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Economy of Gibraltar

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Economy of Gibraltar
Gibraltar five pound note
Currency Pound Sterling
Fiscal year 1 July - 31 June
Trade organisations EU, OECD and WTO
GDP £599 million (2006)[1]
GDP growth 7% (2005 est.)[2]
GDP per capita £20,831 (2006)[1] (25th)
Inflation (CPI) 2.6 % (2006)[1]
below poverty line
Labour force 12,690 (including non-Gibraltar laborers) (2001)[2]
Unemployment 3% (2005 est.)[2]
Main industries Financial services, tourism, shipping/manufacturing,[1] tobacco[2]
Exports $271 million (2004 est.)[2]
Export goods (principally reexports) petroleum 51%, manufactured goods 41%, other 8%[2]
Imports $2.967 billion (2004 est.)[2]
Import goods fuels, manufactured goods, foodstuffs[2]
Public finances
Revenues $455.1 million (2005 est.)[2]
Expenses $423.6 million (2005 est.)[2]
[2].html Main data source: CIA World Fact Book
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars

The economy of Gibraltar is managed and controlled by the Government of Gibraltar. Whilst being part of the European Union, the British overseas territory of Gibraltar has a separate legal jurisdiction from the United Kingdom and enjoys a different tax system.[3]

The role of the UK Ministry of Defence, which at one time was Gibraltar's main source of income, has declined, with today's economy mainly based on shipping, tourism, financial services, and the Internet.

In his June 2009, budget speech, Chief Minister Peter Caruana noted that Gibraltar's economy remains in good shape and Government finances remain healthy, solid, stable and robust, despite global economic and financial turmoil.[4]

Gibraltar will soon have a functioning stock exchange, the GibEX.[5]

In December 2008 in a landmark decision the European Court of Justice ruled that:[6]

the Court finds that the competent Gibraltar authorities which have devised the tax reform have, from a constitutional point of view, a political and administrative status separate from that of the central government of the United Kingdom.

This allowed the implementation of a new low tax system which is to take full effect by 2010.


[edit] Shipping

Situated at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, adjacent to the Strait of Gibraltar (one of the world's busiest shipping lanes) and with over 7,000 ship calls each year, Gibraltar is home to a wealth of shipping expertise and to many specialist companies offering a comprehensive range of support services,[7] most notably the dockyard of Gibdock.

[edit] Bunkering

Gibraltar is one of the largest bunkering ports in the Mediterranean Sea, with 4.3 million tonnes of bunkers delivered in 2007. This has become the main activity within the Port of Gibraltar.[8]

[edit] Finance

Gibraltar is a constituent part of the European Union as a Special Member State territory, having joined the European Economic Community with the United Kingdom in 1973, under the provisions of the Treaty of Rome relating to European dependent territories. However, it is exempt of the Common external tariff, the Common Agricultural Policy and the requirement to levy Value added tax.[9]

Financial institutions operating in Gibraltar are regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.[10]

Subject to notifying the Commissioner, who must be satisfied that they meet certain criteria in accordance with the relevant EU Directive, Gibraltar licensed or authorised financial institutions can provide services throughout the EU and European Economic Area without having to seek separate licences or authorisation in the host Member State. This is known as the passporting of financial services.[11]

Referred to as an International Finance Centre,[12] Gibraltar was among 35 jurisdictions identified by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a tax haven in June 2000.[13] However, the list's disclaimer states:[14]

That list should be seen in its historical context and as an evaluation by OECD member countries at a particular point in time of which countries met the criteria set out in the 1998 Report, Harmful Tax Competition: An Emerging Global Issue. More than five years have passed since the publication of the OECD list contained in the 2000 Report and positive changes have occurred in individual countries’ transparency and exchange of information laws and practices since that time. The list has not been updated to reflect such changes.

