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National Mapping Agencies

This list is compiled from R.B. Parry and C.R. Perkins, "World Mapping Today", 2nd edition (Bowker-Saur, 2000). For the most recent updates to many of the addresses on this page, please see the contact information provided by the SALB project of the UN Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG). 



Afghan Geodesy and Cartography Office (AGCO)
Pashtunistan Watt, KABUL


Institutin Topografik t Ushtris (ITU)
Rruga Myslym Keta, Tiran
Tel: +355 42 33427
Fax:+355 42 27944


Institut National de Cartographie et de Tldtection (INC) (Headquarters)
123 rue de Tripoli, 16040 Hussein - Dey, BP 430, Alger
Tel: +213 2 23 43 76
Fax:+213 2 23 43 81


Seccin de Topografia i Cartografia (STC)
Ministeri d'Ordenament Territorial, Carrer Prat de la Creu, 62-64, Andorra la Vella
Tel: +376 829 345
Fax:+376 861 313


Instituto Geodesa e Cartografa de Angola (IGCA)
Caixo Postal 1206, Largo Bressante, Luanda

Antigua and Barbuda

Surveys Division
Ministry of Agriculture, St. Mary's Street, PO Box 1282, St. John's
Tel: +1 809 462 4969
Fax:+1 809 462 6104


Instituto Geografico Militar (IGMA)
Avenida Cabildo 381, 1426 Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 1 773 9822/776 1611
Fax:+54 1 773 9822
E-mail: public@maps.igm.gov.ar
Web: http://www.igm.gov.ar


Institut Geodezii I Kartografi pri Pravitel'stve Respubliki Armenii (IGKA)
Ministry of Urban Development, ul. Komitasa 32/2, 375051, Yerevan
Tel: +374 2 25 54 49


Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378, CANBERRA ACT 2601
Tel: +61 2 6249 9111
Fax: +61 2 6249 9999
E-mail: wwwmapsales@ga.gov.au
Web: http://www.ga.gov.au/


Bundesamt fr Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV) -
Federal Office of Metrology and Survey (BEV)
Schiffamtsgasse 1-3, A-1025 Wien
Tel: +43 512 588 411 / 60
Fax: +43 512 588 411 / 61
E-mail: info@bev.gv.at
Web: http://www.bev.gv.at


National Surveying and Mapping Service
Dostiugu Kucasi, Qanciar, 370108 BAKU
Tel: +98 22 628 82 I
Fax:+89 22 618 400


Survey Directorate (SD)
Ministry of Housing, POB 5802, Al Manama
Tel: +973 528256
Fax: +973 533795


Survey of Bangladesh (SB)
Office of the Surveyor General, Tejgaon Industrial Area, DHAKA 1208
Tel: +880 2 327089
Fax:+88 2 833344
Web: http://www.bangladeshgov.org/mod/sob/sobweb.htm


Lands and Surveys Department
Goodchurch Park
Christ Church
Tel: +1 809 427-5694
Fax: +1 809 437-2817


State Committee on Land Resources Geodesy and Cartography
BELGEODESY (Byelorussian National Topographic and Geodetic Enterprise)
12, Krasnozvjozdny per
22071 Minsk
Tel: +375 17284 8427
Fax: +375 17213 4725
E-mail: minskgoskomzem20@mail.ru
BELGEODESY: http://www.map-by.info/
EuroGeographics web page: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/Nma_belarus.asp


Institut Géographique National (IGNB)
Abbaye de la Cambre 13, B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 629 82 82
Fax:+32 2 629 82 83
E-mail: sales@ngi.be
Web: http://www.ngi.be


Lands and Surveys Department
Ministry of Natural Resources, Belmopan
Tel: +501 8 22226
Fax: +501 8 22333
Web: http://www.mnrei.gov.bz/services.asp?id=36


Institut Gographique National du Bnin (IGNB)
Rue Colonna de Lecca, BP 360, Cotonou
Tel: +229 31 24 41/ 31 29 78


Survey Department (SB)
PO Tashichhodzong
Tel: +975 2 22502
Fax: +975 2 23109


Instituto Geografico Militar (IGMB)
Estado Mayor General, Avenida Saavedra 2303, Casilla 7641, La paz
Tel: +591 2 360513/369586
Fax:+591 2 368329/391912
E-mail: IGN@igm.bo
Web: http://www.ejercito.mil.bo/estorg/igm/igm-sgm/principal/principal.html

Bosnia and Herzegovina

(agency not known)


Department of Surveys and Mapping (DSM)
Private Bag 0037, Gaborone
Tel: +267 353 251
Fax: +267 352 704
Web: http://www.gov.bw


Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia Estatstica (IBGE)
Centro de Documentao e Disseminao de Informaoes, Rua General Canabarro 666, 20271-201 Maracan, Rio de Janeiro RJ
Tel: +55 21 284 0402
Fax:+55 21 284 1109
E-mail: webmaster@cddi.ibge.gov.br
Web: http://www.ibge.gov.br

Diretoria de Servio Geografico (DSG)

Ministrio do Exrcito, SMU, QGEx Bloco F, 2 piso, 70630-901 Brasilia DF
Tel: +55 61 415 5137
Web: http://www.dsg.eb.mil.br/



Brunei Survey Department
Ministry of Development
Tel: +673 2 382171
Fax: +673 2 382900
E-mail: survey@brunet.bn
Web: http://www.survey.gov.bn/


Ministry of Regional Development and Construction
17-19 Kiriln i Metodi Str., BG-1202 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 876 260
Fax:+359 2 872517

Burkina Faso

Institut Gographique du Burkina (IGB)
21 boulevard de la Rvolution, 03 BP 7054 Ouagadougou 03
Tel: +226 30 68 02
Fax:+226 30 68 01
Web: http://www.igb.bf/


Institut Gograpohique du Burundi (IGEBU)
BP 331, Bujumbara or BP 34 Gitega
Tel: +257 402085


Service Géographique Khmer
4 St 65 S/k, Srah Chak, PHNOM PENH
Tel: +855 23 360 467
Fax:+855 23 430 I38
E-mail: chharom@writeme.com


Institut National de Cartographie (INCC)
779 Avenue Mgr Vogt, BP 157, Yaound
Tel: +237 222921


Canada Centre for Topographic Information (CTI-O)
615 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0E9
Tel: +1 613 995 4921
Fax:+1 613 947 7948
E-mail: topo.maps@nrcan.gc.ca
Web: http://maps.nrcan.gc.ca

Cape Verde

Servio Geografico e Cadastro
Direcco Geral, Ministerio das Infrastructuras e Transportes, PO Box 114, Praia
Tel: +238 61 5709
Fax: +238 61 6473

Central African Republic

Service Cartographique National (SCN)
Direction Générale de L'Aménagement du Territoire et de la Cartographie et de L'Environnement, BP 165, Bangui


Service de la Cartographie, Direction du Cadastre (SCDC)
Travaux Publiques, BP 57, N'Djamena
Tel: +235 515900


Instituto Geografico Militar (IGMC)
Nueva Santa Isabel 1640, Santiago
Tel: +56 2 69 68 221
Fax:+56 2 6988278
Web: http://www.igm.cl/


National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (NBSM)
9 Sanlihe Rd. Baiwanzhuang, BEIJING 100830
Tel: +86 10 6834 6614
Fax:+86 10 6831 1564
E-mail: fanbsm@public.bta.net.cn
Web: http://www.sbsm.gov.cn (in Chinese)


Instituto Geográfico Agustn Codazzi (IGAC)
Divisin de Informacin y Divulgacin, Carrera 30 No 48-51, Santa Fe de Bogota
Tel: +57 1 222 1811
Fax:+57 1 222 0792
E-mail: cig@igac.gov.co
Web: http://www.igac.gov.co


Direction de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat
Hudjudja, Moroni


Centre de Recherche Gographique et de Production Cartographique (CERGEC)
Avenue de l'O.U.A., BP 125, Brazzaville
Tel: +242 810 780

Costa Rica

Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGNCR)
Edificio del Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transporte, Plaza Gonzalez Viquez, San José
Tel: +506 257 7798
Web: http://www.geocities.com/igncr/

Côte d'Ivoire

Centre de Cartographie et de Tldtection (CCT)
01- BP 3862 Abidjan 01
Tel: +225 44 92 51
Fax:+225 44 28 86


Drzavna Geodetska Uprava
Gruka 20, HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 3657 373
Fax:+385 1 6157 389
E-mail: zoran.vujic@dgu.hr
Web : http://www.dgu.hr/


Grupo Empresarial GEOCUBA (GEOCUBA)
Direccin General, No 301, Miramar, Playa La Habana II 300
Tel: +53 7 23 8316/29 5995
Fax:+53 7 33 282869/33 1682


Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS)
29 Michalacopoullou Street, 1075 Nicosia
Tel: +357 2 302029
Fax:+357 2 446056
E-mail: mech@cytanet.co.cy
Web: http://www.pio.gov.cy/ministry_interior_eng/lands/

Czech Republic

Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Pod sidlistem 9
CZ-182 11 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 284 041 298
Fax: +420 284 041 204
e-mail: jan.rambousek@cuzk.cz
Web: http://www.cuzk.cz/


Democratic People's Republic of Korea

National Bureau of Geodesy and Cartography

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Institut Gographique du Zare (IGZa)
106 boulevard du 30 juin, BP 3086, Kin-Gombe, Kinshasa I
Tel: +243 12 31039


