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USA TODAY Reporter Index
The index below shows a listing of all active USA TODAY reporters, organized alphabetically. Click on a letter in the navigation to go directly to that part of the list. Next to each reporter name are two links - one for that reporter's personal profile, if they maintain one, and the second for an index of that reporter's stories, sorted from newest to oldest. Following that is a link to the reporter's RSS feed that you can use to be notified of new stories or blog posts published by each reporter.
Rhonda Abrams
Stories | 

Ben Abramson

Byron Acohido

Dr. Qanta Ahmed
Stories | 

Souheila Al-Jadda
Stories | 

Zack Albert
Stories | 

Bryan Alexander
Stories | 

Kevin Allen

Kathy Altman

Mel Antonen

Stephanie Armour
Stories | 

Nicole Auerbach
Stories | 

John Bacon
Stories | 

Edward C. Baig

Ross K. Baker
Stories | 

Mike Bambach
Stories | 

Olivia Barker
Stories | 

Trey Barrineau
Stories | 

Deborah Barrington

Peter Barzilai

Emily Bazar

Lionel Beehner
Stories | 

H. Darr Beiser
Stories | 

Jarrett Bell
Stories | 

Marisol Bello
Stories | 

Craig Bennett
Stories | 

Steve Berkowitz
Stories | 

Robert Bianco
Stories | 

Joan Biskupic
Stories | 

Nancy Blair

Lorena Blas
Stories | 

Sandra Block

Laura Bly

Scott Boeck
Stories | 

Bonnie Crowder
Stories | 

Stephen Borelli
Stories | 

Scott Bowles

Caitlin Boyle
Stories | 

Erik Brady
Stories | 

Mike Brehm

Christine Brennan
Stories | 

Anthony Breznican

Jonathan Briggs
Stories | 

Cesar Brioso
Stories | 

Rodney A. Brooks
Stories | 

Mary Brophy Marcus
Stories | 

Desair Brown
Stories | 

Emily Brown
Stories | 

Linda Burbank
Stories | 

Mary Cadden
Stories | 

Caitlin Boyle
Stories | 

Catalina Camia
Stories | 

Don Campbell
Stories | 

Jack Carey
Stories | 

Sharon Silke Carty

Dennis Cauchon
Stories | 

Megan H. Chan
Stories | 

Serena Chase

Jim Cheng
Stories | 

Reid Cherner

Kathy Chu

Matt Cimento
Stories | 

Cindy Clark
Stories | 

Jayne Clark
Stories | 

Mick Cochran
Stories | 

Ron Coddington

David Colton

Steve Coogan
Stories | 

Patrick Cooper

Larry Copeland
Stories | 

Jim Corbett
Stories | 

William Couch

Michael Crom
Stories | 

Bonnie Crowder
Stories | 

David Daley

Paul Davidson
Stories | 

Nate Davis
Stories | 

Barbara De Lollis
Stories | 

Anthony DeBarros

Jayme Deerwester
Stories | 

Marco R. della Cava
Stories | 

Bill Desowitz

Lindsay Deutsch
Stories | 

Ken Dilanian
Stories | 

Steve DiMeglio

Mike Dodd

Deirdre Donahue
Stories | 

Oren Dorell

Christine Dugas
Stories | 

Jessica Durando
Stories | 

Beau Dure

Peter Eisler
Stories | 

Haya El Nasser
Stories | 

James Endrst

Dave Evans
Stories | 

Melanie Eversley
Stories | 

J. Michael Falgoust
Stories | 

J. Michael Falgoust
Stories | 

Gene Farris
Stories | 

Mindy Fetterman

Ted C. Fishman
Stories | 

Gwen Flanders
Stories | 

Joe Fleming
Stories | 

Mike Foss
Stories | 

Lea Franczak

Thomas Frank
Stories | 

Donna Freydkin

John Fritze
Stories | 

Annette Fuentes
Stories | 

Marlen Garcia

Andy Gardiner
Stories | 

Elysa Gardner
Stories | 

Steve Gardner

Tim Gardner

Christie Garton
Stories | 

John Geddes
Stories | 

Jack Gillum
Stories | 

Anne Godlasky
Stories | 

Jonah Goldberg
Stories | 

Alan Gomez
Stories | 

Sandy Grady
Stories | 

Jefferson Graham

Gary Graves
Stories | 

Cathy Lynn Grossman

Jack Gruber
Stories | 

Mary Grzesik

Edna Gundersen
Stories | 

George Hager
Stories | 

Mimi Hall
Stories | 

Jim Halley

Rick Hampson
Stories | 

Barbara Hansen
Stories | 

Rob Harrington
Stories | 

Joshua Hatch

James R. Healey
Stories | 

Michelle Healy
Stories | 

Brad Heath

Nanci Hellmich

Rebecca Heslin

Michael Hiestand

Bruce Horovitz

Ellen J. Horrow