As a result of having made a commitment in accordance with the OECD's 2001 Progress Report on the OECD's Project on Harmful Tax Practices, Gibraltar is not included in the OECD's list of uncooperative tax havens.[13] It has also never been listed on the FATF Blacklist of uncooperative countries in the fight against money laundering. It may also be referred to as an Offshore financial centre, by international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).[15]

However, in its April 2009 progress report, the OECD listed Gibraltar in the list of jurisdictions which, although committed, had not "substantially implemented" yet the internationally agreed tax standard.[16] Following Gibraltar's signing of 12 additional Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs), as of October 2009, with jurisdictions including the UK, US and Germany,[17] to sum 13, Gibraltar is currently listed in the OECD "white list", and is considered a jurisdiction that has substantially implemented the tax standard. It therefore shares the same status as OECD member states such as the UK, the US, Spain or Germany.[18]

Fiscal advantages, including no tax on capital income, are offered to a maximum of 8,464 offshore qualified companies incorporated in Gibraltar.[19] After an agreement with the European Union in 2005, this tax exempt regime is due to disappear on the 31 December 2010.[19]

A 2007 IMF report on the regulatory environment and anti-money laundering has once again endorsed Gibraltar’s robust regulatory environment. [20]

According to the report:[21] [21][22][23][24]

Gibraltar has a well-regulated financial sector. The Gibraltar authorities are concerned with protecting the reputation and integrity of Gibraltar as a financial center, and are cognizant of the importance of adopting and applying international regulatory standards and best supervisory practices. Gibraltar has a good reputation internationally for cooperation and information sharing.

In 2008 Gibraltar was listed for the first time in the Global Financial Centres Index published by the City of London Corporation. The Rock was ranked 26th in a list of 69 leading finance centres around the world based on an online survey of 1,236 business professionals, who provided a total of 18,878 assessments.[25]

Gibraltar was also ranked in the top 20 centres for e-readiness, coming 20th after major capitals and leading offshore centres.[26]

[edit] Tourism

Gibraltar has invested in a new cruise ship terminal and is increasingly popular with this trade. Its coach park is popular with day-trippers mainly from Spain. The Gibraltar Airport is serviced daily by flights from the UK and certain charter flights. In 2005 an estimated 6,000,000 tourists visited Gibraltar.[27]

Preliminary work was begun in 2004 on a 10-year project to construct a new hotel and marina project on the Eastside of the Rock, overlooking Spain's Costa del Sol. Designed by world-famous British architect Norman Foster, the 2 billion euro mega-project will feature three, 200-metre long finger quays and a sweeping kilometre-long curved breakwater to surround them, totaling over 300,000 square metres of infill. The project, known as Sovereign Bay, will include several hotels and casinos and is scheduled for completion in 2014.[28] The deep-draft breakwater will be capable of berthing large ocean liners within the "bay", while the marina will accommodate 500 private boats. Spanish news outlets expressed outrage over the Sovereign Bay project in January 2009, particularly over the fact that infill material to create the quays and breakwater was reportedly coming from Spanish quarries in Andalucia.[29]

[edit] Internet business

Gibraltar offers a favourable tax system, good internet connectivity along with a well-developed regulatory system. All gambling operations in Gibraltar require licensing under the Gambling Act 2005. The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority is the Gambling Commissioner under the Gambling Act 2005, and therefore the regulatory body.[30] Good[citation needed] regulation, and being part of the EU is seen as a strong advantange by large legitimate operators.[citation needed] The UK has published plans to protect online gamblers from crime and exploitation by banning gambling adverts from poorly regulated countries[31] which specifically mention Gibraltar as an approved location.

[edit] Defence spending

The UK's Ministry of Defence was originally the mainstay of Gibraltar's economy but this has greatly reduced to around 6% of the GDP. In 2006 the MoD announced that it would contractorise the provision of services to the military base to make further cost savings. This was finalised in January 2007.[32]

[edit] Economy in detail

Gibraltar benefits from an extensive shipping trade, a well regulated international finance center, tourism, and has become a global leader in the virtual gaming industry.[33][34]

Self-sufficient Gibraltar benefits from an extensive shipping trade, offshore banking, and its position as an international conference center. The British military presence has been sharply reduced and now contributes about 7% to the local economy, compared with 60% in 1984. The financial sector, tourism (almost 5 million visitors in 1998), shipping services fees, and duties on consumer goods also generate revenue. The financial sector, the shipping sector, and tourism each contribute 25%-30% of GDP. Telecommunications accounts for another 10%. In recent years, Gibraltar has seen major structural change from a public to a private sector economy, but changes in government spending still have a major impact on the level of employment.

