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  • bank of america

    Another Weapon for OWS: Pull Your Money Out of BofA
    October 28, 11:15 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    One definite tactic that Occupy Wall Street can adopt, going forward, is educating people about the perfidy of certain financial institutions and convincing people to do what they did back in the days of apartheid, which is disinvest. If everyone were to start pulling their money out of the worst-offending banks, that would have a profound effect on the markets and may function as a great short-cut to political change.

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  • occupy wall street london sign

    Wall Street Isn't Winning – It's Cheating
    October 25, 9:26 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Critics say the OWS protesters hate the rich. Come on! Success is the national religion, and almost everyone is a believer. Americans love winners.  But that's just the problem. These guys on Wall Street are not winning – they're cheating. And as much as we love the self-made success story, we hate the cheater that much more.

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  • 'Griftopia' Book Event in New York City Tonight
    October 21, 1:58 PM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    I'm going to be doing a book event tonight, reading from Griftopia as part of the Imus Book Review, which will also include appearances by other writers, like Ben Coes and James Swanson. The address is 1395 Lexington, at the 92nd St. Y. I'm signing books between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and I'll be reading/speaking between 6:55 and 7:15. For more details, see here.

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  • Occupy Wall Street: Washington Still Doesn't Get It
    October 21, 8:25 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    I'll have more coming out about this in a few days, but there have been two disgusting developments in the realm of plutcratic intervention on behalf of Wall Street that everyone protesting should take note of.

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  • Why Rush Limbaugh Is Freaking Out About Occupy Wall Street
    October 18, 10:54 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Got a flurry of emails yesterday after the inimitable Rush Limbaugh lumped me and Dylan Ratigan in with the behind-the-scenes power structure. Apparently Rush got hold of Breitbart’s story about the email list and decided to run with it.

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  • Why Occupy Wall Street Is Bigger Than Left vs. Right
    October 17, 9:46 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Beware of provocateurs on both sides of the aisle -- they'll identify fake leaders, draw phony battle lines, and then herd everybody back into the same left-right cage matches of old.

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  • Caption Contest: We Have a Winner!
    October 17, 8:40 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    A few quick notes... yes, there was an editing error in Friday's post. There were originally six finalists to the Kim Jong-Il captioning contest, but our poll program maxed out at five, so we had to kill one, and I forgot to fix the text. So there. The invisible sixth finalist was, naturally, the funniest one, just as the best quarterback on every team is always the backup.

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  • Caption Contest Finalists: Vote for the Best!
    October 14, 11:27 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Okay, so I’ve talked it over with some members of my inner council, and we’ve narrowed down the Kim Jong-Il caption contest to six finalists. Thanks to the... | More »

  • Taibbi on Imus: Occupy Wall Street
    October 12, 11:19 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    I was on Imus in the Morning today, talking about the Wall Street protests. Check it out here.

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  • No-name Firm Takes Goldman's Crown
    October 11, 1:42 PM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    As I take a quick break from finishing up a feature on a certain entertaining Republican presidential candidate ... I caught a fascinating little blip on Zero Hedge today about a curious development in the New York Stock Exchange's weekly program trading reports.

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  • Caption Contest: Win a Signed Copy of 'Griftopia'
    October 8, 10:29 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Hi all ... hope everyone is having a good weekend. A friend of mine and I are trying to come up with the best caption to the following picture:

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  • The Next Big Bank Bailout
    October 5, 9:34 AM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    Amidst all the bad news coming out of Wall Street and the economy, here’s something good: California has backed out of the talks for the long-awaited foreclosure settlement, now making it far from likely that the so-called “Attorneys General” deal will happen anytime soon.

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  • Taibbi on the 'Occupy Wall Street' Protests
    October 3, 11:22 AM ET
    | Lauren Lipsay

    Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi appeared on Current TV's Countdown with Keith Olbermann to discuss the "Occupy Wall Street" protests. "The movement is growing organically," Taibbi says, "because people know there's something to protest now." He adds that Occupy Wall Street could spur reformers and legislators to act because "the public won't take it anymore." Watch Taibbi and Olbermann talk about the protests below.

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  • Dislike of Tea Party Is Key to 2012 Vote
    September 28, 12:36 PM ET
    | Matt Taibbi

    The status of public sentiment toward the Tea Party might very well end up dominating the next presidential race. Next year's election  is almost certainly going to be one of the all-time bummer-fests, where voters are probably going to go to the polls depressed about the state of the world and are more than ever going to be driven to decisions about whom to vote for based on their calculation of Who Sucks Less.

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Matt Taibbi

Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. He’s the author of five books, most recently The Great Derangement and Griftopia, and a winner of the National Magazine Award for commentary.

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