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National Unemployment Summary for October

The unemployment rate dropped slightly in October, to 9.0 percent. Unemployment has hovered between 9.0 and 9.2 percent since April 2011. More 

Encouraging Savings at Tax Time

Three states have enacted legislation allowing state tax refunds to be directly deposited into several accounts. More

Justice Reinvestment  

This policy approach reduces spending on corrections and reinvests the savings in ways that increase public safety and hold offenders accountable. More

Issue Areas
OverviewAgriculture & Rural DevelopmentBanking, Insurance & Financial ServicesBudget & TaxCivil & Criminal JusticeEconomic Development, Gambling and TradeEducationEnergy
Environment & Natural ResourcesHealth (subportal)Human Services (subportal)ImmigrationLabor & EmploymentState-TribalTelecommunications & Information TechnologyTransportation
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Budget and Tax

State Budget Update: Summer 2011Dollars

NCSL’s latest fiscal survey finds that state budgets are recovering, but are far from being fully recovered from the effects of the Great Recession. The fiscal impact has been deep and prolonged, with fiscal year (FY) 2012 marking the fourth consecutive year that states faced significant mismatches between revenues and spending. To date, state lawmakers have faced—and largely addressed—budget gaps totaling $510.5 billion. And though additional budget gaps loom, the magnitude and number of states projecting them has fallen considerably. More

State Tax Update: August 2011 (preliminary)

Webinar graphicFor the first time in 10 years, states cut taxes more than they increased them. But readers should not draw hasty conclusions about what this means for states’ fiscal health. Most states continued to face substantial budget shortfalls during their 2011 legislative sessions, even though some states saw revenue collections increase. The net state tax reduction is a result of temporary tax increases expiring in a handful of states. Removing the impact of those temporary taxes from the mix, states enacted a net tax increase of $9 billion. But again, this is misleading because large tax increases in only two states accounted for nearly all of the gains. In short, the aggregate figures are skewed by a handful of states where tax increases and tax cuts were large and extensive. More

State Measures to Balance Budgets - FYs 2010-12

moneyMany states continue to face budget gaps dues to the lingering effects of the recession. In light of these state budget gaps, NCSL has compiled information into a database that documents the measures, both proposed and enacted, that states are taking to close their budget gaps. More

NCSL 2011 Fall Forum

Fall ForumThe Fall Forum gives you the chance to advance the States' Agenda and tackle the difficult policy issues of our time—budget gaps, health care coverage, education affordability, transportation funding, energy costs and many others. More





Fall Forum 2011

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Mason's Manual

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Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800 | 7700 East First Place | Denver, CO 80230


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Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069 | 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001

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