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Austria News

Austrian News – the short news from Austria

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Greens demand end of official cars for politicans

The representative parliamentary group chief of the Greens, Werner Kogler, seems to have a serious problem with official cars for politicans. In the Thursday issue of Austrias daily newspaper called “Österreich” he demands an end of such a privilege. The newspaper labels that as “radical suggestion”.

Kogler said that only the chancellor and the vice-chancellor should have their own official cars. The rest of the ministers should share one official car, or take a taxi. Kogler: “I am not able to understand why the economy minister should not take a taxi if he has to go from the Wiedner Hauptstrasse to his ministry on the Stubenring. The background of the discussion: the Green politican is afraid ministers could use their official cars for private purposes.

Erwin Hoffer: from Rapid Vienna to SSC Napoli

The Rapid Vienna striker and member of the Austrian national football team, Erwin Hoffer, leaves Austria and goes to the Italian club SSC Napoli. Althought the transfer fee is a secret, football experts think that Hoffer is the most expensive Austrian football player in all time. Italian medias write about 5 million Euro. The 22-year-old [...]

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Socialdemocrat Josef Cap furious about careless ministry of finance

The Socialdemocratic politican Josef Cap is unhappy about Austrias ministry of finance, which is occupied by the coalition partner of the Peoples Party. One article in the daily newspaper called “Österreich” illuminates the frame of mind of the legendary member from the Austrian Socialdemocratic Party. Cap thinks that Austrias ministry of finance is full of [...]

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South Tyrol to Austria?

Austrias third presiding officer of the parliament, Martin Graf, started a discussion if South Tyrol should become a part of Austria. The controversial politican of the Freedom Party demanded a national referendum if South Tyrol should stay a part of Italy, or return back to Austria. The minister president of North Tyrol, the part of [...]

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Devastations after heavy storm in Austria

After the unbearable heat of the past days, heavy storms left a trace of devastations behind in most parts of Austria last night. Especially the provinces of Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, as well as Vienna were affected. The storm caused damage in a not yet assessable dimension. Wind gusts, storm rainfall, and hailstorm kept [...]

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Vienna supports immigration

The city of Vienna supports immigrants with language and literacy courses, career entry, education of their children, and the flat and house hunting. The project is called “StartWien”. It should improve the integration of the immigrants. Vienna has its own “integration councilwoman”. Sandra Frauenberger of the Socialdemocrats is very proud that her city makes so [...]

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Two years prison for a loot of one single Euro

A 57-year-old man from Vorarlberg has to go to prison for two years. He has threatened a man in Vienna with a knife, and captured one single Euro out of his raid. The sentence is not legally valid. The 57-year-old wanted to make holiday from his wife, and went from Vorarlbergs province to the vibrant [...]

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Blasphemy in Vienna

Freedom party politican Werner Neubauer is upset about blasphemous city lights advertisments in Austrias capital. “There is no God!” is written on those advertisments. The advertising spaces are operated and hired out by a company called “GEWISTA”. Neubauer claims that this company used the help of the Socialdemocrats to gain a monopoly position for the [...]

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Every third bicycle stolen in Vienna

Austria records an increase in bicycle thefts of five percent in the first half of the year. The situation in Vienna is very dramatic. Every third bicycle is stolen in the capital of Austria. The chance that the owner is going to see his bicycle again is vanishing small. Exactly 9.753 bicycles were stolen in [...]

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Young policemen don’t want to work in Vienna

The capital of Austria has a problem to receive new police forces. Many young policemen don’t want to work in Vienna, and prefer to do their duty in the province. The reason is simple. Being a policeman in Vienna is more stressful and dangerous as in the province. But the situation for the director of [...]

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Money: Austrians and their savings balance

Accoring to a press release of the National Bank of Austria, every Austrian has an average savings balance of 50.000 Euro. Another new occurrence is that Austrians don’t like to take so much credits anymore as before. Most of the Austrian savings are located on bankbooks and other conservative forms of saving. The more conservative, [...]

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Austria is the 8th most religious nation in the European Union

A new study revealed that Austria takes the 8th rank in the European Union in questions about religiosity. The most religious country in the European Union is Poland. 93 percent of the Polish citizens label themselfes as religious. 79 percent are religious among the Austrian population. The last rank is taken by Sweden. Only 39 [...]

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Tirol: carpenter wants to become brothel operator

The website of Austrias Broadcasting Corporation reports about a carptenter from Tirol, who wants to become a brothel operator. His only problem are those mayors in Tirols little villages and towns, who are not very excited about his idea. The reason why to change the profession is not known. Maybe the work as carpenter turned [...]

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Austria wants to have more homosexual tourists

According to an article in Austrias daily newspaper called “Die Presse”, Austria wants to be a more attractive holiday destination for homosexual tourists. Homosexuals love to travel and spend a lot of money during their trips. Much more money than heterosexuals. The beginning made Austrias most southern province Carinthia. Last year a festival for homoxexuals [...]

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Socialdemocrats and Greens worry about sexist advertising campaign of Peoples Party

The Young Peoples Party of Vienna has started an advertising campaign for 24 hours underground traffic. The message for more public transports was decorated with nude pin up models. Now Socialdemocrats and the Green party declare their anger about such an advertising campaign. The campaign should be “sexist”. Members of the Peoples Party can’t share [...]

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Salzburgs regional politicans discordant about crime statistics

Current crime statistics of Salzburg are a new reason to inflame a dispute between regional politicans. Every single political party has a separate rating of the statistics. The Freedom Party sees an increase of the crime in Salzburg, and members of the other parties which try to play the massive problems down. The Greens think [...]

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Educational spokeswoman of Peoples Party: abolish school grades!

The educational spokeswoman of the Peoples Party, Bernadette Mennel, had a great idea how to get the full attention of the Austrian medias. She demands the abolishment of school grades in Austria. Mennel thinks that it’s much better if teachers give out alternative assessments. Now she waits excited for the first results of a pilot [...]

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Linz: violent barkeeper maltreated policeman

A policeman was maltreaded by a barkeeper in Upper Austrias provincial capital of Linz. The policeman told the barkeeper to stop the music in his pub. This was reason enough to knock the officer down and hurt him severe. The 49-year-old barkeeper had no awe to attack the policeman. First he started to choke him, [...]

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Eat and drink in Viennas public means of transport

The public transport operators of Vienna have decided not to ban eating and drinking passengers from their transportations. “We as a service company have not the right to fight social standards”, said the “Wiener Linien” manager Michael Lichtenegger. It’s allowed to eat and drink, but a voluntary renunciation would be highly appreciated, he confirms, and [...]

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Police of Vienna spread notepads

The police of Vienna has a new concept how to create a bigger feeling of security for the Viennese population. Policemen on patrol (beat constable) are going to spread notepads with messages on doors and cars. The Viennese citizen reads messages like “We were here – the police” or “For your security on the move [...]

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