Kort-og Matrikelstyrelsen (KMS)
Rentemestervej 8, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV
Tel: +45 35 87 50 50
Fax:+45 35 87 50 51
E-mail: kms@kms.dk
Web: http://www.kms.dk/


Lands and Surveys Division (LSD)
Ministry of Agriculture, Roseau
Tel: +1 809 448 2401
Fax: +1 809 448 7999

Dominican Republic

Instituto Cartogrfico Militar (ICM)
Avenida Jimenez Moya, Centro de los Heroes, Santa Domingo
Tel: +1 809 685 8191
Fax:+1 809 686 8327
Web: http://www.icm.mil.do/


Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM)
Apartado 17-01-2435, Seniergues s/n y General T. Paz y Mio, Quito
Tel: +593 2 542 155
Fax:+593 2 569 097
E-mail: igml@igm.mil.ec
Web: http://www.igm.gov.ec/
Instituto Geografico Militar


Egyptian Survey Authority (ESA)
I Abd As Salem Aref (Sarwat) Street, Giza, Orman, CAIRO
Tel: +20 2 843 270
Web: http://www.mwri.gov.eg/egsa/

El Salvador

Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN)
Avenida Jaun Bertis 79, Apartado Postal 247, San Salvador
Tel: +503 276 5900
Fax:+503 276 4769
Web: http://www.cnr.gob.sv/insgeo.asp


Riigi Maa-amet - Estonian Land Board
Mustame tee 51, 10602 Tallinn
Tel: (372) 66-50-600
Fax: (372) 66-50-604
E-mail: maaamet@maaamet.ee
Web: http://www.maaamet.ee/index.php?lang_id=2


Ethiopian Mapping Agency (EMA)
PO Box 597, ADIS Abeba
Tel: +251 1 518 445
Fax:+251 1 515 189
E-mail: ema@telecom.net.et
Web: http://www.telecom.net.et/~ema/


Department of Lands and Survey (FDLS)
PO Box 2222, Government Buildings, SUVA
Tel: +679 2 I I393
Fax:+679 301720
E-mail: Williams-m.@itc.gov.fj
Web: http://www fiji.gov.fj/m-lands/index.html


National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
Opastinsilta 12 C, PO Box 84, FIN-00521 Helsinki
Tel: +358 205 41 5516
Fax:+358 205 41 5598
E-mail: mmk@nls.fi
Web: http://www.nls.fi


Institut Géographique National (IGN)
Direction Gnrale , 136 bis, rue de Grenelle, 75700 Paris 07 SP
Tel: +33 1 43 98 80 00
Fax:+33 1 43 84 00
Web: http://www.ign.fr


Institut National de Cartographie (INC)
BP 13600, Libreville
Tel: +241 73 09 56
Fax:+241 73 86 10


Department of Lands and Surveys (GDLS)
12 Marine Parade, Banjul
Tel: +220 27337


State Geodesy and Cartography Organisation (SGCO)
27 Gamsakhurdia Avenuem 380113, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 32 376066
Fax:+995 32 942908
E-mail: norbit@ns.global-erty.net


Bundesamt fr Kartographie und Geodsie (BKG)
Richard-Strauss Allee 11, D-60598 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 6333 1
Fax:+49 69 6333 235
E-mail: mailbox@bkg.bund.de
Web: http://www.bkg.bund.de


Survey Department (SDG)
PO Box 191, Cantonments, ACCRA
Tel: +233 21 777331
Fax:+233 21 777847


Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organisation (HEMCO)
Poliethnioupolis, Ktirio Lambadariou, Zographou, Athina
Tel: +30 1 774 3613
Web: http://www.okxe.gr/

Hellenic Military Geographical Service (HMGS)
Pedion Areos
Athina - 11362
Fax: +030 210 - 8817376
E-mail: gys@hol.gr
Web: http://www.gys.gr/english/EN1.htm



Lands and Surveys Department (LSD)
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries, Archibold Avenue, St George's
Tel: +1 809 440 2103
Fax:+1 809 440 4191


Instituto Geográfico National (IGNG)
Avenida de las Amricas 5-76, Zona 13, Guatemala CA
Tel: +502 2 3322611
Fax:+502 2 3320982
E-mail: ign@ign.gob.gt
Web: http://www.ign.gob.gt


Institut de Topographie et de Cartographie de guine (ITCG)
BP 4485, Conakry
Tel: +224 443537


Lands and Surveys Department (LSDG)
22 Upper Hadfield Street, Durban Backlands, Georgetown
Tel: +592 2 72582
Fax: +592 2 64052


Service de Godsie et de Cartographie (SGC)
Boulevard Harry Truman, Cit de l'Exposition, Port-au-Prince
Tel: +1 509 22 3225