Figures from the CIA World Factbook show the main export markets in 2006 were United Kingdom 30.8%, Spain 22.7%, Germany 13.7%, Turkmenistan 10.4%, Switzerland 8.3%, Italy 6.7% while the corresponding figures for imports are Spain 23.4%, Russia 12.3%, Italy 12%, UK 9%, France 8.9%, Netherlands 6.8% and United States 4.7%.[35]

The Gibraltar Government state that economy grew in 2004/2005 by 7% to a GDP of £599,180,000. Based on statistics in the 2006 surveys, the Government statisticians estimate it has grown by 8.5% in 2005/6 and by 10.8% in 2006/7 and that the GDP is probably now around 730 million. Inflation was running at 2.6% in 2006 and predicted to be 2% to 3% in 2007. Speaking at the 2007 budget session, Peter Caruana, the Chief Minister said "The scale of Gibraltar's economic success makes it one of the most affluent communities in the entire world."

Labor force: 12,690 (including non-Gibraltar laborers) (2001)

Labor force - by occupation: services 60%, industry 40%, agriculture NEGL% Unemployment rate 2% (2001)

Budget revenues: $455.1 million expenditures: $423.6 million (2005 est.)

Public Debt 15.7% of GDP (2005 est.)

Industries tourism, banking and finance, ship repairing, tobacco

Industrial production growth rate NA%

Electricity - production 142 million kWh (2006 est.)

Electricity - production by source

fossil fuel 100%

hydro 0%

nuclear 0%

other 0%

Electricity - consumption 142 million kWh (2006 est.)

Electricity - exports 0 kWh (1998)

Electricity - imports 0 kWh (1998)

Oil - production 0 barrels per day (0 m3/d) (2001 est.)

Oil - consumption 42,000 barrels per day (6,700 m3/d) 2001

Oil - exports NA (2001)

Oil - imports NA (2001)

Agriculture - products none

Exports $271 million (2004 est.)

Exports - commodities (principally reexports) petroleum 51%, manufactured goods 41%, other 8%

Exports - partners UK, Morocco, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, US, Germany

Imports $2.967 billion (2004 est.)

Imports - commodities Fuels, manufactured goods, and foodstuffs

Imports - partners UK, Spain, Japan, Netherlands

Fiscal year 1 July - 30 June

The above figures taken from the CIA World Factbook September 2009 edition.[36]

[edit] Interaction with the nearby area

In September 2009 the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce released an Economic impact study and analysis of the economies of Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar produced by Professor John Fletcher of Bournemouth University.[37] The report aimed at clarifying the effects of Gibraltar's economy on the Campo area. It demonstrated that Gibraltar's economy has a significant and very positive economic impact on the Campo de Gibraltar. It also noted that the Campo region played a "significant role [..] in Gibraltar's economic development as well", concluding that "[b]oth economies and societies would be the poorer without the other..."[38]

Its conclusions were:[39]

