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    Yahoo! News

    Egyptian relatives of one of the Copts who were killed during clashes with the Egyptian army late Sunday, mourn over his coffin outside the morgue of the Copts' hospital in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Oct. 10, 2011. Egypt's Coptic church blasted authorities Monday for allowing repeated attacks on Christians with impunity as the death toll from a night of rioting rose to more than two dozen, most of them Christians who were trying to stage a peaceful protest in Cairo over an attack on a church. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

    Egypt's ruling military on Monday condemned a surge in deadly violence as an attempt to undermine the state, and warned it will act to safeguard the peace following a night of clashes that drew in Christians, Muslims and security forces. More »Egypt's military vows to get tough after clashes

    Congress is embarking on a flurry of votes to show it is trying to do something about creating … More »Congress takes up China, free trade, jobs bills

    FILE - In this April 20, 2005 file photo, a statue by Dennis Smith representing womanhood with children stands in view of the Mormon Temple, rear, in Salt Lake City. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has struggled for acceptance ever since its founder, Joseph Smith, said in the 19th century that God told him to restore the true Christian church by revising parts of the Bible and adding the Book of Mormon as a sacred text. (AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac, File)

    When one of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's supporters publicly denounced the faith of Mitt Romney … More »Mormons beliefs once again under attack

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