Holy See

Istituto Geografico Militare (IGMI)
Via C. Battisti 19, I-50122 Firenze
Tel: +39-055-27321
Fax: +39-055-282172
Web: http://www.nettuno.it/fiera/igmi/igmit.htm


Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGNH)
Barrio la Bolsa, Apartado Postal 20706, Comayagela
Tel: +504 225 2759
Fax:+504 225 2759
E-mail: ign@sdnhon.org.hn


Fldmrsi s Tvrzkelsi Intzet (FMI)
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
H-1860 Budapest 55, PO Box 1
Tel: +36 1 301 4052
Fax:+36 1 301 4691
Email: halomester@fomigate.fomi.hu
Web: http://www.fomi.hu/


Landmlingar slands (LM)
Stillholti 16-18, IS-300 Akranes
Tel: +354 430 9000
Fax:+354 430 9090
E-mail: lmi@lmi.is
Web: http://www.lmi.is


Survey of India (SI)
P 0 Box 37, Haithibarka Estate, DEHRA DUN 248001
Tel: +91 135 744268
Fax:+9l I35 744064
E-mail: sgo@ndb.vsnl.net.in
Web: http://www.surveyofindia.gov.in/


BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping)
Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor KM.
46 Cibinong 16911, INDONESIA
Fax. 62-21-8752064
E-mail : info@bakosurtanal.go.id
Web: http://www.bakosurtanal.go.id

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

National Cartographic Centre (NCC)
P 0 Box I3 I85- 1684, Azadi Square, Meraj Ave,TEHRAN
Tel: +98 21 600 1095
Fax:+98 21 600 197I
E-mail: info@ncc.org.ir
Web: http://www.ncc.org.ir/


State Establishment of Surveying
Ministry of Irrigation, PO Box 5813, Gailani Square, Baghdad


Ordnance Survey of Ireland (OSI)
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 802 5300
Fax:+353 1 822 0979
E-mail: mapsales@osi.ie
Web: http://www.irlgov.ie/osi


Survey of Israel (SI)
1 Lincoln Street, POB 14171, Tel Aviv 61141
Tel: +972 3 623 1901
Fax:+972 3 561 0866
E-mail: mapi@netvision.net.il
Web: http://www.mapi.gov.il (Hebrew only)


Istituto Geografico Militare (IGMI)
Via C. Battisti 19, I-50122 Firenze
Tel: +39-055-27321
Fax: +39-055-282172
Web: http://www.igmi.org/


Survey Department (JSD)
PO Box 493, Kingston
Tel: +1 809 922 6630 5
Fax:+1 809 967 1010
Web: http://www.nla.gov.jm/survey.html


Geological Survey Institute (GSI)
4-9-6 Aobadai. Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153
Tel: +81 3 3485 5414
Fax:+81 3 3465 7689
E-mail: maps@jmc.or.jp
Web: http://www.jmc.or.jp/ (Japanese)
http://www.gsi.go.jp/ENGLISH/ (English)



Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre (RJGC)
PO Box 20214, Amman, 11941
Tel: +962 845188
Fax:+942 6 847694
E-mail: rgc@amra.nrc.gov.jo
Web: http://www.rjgc.gov.jo


Geodesy and Cartography of the Cabinet of Ministers (Kazgeodezia)
UI Esenberlina 36, 480007 ALMATY
Tel: +7 3272 30 1851
Fax:+7 3272 411457


Survey of Kenya
PO Box 30046, Ardhi House, First Ngong' Road, Nairobi
Tel: +254 2 718050
Fax:+254 2 803575


Kiribati Land and Surveys Division (KLSD)
Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development, PO Box 7, Bairiki, Tarawa
Tel: +686 21283
Fax:+686 21283
Email: PJones@tskl.net.ki


Survey Department
P.O. Box 10
Tel: +965 483 4256
Fax: +965 481 5338


State Agency for Geodesy and Cartography (Kyrgyzgeodezija)
UI Kievskaja 107, 720001 BISHKEK
Tel: +996 33 I2 212296
Fax:+996 33 I2 20576
E-mail: geodes@imfiko.bishkek.su

Lao People's Democratic Republic

National Geographic Department (NGD)
Tel: +856 2 I 213662
Fax:+856 21 213662


Latvian State Land Service (Zemesprojekts)
14 Pushkina St, LV 1003 Riga
Tel: +371 2213943
Fax:+371 7820173
E-mail: ervins@lzkc.org.lv
Web: http://www.vzd.gov.lv/en/


Directorate of Geographic Affairs (DAG)
Army HQ, Al Yarz, BEYROUTH
Fax:+961 454212

Web: http://www.lebarmy.gov.lb/English/GeographicMain.asp



Liberian Cartographic Service (LCS)
Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy
PO Box 10-9024
1000 Monrovia 10
Tel: +231 221580
Fax: +231 225217

