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Festival Of Regions 2009 in Linz

Upper Austrias every 2 years recurring Festival Of Regions is this year located in the Southern part of Linz called “Auwiesen”. “Normality” is the official title of the festival.

The official website fdr.at writes: In 2009, in collaboration with Linz 09 Cultural Capital of Europe, the Festival of Regions will be oriented toward the southern edge of the city of Linz, along the Traun River, with focus on the satellite town of Auwiesen and the residential complexes of solarCity.

From Allende Square to Luna Square, beyond the inner urban orientation toward concentration, commercial use and entertainment, and at a certain safe distance from the cultural spectacles propagated on all sides, the Festival of Regions is interested in the factual or imagined state of normality in urban life and in seeking out its cultural expression. Since 1993 the Festival of Regions has been taking place every two years at decentralized locations in the state of Upper Austria with its capital, Linz, and since then it has developed into contemporary vent with a focus on present-day, site-specific art and culture. At the interface between art and veryday life, the festival’s projects incorporate the populace into a critical engagement with social, olitical and artistic questions. Outside the centres, the Festival of Regions combines contemporary ultural ork and art forms with local histories, problematics and idiosyncrasies.

I have visited the “Garden of the senses”. An unplanned plot on the lane called “Magerweg”, between parking lots and residential blocks, and publicly accessible from the outset, the free lance artist hailing from Serbia built, on his own initiative, a botanical-artistic mini-biotope with plants, workshop area, watercourses, places to sit and shady spots.

A very interesting and bizarre place in the centre of high rising residential houses. The artist who created this kind of oasis is Petar Radisavljevic. A very kind and friendly man who takes a lot of time for his visitors, and enjoys to tell a lot of stories about him and his beautiful garden.

Welcome to the Festival Of Regions 2009 in Auwiesen!

There is a lot of advertising everywhere.

Finally I made it to the “Garden Of Senses”.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The entrance.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The cactus collection. An affectionated arranged stairway leads to the centre of the garden.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The heart of the garden. A look back to the entrance and the stairs.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The passionate artist in his element. He attracts the attention of the visitors with exciting stories about his botanic artwork.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

Selfphotography. Der artistical gardener as shadow.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The green oasis in the south of Linz.

garten der sinne festival der regionen

The small garden in the centre of residential house facilities.

- links:
- Festival of Regions 2005 (a Saturday)
- Festival of Regions 2005 (a Sunday)
- Festival of Regions 2005 (artwork in the forest)
- Festival of Regions 2005: Land Art Cross Soccer (a football match between two villages from village to village)
- Festival of Regions 2007: Talking about hitchhiking as an artwork
- Festival of Regions 2007: Talking about hitchhiking as an artwork (Travel2Austria.com)
- Festival of Regions 2007: boat of African refugees
- Festival of Regions 2007: boat of African refugees (Travel2Austria.com)
- Festival of Regions 2007: Ways to work
- Festival of Regions 2007: Floating Maze
- Festival of Regions 2007: Kerbl GesmbH in Pankraz

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