out a financial penalty because of illegally parking. One time he also left a note on the car of a parking violator with the message that “this takes one beer [...]

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Innsbruck: 63-year-old hotel owner raped 17-year-old chamber maid

One year ago a 63-year-old hotel owner from Tirol raped a 17-year-old chamber maid. Yesterday he was sentenced to 12 months prison. In his defence strategy he declared that he was seduced by the young girl. The judge did not believe him and replied it’s quite cynical to claim seduction for the reason of his [...]

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Austrian farmer was holding a slave for 30 years: no unconditional imprisonment!

The farmer from Austrias federal state of Styria, who was holding a slave for 30 years, does not have to go to prison. The judge gave him a suspended sentence of 18 months imprisonment. The case was revealed and came to public in autumn 2008. A 56-year-old man was working for the farmer since 30 [...]

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Feldkirch: 2 1/2 years prison for 3 Euro robbery

A 22-year-old man from Vorarlbergs metropolis of Lustenau was sentenced to an imprisonment of 2 1/2 years because he has captured a wallet with 3 Euro inside. The height of the loot was irrelevant for the court. The offender commited his misdeed with a lot of violence. Victim was a 53-year-old man. The law range [...]

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Meat loaf trial in Vorarlberg

Three female employees of a petrol station were sentenced to fines because they ate too much meat loaf during work. The tenant of the petrol station also sold snacks to his customers. These include meat loaf. The employees were such hungry young ladies that they could not resist and ate the tasteful delicacy in great [...]

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Holy currency: 8 years prison for Bulgarian money faker in Austria

Yesterday the leading brain of a Bulgarian money faker gang was sentencted to an imprisonment of 8 years. “The Euro is a holy currency”, was the statement of the court in relation to the scale of the punishment. The convicted criminal was the boss of a well organized 18-headed team of money fakers. The bad [...]

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Verdict of not guilty for teacher who had sex with schoolgirl

A verdict of not guilty in the second authority was the reason of a smile in a teachers face. The educator had sex with a 17-year-old schoolgirl. The first verdict, 6 months prison, was reversed. The defending lawyer was very happy about this decision and explained that it was correct not to proclaim a punishment. [...]

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Rioting public prosecutor of the female persuasion in Vienna

A public prosecutor of the female persuasion has to face an judical inquiry against herself. She was rioting in drunk condition inside a Viennese discotheque. She also gave out slaps in faces, kicked waiters with fists and feet, and cantillated racist chants. The impulsive public prosecutor of the female persuasion is still in office until [...]

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480 Euro fine for touching a policeman

A 24-year-old man from the province of Vorarlberg was sentenced to a 480 fine because he has touched a policeman. The contact happened when the police led off his girlfriend. His protective instinct was awaked, he explaind in court. But it was only a touch, no beat or attack. Nonetheless touching a policeman is not [...]

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Lovesick lady sent 30.000 SMS in 2 1/2 years to doctor

A 27-year-old lady from Vienna fell in love with a doctor, but she was too shy to tell him her feelings from face to face. She saw her only solution in sending him SMS. Anonymous. At first the doctor seemed to be quite flattered. Later the text messages on his mobile phones became more and [...]

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23-year-old renegade of Austrian army convicted

A 23-year-old man from Austrias Western province Tirol decided that he don’t want to serve the Austrian army anymore. He escaped from the barracks and tried to hide himself. But the military police found him. Yesterday he stood trial and was convicted to a financial penalty of 4.000 Euro. In court he explained that he [...]

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Innsbruck: woman teacher assigned marks without exams

The regional court of Innsbruck has to deal with a very humorous woman teacher who assigned her gradings according to her mood, and without any exams. Her offence is known as “abuse of authority” and “destruction of evidence”. She also delighted her pupils with free lessons, and did not register these lessons as such ones. [...]

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One of Austrias biggest civil trials

Yesterday one of Austrias biggest civil trials started in Vienna. The association of consumers information blames a financial service provider that investors received the wrong consulting. The association of consumers acts for more than 2.500 investors who lost more than 30 million Euro. Medias report that the accused financial service provider sold shares and claimed [...]

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Austrian animal rights activists accused of cruelty to animals: 5 years prison possible

Ten animal rights activists are accused by the public prosecution department of the Lower Austrian town of Wiener Neustadt, that they have built a criminal organisation. The demand for a penalty comprises 218 pages. The public prosecution department even uses the “Mafia paragraph” 278a criminal code. The impeachment includes malicious criminal property damage, compulsion, and [...]