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Survey Department of Libya (SDL)
PO Box 600, Tripoli


Valstybinis Zemtvarkos Institutas (VZI)
6 J Lelevelio Street, 2600 Vilnius
Tel: +370 2 623 000
Fax:+370 2 621 672
Web: http://www.zum.lt/nzt/nuor_en.htm


Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie (ACT)
54, avenue Gaston Diderich L-1420 LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 44 90 11
Fax:+352 44 90 13 33
Web: http://www.etat.lu/ACT/

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of

Republika Geodetska Uprava
Trifun Hadzi Janev 4, Skopje
Tel: +389 91 222 749
Fax:+389 91 211 146


Foiben - Taosarintanin'I Madagasikara (FTM)
Rue Dama-Ntsoha-Ambanidia, BP 323, Antananarivo 101
Tel: +261 2 22935
Fax:+261 2 25264
E-mail: ftm@bow.dts.mg
Web: http://www.dts.mg/ftm/


Department of Survey (MSD)
PO Box 349, Blantyre
Tel: +265 623722
Fax:+265 634034


Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM)
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, CAMS Building, Jalan Semarak KUALA LUMPUR 50578
Tel: +60 3 292 53 I I ext 2602
Fax:+60 3 293 4084
E-mail: dg@jupem.gov.my
Web: http://www.jupem.gov.my/


Ministry of Construction and Public Works
lzzudheen Magu, MALE 20-02
Tel: +960 32 3474
Fax:+960 32 8300
E-mail: mcpw@dhiveinet.netmv


Direction National de la Cartographie et de la Topographie (DNCT)
BP 240, Bamako
Tel: +223 22 28 40
Web: http://www.sisei.net/nationaux/mali/partenaires/nationaux/dnct/


Planning Authority
Mapping Unit, St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, PO Box 200, Valletta CMR 01
Tel: +356 240 976
Fax:+356 224 846
E-mail: itpa@maltanet.net
Web: http://www.mepa.org.mt/

Marshall Islands

Ministry of Resources and Development
Majuro, Marshall Islands MH 96960
Tel: +692 625 3206
Fax: +692 625 3005


Division de la Topographie et de la Cartographie (DTC)
Ministre d'Equipement, BP 237, Nouakchott


Ministry of Housing Lands and Town and Country Planning (MHLTCP)
Edith Cavell St, Port Louis
Tel: +230 208 2831
Fax: +230 212 9369


Instituto Nacional de Estadstica, Geografa e Informtica (INEGI)
Direccin General de Geografa, Av. Hoe de Nacorzari Sur 2301, Puerto 9 Nival 1, CP 20270, Aguascalientes
Tel: +52 491 66680
Fax:+52 491 82959
E-mail: jbaldera@dpmm.inegi.gob.mx
Web: http://www.inegi.gob.mx

Micronesia (Federated States of)

Department of Lands
Pohnpei State Government
P.O. Box 158
Kolonia, POHNPEI
Tel: +691 320 2653
Fax: +691 320 5706
E-mail: survey@mail.fm


Institut Gographique National (IGN)
Direction Gnrale , 136 bis, rue de Grenelle, 75700 Paris 07 SP
Tel: +33 1 43 98 80 00
Fax:+33 1 43 84 00
E-mail: info@ensg.ign.fr
Web: http://www.ign.fr


Ulsin Geodezi Zupag Ziijn Gazar (UGZZG) (State Administration for Geodesy and Cartography)
Ikh Toyruu I5 ,2 10644, ULAANBAATAR 44
Tel: +976 1 324 047
Fax:+976 1 322 683
E-mail: ankhbayer@maiIcity.com


Division de la Cartographie (MDC)
Direction de la Conservation Fontrire et des Travaux Topographiques, 31 Avenue Moulay Al Hassan, Rabat
Tel: +212 7 70 21
Fax:+ 212 7 70 51 91
Web: http://www.acfcc.gov.ma/


Direco Nacional de Geografa e Cadastro (DINAGECA)
Caixa Postal 288, Avenida Josine Machez, Maputo
Tel: +258 1 302555
Fax:+258 1 421802
E-mail: fotcar@dinageca.uem.mz
Web: http://www.dinageca.gov.mz/


Myanmar Survey Department (MSD)
Ministry of Forests, Thiramingala Lana, Kaba Aye, Pagoda Road, YANGON
Tel: +95 I 667841


Directorate of Surveys (SGDN)
Ministry of Lands Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Private Bag 13182, Windhoek 9000
Tel: +264 61 220241
Fax:+264 61 228240


Survey Department NEPAL (NSD)
PO Box 10304, Min Bhawan, KATHMANDU
Tel: +977 I 482736
Fax:+977 I 482957
E-mail: GEOSURVEY@mos.com.np
Web: http://www.dos.gov.np/


