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Austria News

Austrian News – the short news from Austria

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St. Johann im Pongau: Bomb attack on police station

The police station of St. Johann im Pongau was shattered by a bomb attack. One policeman was seriously injured.

Someone has placed an inconspicuous cable reel, which was filled with blasting agent, infront of the police station. Policemen thought that it was forgotten by construction workers, and decided to use it. When one policeman tried to connect the cable reel with the power supply system, the whole load burst open and injured the policeman on hands and ears.

The victim of the bomb attack had to be brought to hospital. It was the first bomb attempt on a police station in Salzburg. “The strategy was very malicious”, said the spokeswoman of the police headquarters in the federal state of Salzburg.

Crime scene investigation is already in full swing. DNA-binding were found on the cable.

Galleries of St. Johann im Pongau:
- link: St. Johann im Pongau
- link: Österreich

Viennese Socialdemocrats: HC Strache is nervous!

The federal state party secretary of Viennas Socialdemocrats proceeds on the assumption that Freedom Party leader and challenger for Viennas mayor position HC Strache of the Freedom Party is becoming more and more nervous. “The current statements of Strache support that conclusion”, claims the Socialdemocrat in his latest press release. The attentive secretary explains that [...]

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Online dating service for Austrias folk musicians

Austrias folk musicians have problems to find the right partner. To guarantee enough of offspring from relationships between folk musicians, the governing body of that certain musical direction opened an online dating service for such kind of people. The director of the governing body from the federal state of Salzburg knows what is important in [...]

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Trieben: unhappy and violent about release from prison

A 20-year-old man from the town of Trieben was released from prison after 8 months, but it seems he was not happy about it. When he returned back to his family, he started to beat his 69-year-old and hampered grandmother. Also the 51-year-old father had to feel the anger of his son. He received several [...]

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Hans Krankl

Hans Krankl, the living Austrian football legend, is back in the business. Yesterday he has signed a contract to be the new coach of the Linzer ASK Linz (LASKL). A club of the Austrian Premiere League in dire straits. In his first statement he said that the current performances of the club were scandalous. He [...]

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Jealous hammerman in Vienna

A Viennese workman with a broken heart and a hammer in his hand. This caused a police operation last Friday during the afternoon in the garage of the Ringstrassen hotels in Vienna. The 21-year-old workman took a hammer out of his tool kit and wanted to find the secret lover of his girlfriend. But the [...]

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Fritzl trial in St.Pölten: good for tourism?

The trial against Josef Fritzl is over. He has to stay in prison the rest of his life. Austrias weekly newspaper “Die ganze Woche” printed an interesting statement of a hotel operator from St. Pölten in todays issue. The hotel operator claims that the Fritzl trial was a brillant promotion for St. Pölten as tourism [...]

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70-year-old man gave away 135.000 Euro

The huge amount of 135.000 Euro was given away by a 70-year-old man from Vorarlbergs provincial capital Bregenz. A person he never met before gave him a phone call and asked for some money. “I am your old friend”, said the voice on the other line of the telephone. The 70-year-old believed him, althought he [...]

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Poker Casino in Bregenz?

A poker casino wants to open its gates next month in the provincial capital of Vorarlberg Bregenz. The ministry of finance and the town government of Bregenz are not happy about it The general manager is someone from Vienna who already runs several poker saloons in Austria. He wants to open the new locality in [...]

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Fritzl Schnitzel in St. Pölten: 10.000 Euro fine

At the moment the provincial capital of Lower Austria, St. Pölten, is full of journalists and bystanders from around the world. The incest trial against Josef Fritzl is a true media spectacle. A resourceful restaurateur in the centre of the city thought this could be the perfect situation to make good money. He changed the [...]

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Josef Fritzl in court

Yesterday started the first day of the trial against Josef Fritzl in Lower Austrias provincial capital St. Pölten. Fritzl showed himself quite shy. He was hiding his face behind a blue filing folder. He tried to ignore journalists and gave absolutely no comments. During the trial he has told the judge about his childhood. He [...]