  • The Gibraltar economy has a significant and positive economic impact on the Campo de Gibraltar region when considered from the point of view of net recurrent expenditure.
  • In 2007 Gibraltar businesses imported more than £174m of goods and services from Spain (excluding petroleum imports).
  • Spanish frontier workers earned almost 243m in 2007 and this money was repatriated and spent in the Campo de Gibraltar region to generate further rounds of economic activity.
  • Other frontier workers (excluding Spanish and Gibraltarian) earned £82.8m from within the economy of Gibraltar.
  • The number of jobs supported by the Gibraltar economy (within Gibraltar) is equivalent to 18% of the total 102,468 jobs recorded in the Campo de Gibraltar region in 2007.
  • Residents of Gibraltar spent almost £30m on shopping, food and other goods and services, in Spain, during 2007.
  • Gibraltarians with second homes in the Campo de Gibraltar spent more than £33.5m in the Spanish economy during 2007.
  • Gibraltar's economy increased the level of output in the Campo de Gibraltar in 2007 by £301.745m. Total visitor spending in Gibraltar in 2007 was £230.6m of which £176m was by visitors across the land frontier. Of this £176m land frontier visitor expenditure, some £112.4m was attributable to Campo de Gibraltar residents and a further £21.27m is assumed to be displacement from the Spanish economy, leaving a total net direct output effect of £168m from recurrent spending (£302m-£134m).
  • In 2007 the £302m direct output effect of the Gibraltar economy on the Campo de Gibraltar economy was responsible for a direct increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within the Campo de Gibraltar region of £195m.
  • Using the Andalusia Regional Input-Output model to estimate the secondary effects of the two economies' interaction, the Gibraltar economy was responsible for a further increase in GDP in the Campo de Gibraltar region of £125m, resulting in a total increase in GDP of just over £420m.
  • The Gibraltar economy was responsible for approximately 12.2% of the total GDP in the Campo de Gibraltar in 2007.
  • In terms of a further wealth effect created by the Gibraltar economy, the evidence would seem to suggest that property values within the Campo de Gibraltar region have increased by up to 40% because of the proximity to Gibraltar. With just over 86,000 households in the region and using a conservative property value (at 2007 prices) this could account for an increase in Campo de Gibraltar asset values of somewhere between £1.4 to £5.4 billion. The reason for such large variation is explained partly through the lack of data that are available without undertaking a detailed survey and partly because of the volatility experienced by the Spanish housing market over the past year, where property prices, particularly in some areas, have fallen dramatically. In part this fall in property prices is explained by the general economic downturn being experienced by the global economy and in part by the effect of the falling pound sterling with respect to the value of the euro which will have put further downward pressure on property prices in the region.
  • Gibraltar also imported approximately 1.5m tonnes of petroleum products from the Campo de Gibraltar region for bunkering during 2007 and the value of this has not been included in the analyses. If the value of this fuel is included as an import from the Campo de Gibraltar it adds almost another £300m to the impact of Gibraltar on the region, [using Meyrick and Associates of fuel bunker prices for this period and a GBP to USD exchange rate of 0.5049 being the mid-point in 2007].

[edit] Taxation

Gibraltar benefits from an extensive shipping trade, offshore banking, and its position as an international conference center. It is a well known and regulated international finance centre and has been a popular jurisdiction for European offshore companies. The financial sector, tourism, shipping services fees, and duties on consumer goods generate revenue.[40]

The law of Gibraltar is based on English law, but is separate from the UK legal system.[41] Non-resident businesses do not pay income tax unless the source of this income is Gibraltar proper. There is no tax on capital income.

In Gibraltar there is no capital gains tax, wealth tax, sales tax or value added tax. Import duty is payable on most items at 12% The main tax for companies is Corporation Tax, and Social insurance contributions. There are also stamp duties on certain transactions, and property taxes ('rates').

Non-resident companies can take advantage of a number of offshore regimes in order to reduce taxation, although in line with the elimination of unfair tax practices this is being phased out. Individuals pay quite high taxes on their income in Gibraltar unless they are able to take advantage of High net worth individual status or gain exemption as an expatriate executive. There is a moderately high estate duty, and import duties are quite high on some items.

Assessment and collection of tax is administered by the Commissioner of Income Tax; the tax year runs from first July to the following 30 June.

[edit] Tax rate information

Information in this section taken from the publication "Gibraltar Tax facts" [42]

Disclaimer: Tax rates may vary and information here may be incorrect or out of date. For the latest data see the Government of Gibraltar website listed in external links.

[edit] Value added tax

Gibraltar is a VAT free jurisdiction.

[edit] Gaming tax (Online gaming)

Levied at the rate of 1% of relevant income (gaming yield for online casinos and bets placed for online bookmakers), capped at £425,000 with a minimum payable of £85,000.

[edit] Import duties

Import duties are levied on goods imported into Gibraltar, mostly at rates 0% - 12%. As of 1 July 2010, import duty on pedal cycles, electric cars, solar paneling and related equipment has been reduced to 0%. Import duty on hybrid cars has similarly been reduced, though it has increased for petrol and diesel powered vehicles.

[edit] Excise duties

Levied mainly on spirits, wines, tobacco and mineral oils.

[edit] Social insurance, 2009

Class Rate Minimum Maximum
Employee (under 60) 10% earnings £5.00 £25.16
Employee (Aged 60 & Over) 0% earnings £0.00 £0.00
Employer 20% earnings £15.00 £32.97
Self Employed 20% earnings £10.00 £30.17

Minimums and maxima shown are per week. No contributions are payable if the person is not in receipt of earnings. Income earned by a student on holiday is exempt.