Topografische Dienst Kadaster
Bendienplein 5, Postbus 115, NL-7800 AC Emmen
Tel: +31 591 696911
Fax:+31 591 696296
E-mail: info@tdn.nl
Web: http://www.tdn.nl/

New Zealand

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
Charles Fergusson Building, Bowen Street, Private Box 170, Wellington
Tel: +64 4 4600 110
Fax:+64 4 4600 111
E-mail: info@linz.govt.nz
Web: http://www.linz.govt.nz


Instituto Nicaragense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER)
Ventas de Mapas, Apartado 2110, Managua
Tel: +505 2 331594/2 632370
Fax:+505 2 331594/2 632370
E-mail: setab@tmx.com.ni
Web: http://www.ineter.gob.ni/


Institut Gographique National du Niger (IGNN)
Avenue de Ministres, BP 250, Niamey
Tel: +227 72 33 23


Federal Survey Department (FSD)
5 Tafawa Square, PMB. 12596, Lagos
Tel: +234 1 263 0622
Fax:+234 1 263 4492


Justice, Lands and Survey Department (NJLSD)
PO Box 208, Tufukia, ALOFI SOUTH
Tel: +683 4128
Fax:+683 4231
E-mail: ajm.falepeau@mail.gov.nu


Statens kartverk (SKV)
Kartverksveien 21, N-3500 Hnefoss
Tel: +47 32 11 81 00
Fax:+47 32 11 81 01
E-mail: produkter@statkart.no
Web: http://www.statkart.no


The National Survey Authority
Ministry of Defence
P.O. Box 113, Postal Code 113, Muscat
Sultanate of Oman
Fax : +968 312443
E-mail: nsaom@omantel.net.om
Web: http://www.nsaom.org.om


Survey of Pakistan (SP)
PO Box 1068, Murree Road, Rawalpindi
Tel: +92 51 9290216
Fax:+92 51 9290229
E-mail: surveyer@comsats.net.pk




Instituto Geográfico Nacional Tommy Guardia (IGNTG)
Apartado 4421, Panam 5
Tel: +507 236 2444
Fax:+507 236 1841
E-mail: direccionigntg@mop.gob.pa
Web: http://www.mop.gob.pa/tommyguardia.htm

Papua New Guinea

National Mapping Bureau (NMB)
PO Box 5665, Boroko, National Capital District
Tel: +675 327 6465
Fax: +675 327 6460
Email: natmap@datec.com.pg
Web: http://www.natmap.gov.pg/


Direccin Servicio Geográfico Militar (DSGM)
Avenida Artigas 920 casi Avenida Per, Asuncin
Tel: +595 21 1139
Fax:+595 21 1139/3812


Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGNP)
Avenida A. Arambur 1198, Surquillo, Apartado Postal 2038, Lima 34
Tel: +51 14 475 3090
Fax:+51 14 475 9810
E-mail: postmaster@ignperu.gob.pe
Web: http://www.ignperu.gob.pe/


National Mapping and Resource Information Agency (NAMRIA)
Lawton Avenue, Fort Andreas, Bonifacio, Makati, Metro Manila
Tel: +63 2 810 4831
Fax:+63 2 810 5468
E-mail: oss@namria.gov.ph
Web: http://www.namria.gov.ph/


Centralny Osrodek Dokumentacji Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej
ul. Zurawia 3/5, PL-00-926 Warszawa
Email: codgik@codgik.waw.pl
Web: http://www.codgik.waw.pl


Instituto Geografico Portugus
Rua de Artilharia Um 107, 1099-052 Lisboa
Tel: +351 1 381 96 00
Fax:+351 1 381 96 99
E-mail: ipcc@ipcc.pt
Web: http://www.igeo.pt/


Center for Geographic Information Systems (QCGIS)
PO Box 22088, Doha
Tel: +974 337556
Fax:+974 444036
E-mail: webmaster@gisqatar.org.qa
Web: http://www.gisqatar.org.qa

Republic of Moldova


Agentia de Stat Relatii Funciare si Cadastru
str Puskin 47 Chisinau MD 2005
Tel: +373-2 212244
Fax:: +373-2 226373
E-mail: info@agency.cadastre.md


Department for Architecture, Urbanization and Control of Construction
ul Muncheshstskaja


Republic of Korea

National Geographic Institute (NGI)
111 Wonchon-dong, Paldal-gu, SUWON, Kyungki-do 442-380
Tel: +82 331 211 1762
Fax:+82 331 211 1767
E-mail: imhr@ngi.go.kr
Web: http://www.ngi.go.kr/engi/e_main.htm#