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Two years prison for a loot of one single Euro

A 57-year-old man from Vorarlberg has to go to prison for two years. He has threatened a man in Vienna with a knife, and captured one single Euro out of his raid. The sentence is not legally valid. The 57-year-old wanted to make holiday from his wife, and went from Vorarlbergs province to the vibrant [...]

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Beer can as motive for murder

A simple beer can was the reason for a murder in Vienna. Now two men have to stand their trial, because they were involved in the killing of a homeless man for a can of beer. The 24-year-old main defendant is talking about self-defence. He explained he was attacked by the 50-year-old homeless man because [...]

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Josef Fritzl in court

Yesterday started the first day of the trial against Josef Fritzl in Lower Austrias provincial capital St. Pölten. Fritzl showed himself quite shy. He was hiding his face behind a blue filing folder. He tried to ignore journalists and gave absolutely no comments. During the trial he has told the judge about his childhood. He [...]

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Policeman don’t wanted to pay for brothel visits: 6 months prison

Divorce and problems with the son because of his new girlfriend. A policeman from Vienna was searching for diversion from his everyday life agonies, and found his luck with young prostitutes in brothels. But the 44-year-old policeman was not happy about the cost for such kind of services. He decided not to pay, and told [...]

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4 years prison for 17-year-old for slapping a teacher

Lack of respect and violence against a Viennese teacher turned out to be a hard fate for a 17-year-old teenager. He was sentenced to an imprisonment of 4 years. The young man was involved in a physical controversy with a teacher, and put him through the mangle. The educator suffered a scratch contused wound, several [...]

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Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks

Lower Austrias provincial capital of St. Pölten will be the venue of the Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks. The arrangements in the town and the court house are enormous. It seems the whole world is interested in the case, and the 50.000 inhabitant town is going to be overcrowded with media representatives from far [...]

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Vienna: Homosexual man wants to be tram driver or a lot of money

A homosexual man from Vienna went to court one more time, because he wants to be a tram driver or a lot of money. In April he already won the first trial against a tram operator, but all of his wishes were not fulfilled. The homosexual Viennese was already working as tram driver, but lost [...]

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Bird breeder vs veterinary in East Tirol

There was trial yesterday against a violent bird breeder from East Tirol. He has threatened the local veterinary in a letter that he is going to beat the living daylights out of him. The violent bird breeder is the brother of the famous poacher Pius Walder, who was shot in 1982 in the Villgratental valley. [...]

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Brothel of sheep in Graz: three months arrest

A young man from Graz was sentenced to a conditional imprisonment for three months, because he demanded a brothel of sheep in the city park of Graz. Such an idea fulfils the statement of facts for sodomy and sedition. The young man renounced an appeal. Therefore the judgement has the force of law. The son [...]

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Fivefold axe murderer: “My life in prison is enjoyable”

Yesterday started the trial against the fivefold axe murder, who wiped out his whole family. The 39-year-old man from Vienna can expect to stay in prison for the next 20 years. The murderer himself demanded a life imprisonment. He told that he did not expect to have “such a nice life in prison”. His wife, [...]

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Josef Fritzl incarcerated also his mother

New details in the incest drama of Amstetten reports the Austrian magazine “NEWS”. According to a NEWS journalist, the daughter of Josef Fritzl and their children, were not the only ones who were locked up in the Fritzl family. Also the mother of Josef Fritzl became a victim of her own son. She was locked [...]

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Natascha Kampusch trial with loads of violence

Yesterday the trial about the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch found its proceeding in the Styrian town of Gleisdorf. A guy called “Martin Wabl” claims that the mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in the kidnapping. He wanted to present his means of evidence. The mother of Natascha Kampusch, Brigitta Sirny, is not happy about such [...]

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After 19 years: freedom for “killer nurses”

19 years instead of life imprisonment. The two so called “killer nurses” are happy about an unexpected release from prison. In April 1989 both women were arrested and accused of killing 20 patients in the Viennese hospital “Lainz”. It turned out that they have killed their patients by “mouth care”, infusions, and injections, if the [...]

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Murderer moans about too mild sentence

A lot of people are not happy about the mild justice for dangerous criminals in Austria. But this time a dangerous criminal himself moans about a too mild sentence for his act. The man from Turkey has killed an 58-year-old man with a gun in Lower Austria and cut his penis off, because he was [...]

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10 months prison for raping 4-year-old girl several times

Another strange court decision in context to child abuse is reported in todays Austrian newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”. A 55-year-old man was sentenced to a prison term of 10 months for raping a 4-year-old girl several times. Even employees of the court house were shaking their heads after such a decision. As the man already spent [...]

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