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Map shows states hit hardest; forecasts for rebound
Career consultant Andrea Kay specializes in creating strategies to help people get what they want. Her column appears Mondays.
Author Anita Bruzzese writes about taking control of your career and avoiding workplace blunders. Her column appears Wednesdays.
Michael Crom, executive vice president of Dale Carnegie Training, answers readers' questions on work-related issues. His column appears Fridays.
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Some economists say statistics bear out Occupy Wall Street protestors' views: The middle class is feeling a great deal of pressure.
bruzzese | Comment | Recommend
Think like a business owner. Think about what you bring to the table and how it could help the company.
economy | Comment | Recommend
Local governments have cut 535,000 positions since September 2008, the most since the recession's end in mid-2009.
kay | Comment | Recommend
Looking back, the Apple co-founder had many words of wisdom about creating a meaningful career no matter what your line of work.
economy | Comment | Recommend
Be alert, and get to know the big picture at your company.
crom | Comment | Recommend
If you spend time regretting the opportunity that you missed, you might not see the new opportunity presenting itself.
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But trade deficit with China sets a record.