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Gmunden: family from Norway claims Ort Castle

There is a family from Norway who claims to be the legal heir of the famous castle in Gmunden. At the moment the whole family is making holiday in Gmunden again, and one more time they demand the surrender of the castle. The first time when the Norwegians appeared in the popular holiday destination and [...]

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Policeman don’t wanted to pay for brothel visits: 6 months prison

Divorce and problems with the son because of his new girlfriend. A policeman from Vienna was searching for diversion from his everyday life agonies, and found his luck with young prostitutes in brothels. But the 44-year-old policeman was not happy about the cost for such kind of services. He decided not to pay, and told [...]

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Vienna: aggressive advertising campaign against dog dirt

The city government of Vienna started a new advertising campaign against excrements of dogs in parks and streets. Dog owners should receive the motivation to remove the dirt of their dogs when they see those advertisments. One of the advertising slogans is “Geld Scheisser” which means something like “Money Shithead”, and should remind the people [...]

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Too many mistakes in Austrian hospitals?

A controversial topic occurred about a new book which discusses mistakes in Austrian hospitals. The author promotes his work even in TV shows. He claims that Austrian hospitals are a deathtrap, because too many mistakes happen which cause death. Doctors are upset and deny the reproaches. One of the complaints is that 17 percent of [...]

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Russian billionaire Rashid Sardarov saves animals from Austrian hunters

The hunters of Lower Austrias village Rohr im Gebirge are upset. A billionaire from Russia has bought 2 million square metres forest, and protects the animals in this place with a fence from trigger-happy hunters. The Russian billionaire uses the Austrian animal protection act. This law allows the enclosure in a forest for the protection [...]

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Austrian pastor against celibacy

A pastor from the province of Upper Austria declared his violent aversion against the celibacy during a panel discussion last weekend. The pastor has a girlfriend himself, and no respect anymore for his accomplished promise. He also thinks that the celibacy causes a lack of pastors in Austria, and this should be a good reason [...]

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4 years prison for 17-year-old for slapping a teacher

Lack of respect and violence against a Viennese teacher turned out to be a hard fate for a 17-year-old teenager. He was sentenced to an imprisonment of 4 years. The young man was involved in a physical controversy with a teacher, and put him through the mangle. The educator suffered a scratch contused wound, several [...]

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Dietmar Constantini is Austrias new football national coach

After the shameful presentations of the Austrian football national team in the last matches, it was time to find a new coach. The new president of Austrias Football Association chose Dietmar Constantini as the man, who should be able to help Austrias football. The 53-year-old charismatic connoisseur of the art of living is known as [...]

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Heavily pregnant thief in Lower Austria

Nine-month pregnant and still enough of criminal energy. A 17-year-old girl was arrested by the Lower Austrian police because she was involved in a housebreaking. She captured jewellery and money, and escaped with her three lovers by car. After 19 kilometres the foray was over. The police stopped the car and arrested all four persons. [...]

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Former chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel analyse economic crisis

Yesterday Austrias former chancellor and Peoples Party present foreign policy spokesman Wolfgang Schüssel was talking about the econmic crisis, and current developments inside the European Union. His important speech was held in the National Council. Schüssel dunned that the true causes of the economic crisis were not sufficient answered until today. Economic stimulus packages and [...]

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Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks

Lower Austrias provincial capital of St. Pölten will be the venue of the Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks. The arrangements in the town and the court house are enormous. It seems the whole world is interested in the case, and the 50.000 inhabitant town is going to be overcrowded with media representatives from far [...]

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State elections in Salzburg and Carinthia

Yesterdays state elections in Salzburg and Carinthia mainly affected the media coverage in Austria. The big winner was the BZÖ in Carinthia. The orange party, which was founded by Jörg Haider, received impressive 45,48 percent of votes. This is even more than Jörg Haider could ever get. In Salzburg the Socialdemocrats lost 5,84 percent, but [...]

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