[edit] Corporation tax

Before 2009, the rate of corporation tax was 22%. With effect from 1 July 2009, regarding any new businesses, a start up rate of 10% will apply to any business established in Gibraltar after 1 July 2009. Tax will be assessed on an actual year basis. With effect from 1 January 2011, a new rate of 10% will apply to all companies except energy and utility providers, which will pay a 10% surcharge and thus incur a rate of 20%. These will include electricity, fuel, telephone service and water providers.

As an anti-avoidance provision, it will not apply in respect of any commercial activity being carried out before 25 June 2009 and that is reorganised by the taxpayer in the name of a different entity for the purpose of benefiting from the scheme.

[edit] Withholding tax

Class Rate
dividends 0%
In interest paid to resident individuals 0%
On interest paid to resident companies 22%
On interest paid to non-residents 0%

In addition, no tax is payable on dividends between Gibraltar companies

[edit] Companies enjoying special concessions

Tax rate/amount (irrespective of profits) Ordinarily resident Flat rate of £450 per annum. This will be phased out in 2010.

[edit] Capital taxation

  • Estate Duty - There is no Estate duty in Gibraltar
  • Capital Gains Tax - There is no Capital Gains Tax in Gibraltar.
  • Other Capital Taxes - There are no wealth, gift or other capital taxes

[edit] Income tax rates

Gibraltar has two tax systems, one based on gross income which does not provide any allowances, and another with different rates which does. The choice of which system to apply is made by the taxable person.


1. Persons on gross income up to £16,000

Income Rate Payable
0 - £10,000 8% £800
£10,001 - £16,000 20% £1200

2. Persons on gross income £16,000 to £25,000

Income On first Rate Balance at 20% Payable
£16,001 - £17,000 £6000 0% £10,001 - £11,000 £2,000 - £2,200
£17,001 - £18,000 £5,000 0% £12,001 - £13,000 £2,400 - £2,600
£18,001 - £19,000 £4000 0% £14,001 - £15,000 £2,800 - £3,000
£19,001 - £20,000 £3000 0% £16,001 - £17,000 £3,200 - £3,400
£20,001 - £25,000 £2000 0% £18,001 - £23,000 £3,600 - £4,600

3. Persons on gross income between £25,001 and £35,000

A rate of 20% applies less tapering relief on gross income between £25,001 and £26,000. With the tapering relief on gross income of £25,000, there is a tax-free amount of £2000 that reduces by £2 for every £1 increase in gross income.

4. Persons on gross income between £35,001 and £100,000

The effective (average) tax rate is reduced by 0.5% from the previous year using a complex formula to give a maximum effective tax rate of 26.25% on gross income of £100,000. The tax liability is arrived at by first calculating using the previous year’s tax band (i.e. 20% for tax bands of £0 - £25,000 and 29% for £25,001 - £100,000), then reducing it by 0.5% and finally applying the resulting rate of taxable income (gross income less tapering relief). With the tapering relief on gross income of £35,001, there is a tax-free amount of £3284 that reduces by £2 for every £1 increase in gross income.

5. Persons on gross income between £100,001 and £353,000

A rate of 20% on the first £25,000 of gross income applies, with the balance taxed at 29%. With the tapering relief on gross income of £100,001, there is a tax-free amount of £1722 that reduces by £2 for every £1 increase in gross income.

6. Individuals on Gross Income over £353,000

Taxed As Follows Tax Rate
First £25,001 20%
£25,001 - £353,000 29%
£353,001 - £704,800 20%
£704,801 - £1,000,000 10%
Excess over £1,000,000 5%


Bands Tax Rate Tax on band
0 - 4,000 17% (reduced rate) £680
4,001 - 16,000 30% (standard rate) £3,600
Over - 16,000 40%

A wide range of allowances apply for children, single parents, mortgage relief etc. (Below)