Oficiul National de Cadastru, Geodezie si Cartografie (ONCGC)
202A, Splaiul Indepependentei, 1st floor, Sector 6, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 1 222 5224
Web: http://www.oncgc.ro/

Russian Federation

Federal'naya Sluzhba Geodezii i Kartografii Rossii (Roskartografija)
Ul. Krzhizhanovskogo 14, Korp. 2, 117801 Moskva
Tel: +7 095 124 3381
Fax:+7 095 124 3535


Service de Cartographie du Rwanda (SCR)
Ministre des Travaux Publics, de L'Energie et de L'Eau, 15 Avenue des Grands Lacs, BP 24, Kigali
Tel: +250 75771 / 76757

Saint Christopher and Nevis

Planning Unit
Division of Tourism, Trade, Industry, Planning and Development, The Cotton House, Market Street, Charlestown, Nevis
Tel: +1 809 469 5465
Fax: +1 809 469 5485

Saint Lucia

Land Survey, Registry and Mapping Department
New Government Building, P.O. Box 709, Conway

Tel: +1 809 45 23688

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Lands and Surveys Department(LSD)
Tel: +1 809 45 61111


Department of Lands & Environment (SDLE)
Main Beach Road
PO Box 63
Tel: +685 22481
Fax: +685 23176
E-mail: seudirdlse@samoa.net

San Marino

Istituto Geografico Militare (IGMI)
Via C. Battisti 19, I-50122 Firenze
Tel: +39-055-27321
Fax: +39-055-282172
Web: http://www.nettuno.it/fiera/igmi/igmit.htm

Saudi Arabia

Aerial Survey Department
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, PO Box 2880, Jiddah


Direction des Travaux Gographiques et Cartographiques (DTGC)
Route de Service Gographique Hann, BP 740, Dakar
Tel: +221 32 11 82
Fax: +221 32 11.81
E-mail: dtgc@sentoo.sn
Web: http://www.ausenegal.com/dtgc/

Serbia and Montenegro

Savezna Geodetska Uprava - SGU
Mije Kovacevica 5, Beograd


Lands Division and Infrastructure (LID)
PO Box 199, Victoria, Mahe
Tel: 248 2 25333
Fax:248 2 25187


rad Geodzie, Kartografie a Katastra Slovenskej Republiky (GKKSR)
Stromov 1, SK-837 86 Bratislava
Fax:+421 7 5477 4742
E-mail: kls@geodesy.gov.sk
Web: http://www.geodesy.gov.sk/


Geodetski Zavod Slovenije (GZS)
Zemljemerska ulica 12, Sl-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 61 13 27 121
Fax:+386 61 130 434
E-mail: tomaz.petek@gov.si
Web: http://www.sigov.si/gu

Solomon Islands

Lands and Survey Division (SILSD)
Ministry of Lands and Housing, PO Box G13, Hibiscus Avenue, Honiara, Guadacanal
Tel: +677 21 511
Fax:+677 21 094

South Africa

Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM)
Department of Land Affairs, Private Bag X 10, Van der Sterr Building, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray 7705
Tel: +27 21 685 4070
Fax:+27 21 689 1351
E-mail: cdsm@sli.wcape.gov.za
Web: http://w3sli.wcape.gov.za


Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN)
c/ General Ibez de Ibero 3, 28003 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 597 5050
Fax:+34 91 597 9758
E-mail: ign@ign.es
Web: http://www.ign.es (producer)
http://www.cnig.es (distributor)

Sri Lanka

Survey Department (SLSD)
PO Box 506, 150 Kirula Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 5
Tel: +941 585111
Fax:+941 584532
E-mail: sgsurve@sri lanka-net


Sudan Survey Department (SSD)
PO Box 306, Khartoum
Tel: + 249 11 72706


Centraal Bureau Luchtkartering (CBL)
Maystraat 39, PO Box 871, Paramaribo


SE-801 82 Gvle
Tel +46 26 63 30 00
Fax+46 26 68 75 94
E-mail lantmateriet@lm.se
Web http//www.lantmateriet.se/


Bundesamt fr Landestopographie (BLT)
Seftigenstrasse 264, CH-3084 Wabern
Tel: +41 31 963 21 11
Fax:+41 31 963 24 59
E-mail: reto.senn@lt.admin.ch
Web: http://www.swisstopo.ch

Syrian Arab Republic

Service Gographique de l'Arme (SGA)
Ministre de la Defense, BP 3094, Dimashq


Chief Administration for Geodesy and Mapping (Tajikaerokosmogeodezija)
UI Abaja 41/1, 734033, Dushanbe
Tel: +7 3772 31 24 23


Royal Thai Survey Department (RTSD)
Kalayanamaitree Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: +66 2 225 3347
Fax:+66 2 221 2884
E-mail: admin@rtsd.mi.th
Web: http://www.rtsd.mi.th/