Main Income Tax Allowances & Reliefs
Personal Allowance £2812
Spouse Allowance £2632
Nursery School Allowance (per child) £1023
Child Relief in respect of first child only £997
Child Relief in respect of each child educated abroad £1105
Disabled Person £2724
Dependent Relatives (maximum for Resident) £190
Dependent Relatives (maximum for Non-resident) £139
Blind person £627
Apprentice £380
Single parent £2632
Home Purchase Allowance (deduction) £11,500
Home Purchase (Special - £1000 maximum p.a.) £4000
Social Insurance (Employee) £335
Social Insurance (Self-employed) £432

[edit] Stamp duty

Stamp Duty is only payable on real estate and capital transactions at the following rates:

  • £10 for Share Capital
  • £10 for Loan Capital

On purchase of Real Estate:

  • Nil for real estate costing up to £200,000
  • 2% on the first £250,000 and 5.5% on the balance for real estate costing between £200,001 and £350,000
  • 3% on first £350,000 and 3.5% on the balance for real estate costing over £350,000

[edit] Other Allowances & Reliefs

  • Low Income Earners Allowance – Individuals earning less than £8000 per tax year will not be subject to any taxation. An additional tax allowance is also given to taxpayers whose earned annual income is less than £19,500.
  • Students – Earnings during school or university vacations are exempt from tax.
  • Mortgage Interest Relief – This is interest fully allowable on loans to finance residential property in Gibraltar occupied by the taxpayer. The allowance is restricted on loans issued on or after 1 July 2008 to a maximum of £300,000. Conversely, loans of over £300,000 issued before this date will be grandfathered with the amount over the limit that is allowable being reduced by 1/10 per annum.
  • Life Assurance Premiums – These are premiums fully allowable provided they do not exceed 1/7 of assessable income or 7% of the capital sum assured at death. In respect of policies issued on or after 3 June 2008, the allowance is limited to a basic tax rate of 17%.
  • Working Pensioners’ Relief – Anyone that is over the age of 60 that is not in receipt of an occupational pension scheme and continues to work is entitled to a tax credit of £4000.
  • Medical Insurance Allowance – The first £1120 of eligible premiums paid in the tax year by an individual for personal health insurance cover or for the benefit of that individual’s spouse or dependent children is fully allowable.
  • ‘Topping-up’ Allowances – Individuals whose total allowances are less than £3700 will have their allowances ‘topped up’ to this amount. In the case of elderly people (men aged over 65 and over; women aged 60 and over), the allowances are topped-up to £10,887.
  • Pension Contributions and withdrawal of capital (tax-free) – Contributions to approved personal or occupational pension schemes are allowable subject to certain limits. There is no requirement to buy an annuity. Additionally, pensioners may withdraw the whole of the capital tax-free. With effect from 25 June 2009, the possibility to ‘carry back’ excess contributions to earlier tax years was abolished. Furthermore, with effect from 1 July 2009, tax relief on contributions to retirement annuity contracts and personal pension schemes is limited to the lower of 20% of earned income or £35,000.
  • Income from occupational pensions – Income from occupational pensions is generally taxed at 0% for those aged 60 and over.
  • Savings Income – Income from qualified investments, such as interest from bank and building society deposits and income from quoted investments, is tax-free.
  • Gibraltar Government Debentures – Investments in various Government debentures are exempt from Income Tax

[edit] Various economic indicators by national origin

Due to[citation needed] their business culture, the average annual earnings of Indo-Gibraltarians is nearly twice that of the rest of Gibraltarian people and approximately 1.5 times that of immigrants in the UK, thus making people of Indian descent by far the most economically affluent ethnic group in Gibraltar.[43]

Rank National Origin Average annual
1 Indian £32,585
2 UK British £22,011
3 Other EU £20,613
4 All other nationals £20,414
5 National average £19,383
6 Gibraltarian £18,934
7 Spanish £13,359
8 Moroccan £12,933
Rank Origin Hourly pay
1 Indian £14.73
2 UK British £11.30
3 Other EU £10.58
4 All other nationals £10.48
5 National average £10.03
6 Gibraltarian £9.46
7 Spanish £6.86
8 Moroccan £6.64
Rank Origin Unemployment
1 Moroccan 7.3%
2 Spanish 2.8%
3 National average 2%
4 Gibraltarian 2%
5 UK British 1.4%
6 Other EU 1.4%
7 All other nationals 0.7%
8 Indian 0.4%
Rank Origin Average monthly
1 Indian £2,455.61
2 UK British £1,818.57
3 Other EU £1,715.89
4 All other nationals £1,628.83
5 National average £1,627.49
6 Gibraltarian £1,625.49
7 Spanish £1,171.22
8 Moroccan £1,148.04
Rank Origin  % in higher managerial
and professional occupations
1 Indian 20.3%
2 UK British 12.6%
3 Other EU 11.8%
4 All other nationals 9.5%
5 National average 9.0%
6 Gibraltarian 8.4%
7 Spanish 5.9%
8 Moroccan 4.4%

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Gibraltar country profile
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l CIA - World The Factbook - Gibraltar
  3. ^ Gibraltar Taxation home page[dead link]
  4. ^ Government of Gibraltar - Summary of 2009 Budget Points.[dead link]
  5. ^ Gibraltar Stock exchange
  6. ^ European Court of Justice ruling on regional selectivity
  7. ^ Gibraltar Port Authority - Maritime services
  8. ^ Gibraltar Port Authority - Bunkering
  9. ^ Gibraltar's EU status[dead link]
  10. ^ Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
  11. ^ Gibraltar Financial Services Commission - Overview
  12. ^ Gibraltar Financial Services Commission - Building a good reputation
  13. ^ a b OECD, March 2002 Gibraltar Commits to Co-operate with OECD to Address Harmful Tax Practices. Retrieved on July 2006
  14. ^ OECD issues a disclaimer on outdated report
  15. ^ IMF, June 4, 2006 Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs): IMF Staff Assessments. Retrieved July 2006.
  16. ^ "A progress report on the jurisdictions surveyed by the OECD global forum in implementing the internationally agreed tax standard - Progress made as at 4th October 2009" (PDF). OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2009-04-04. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/38/14/42497950.pdf. Retrieved 2010-01-01. 
  17. ^ "Gibraltar 'white-listed' by OECD". The Gibraltar Chronicle. 2009-10-22. Archived from the original on 2009-10-22. http://www.webcitation.org/5kiOrhzBk. Retrieved 2009-10-22. 
  18. ^ "A progress report on the jurisdictions surveyed by the OECD global forum in implementing the internationally agreed tax standard - Progress made as at 20th October 2009" (PDF). OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2009-10-20. Archived from the original on 2009-10-22. http://www.webcitation.org/5kiOHMwjH. Retrieved 2009-10-22. 
  19. ^ a b Gibraltar Tax Exempt Company Registration Changes. Retrieved on July 2006
  20. ^ Government of Gibraltar. "Publication of the IMF Evaluation on Gibraltar's Supervision of Banking, Insurance and Anti-Money Laundering Measures" (PDF). http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/latest_news/press_releases/2007/118-2007.pdf. Retrieved 2008-10-17. 
  21. ^ a b [1][dead link]
  22. ^ [2][dead link]
  23. ^ [3][dead link]
  24. ^ [4][dead link]
  25. ^ Global Financial Centres Index
  26. ^ Gibraltar Chronicle Story[dead link]
  27. ^ Gibraltar Official Tourist site
  28. ^ FosterAndPartners.com
  29. ^ Zibb.com[dead link]
  30. ^ The Gibraltar Regulator
  31. ^ UK Gambling ad ban plans published
  32. ^ MoD to make cost cuts[dead link]
  33. ^ FCO company profile
  34. ^ Gibraltar proves a winning bet
  35. ^ CIA World Fact Book "Gibraltar". The World Factbook. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gi.html#Econ CIA World Fact Book. Retrieved 2007-12-20. 
  36. ^ CIA World Factbook
  37. ^ chamber releases report on economy
  38. ^ An Economic impact study and analysis of the economies of Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar, by John Fletcher, September 2009. Introduction (page 2)
  39. ^ An Economic impact study and analysis of the economies of Gibraltar and the Campo de Gibraltar, by John Fletcher, September 2009. Executive Summary (page 6)
  40. ^ Gibraltar as a finance centre
  41. ^ Gibraltar Laws
  42. ^ Gibraltar Tax facts[dead link]
  43. ^ Government of Gibraltar Website
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