Direction de la Cartographie Nationale et du Cadastre (DCNC)
Ministre de l'quipement, Avenue 2 Fvrier, BP 500, Lom


Office de la Topographie et de la Cartogrphie (OTC)
Direction Gnral et Sige Social, 13 rue de Jordanie, Cit Olympique, BP 1080, Tunis
Tel: +216 1 782 933
Fax:+216 1 797 359

Web: http://www.otc.nat.tn/



(General Command of Mapping)
TR-06100 Cebeci, Ankara
Tel: +90 312 5952222
Fax: +90 312 3201495
Email: webmaster@hgk.mil.tr
Web: http://www.hgk.mil.tr


Turkmen Map Production Entreprise (Turkmengeodezija)
UI Atabaeva d 51 A, 744004, Ashkhabad
Tel: +993 12 410361
Fax:+993 12 410057


Surveys and Mapping Department (USMD)
PO Box 1, Entebbe
Tel: +256 42 20843
Fax: +256 42 20810


Holovne Upravlinnja Heodezii Kartografi ta Kardastruv (HUHKK)
Vul. Popudenska , 54253094 Kyv
Fax: +380 44 543 42 12
Web: http://www.geomatica.kiev.ua/ukrgeo/

United Arab Emirates

Ministry of Public Works and Housing
POB 878, Abu Dhabi, Adu Dhabi
Tel: +971 2 651778
Fax: +971 2 665598

United Kingdom

Ordnance Survey (OS)
Romsey Road, Southhampton SO16 4GU
Tel: +44 23 8079 2912 (dedicated number if you are calling from overseas)
Tel: 08456 05 05 05 ( general helpline number)
Fax:+44 2380 792615
E-mail: customerservices@ordsvy.gov.uk
Web: http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk

United Republic of Tanzania

Surveys and Mapping Division (SMD)
Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development, Casino Building, PO Box 9201, DAR ES SALAAM
Tel: +255 51 21241
Fax:+255 51 23244

United States of America

United States Geological Survey (USGS)
903 National Center, 601 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Web: http://www.usgs.gov


Servicio Geográfico Militar (SGMU)
Av. 8 de Octubre 3255, Montevideo
Tel: +598 2 81 70 11
Fax: +598 2 47 08 68
Web: http://www.ejercito.mil.uy/cal/sgm/


Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii, Kartografii I
(Chief Administration of Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastral Survey of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Tel: 56 Block C, Chilanzar District, 700097 Tashkent
Fax:+7 3712 765 441
E-mail: +7 3712 764 879


Department of Lands and Surveys (VDLS)
Tel: +678 22427
Fax: +678 25973
E-mail: landsurvey@vanuatu/com.vu


Instituto Geográfico de Venezuela Simn Bolvar
Av. Este 6, edificio Camejo,
esquina de Camejo, piso 2, Ofic. 203,
Gerencia de Comercializacin, Caracas D.C.
Tel: 546.12.03/12.00 - 0800-GEOMAPA (0800-4366272)
E-mail: mapaven@igvsb.gov.ve
Web: http://www.igvsb.gov.ve/

Servicio Autnoma de Geografia y Cartografia Nacional (SAGECAN)
Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables,
Avenida Este 6, Esquina y Edificio Camejo, Piso 1,
Centro Simn Bolvar, Caracas 1010
Tel: +58 2 408 1719/1614
Fax:+58 2 541 3079
E-mail: wfranco@marnr.gov.ve
Web: http://www.marnr.gov.ve/


Viet Nam

Tong Cuc Dia Chin (TCDC) (General Department of Land Administration)
73-75 Lang Trung Street, Dong Da, HANOI
Tel: +844 8344 066
Fax: +844 8359 269
E-mail: vo.gdla@la.vnn.vn

Cartographic Publishing House
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Nh Xuat bn Bn o
85 Nguyen Ch Thanh, Hnoi
Tel: +84 4 8344108
Fax: +84 4 8344610
E-mail: info@bando.com.vn
Web: http://www.bando.com.vn/



Survey Authority (YSA)
Zubeiri Street, PO Box 11137, 168 Al-Jamiah Al-Arabiyah Street, SANA'A
Tel: +967 1 252586
Fax: +967 1 252589
Web: http://www.survey-authority.gov.ye/


Survey Depaaartment (ZS)
Mulungushi House Independence Avenue PO Box 50397, Lusaka
Tel: +260 1 251185
Fax: +260 1 250 120


Department of the Surveyor Generral (Zimap)
Electra House, Samora Machel Avenue Central, PO Box CY 540, Causeway, Harare
Tel: +263 4 775604
Fax:+263 4 780808
E-mail: dsg@harare.iafrica.com

Other References

Update: 02/01/2006