Stories | 

Monica Hortobagyi

David Jackson
Stories | 

Mike James
Stories | 

Chelsea Janes
Stories | 

Nick Jans
Stories | 

Bart Jansen
Stories | 

Sharon Jayson

Rick Jervis
Stories | 

Kevin Johnson
Stories | 

Lois Joy Johnson
Stories | 

Tory Johnson
Stories | 

Charisse Jones
Stories | 

Del Jones
Stories | 

Steve Jones
Stories | 

Stacy Kaiser
Stories | 

Howard P. Kamen

Jake Kaplan
Stories | 

Arin Karimian
Stories | 

Ryan Kartje
Stories | 

Yaakov Katz
Stories | 

Andrea Kay
Stories | 

Judy Keen

Matt Kelley

Susan Kelly
Stories | 

Marisa Kendall
Stories | 

Kelly Kennedy
Stories | 

Luke Kerr-Dineen
Stories | 

Michelle Kessler

Bill Keveney
Stories | 

Eugene Kiely

Kathy Kiely

Bob Kimball

Robert Klemko
Stories | 

Bruce Kluger
Stories | 

Wendy Koch
Stories | 

Gregory Korte

Matt Krantz

Tom Krattenmaker
Stories | 

Jerelle Kraus

Jackie Kucinich
Stories | 

Gabe Lacques

Joyce Lamb
Stories | 

Chris Lawlor
Stories | 

Sean Leahy

Donna Leinwand Leger

Alan Levin
Stories | 

Gary Levin
Stories | 

David Lieberman

Robert Lipsyte
Stories | 

Seth Livingstone
Stories | 

Janice Lloyd

Ray Locker
Stories | 

Courtney Lofgren
Stories | 

Korina Lopez
Stories | 

Mike Lopresti
Stories | 

David J. Lynch

Calum MacLeod
Stories | 

Aamer Madhani
Stories | 

Carly Mallenbaum

Andrea Mandell
Stories | 

Brian Mansfield
Stories | 

Mary Beth Marklein

Larry Marshak
Stories | 

Steve Marshall

Scott Martin
Stories | 

Whitney Matheson

Maureen Linke
Stories | 

Maureen Linke
Stories | 

Tony Mauro
Stories | 

Alison Maxwell

Michael McCarthy

Sheryl McCarthy
Stories | 

Jocelyn McClurg
Stories | 

Kevin McCoy
Stories | 

Diane McWhorter
Stories | 

Michael Medved
Stories | 

Carol Memmott
Stories | 

Dave Merrill
Stories | 

Philip Meyer
Stories | 

Vicki Michaelis
Stories | 

Jim Michaels

Gary Mihoces
Stories | 

Bob Minzesheimer
Stories | 

Brett Molina

Michelle Monkou

Ted Montgomery
Stories | 

David Leon Moore
Stories | 

Dennis Moore
Stories | 

Martha T. Moore
Stories | 

Blake Morrison
Stories | 

Tim Mullaney
Stories | 

Joan Murphy

Ben Mutzabaugh

Al Neuharth
Stories | 

Alex Newman
Stories | 

William F. Nicholson
Stories | 

Stories | 

Bob Nightengale

Sergio Non

Pete O'Brien

Jayne O'Donnell

Glenn O'Neal
Stories | 

Thomas O'Toole
Stories | 

Alcestis “Cooky” Oberg
Stories | 

Ann Oldenburg

Don Oldenburg
Stories | 

Don Oldenburg

Jorge L. Ortiz

Paul Overberg

Susan Page
Stories | 

Kathleen Parker
Stories | 

Kate Patterson
Stories | 

Ken Paulson
Stories | 

Tom Pedulla

David Person
Stories | 

Carolyn Pesce
Stories | 

Ralph Peters
Stories | 

Sharon L. Peters
Stories | 

Laura Petrecca

Kevin Pho
Stories | 

Rhyne Piggott
Stories | 

Matt Pitzer

Frank Pompa
Stories | 

Elizabeth Pongo
Stories | 

Jerry Potter

Jessie Potts

Maria Puente
Stories | 

Claudia Puig
Stories | 

Chuck Raasch
Stories | 

Dan Reed
Stories | 

Raul Reyes
Stories | 

Patty Rhule
Stories | 

Doyle Rice

Douglas Robson
Stories | 

Carlos Roig
Stories | 

Greg Rosenstein
Stories | 

Roger Rotter
Stories | 

Rita Rubin

Sal Ruibal

Nate Ryan

Marc Saltzman
Stories | 

Jon Saraceno
Stories | 

Julie Schmit
Stories | 

Christopher Schnaars
Stories | 

Fredreka Schouten
Stories | 

Mandi Schreiner

Bruce Schwartz
Stories | 

Ellen Seidman
Stories | 

Casey Shaw

Adam Shell
Stories | 

Jerry Shriver

Marc Siegel
Stories | 

Gene Sloan

Erick Smith

Mike Snider

Mary Zeiss Stange
Stories | 

Douglas Stanglin
Stories | 

Steve Sternberg
Stories | 

Jeffrey Stinson
Stories | 

Veronica Gould Stoddart
Stories | 

Gary Stoller
Stories | 

Gary Strauss

Jon Swartz

Liz Szabo

Charlie Szold
Stories | 

Rick Taylor
Stories | 

Oliver “Buzz” Thomas
Stories | 

Juan Thomassie
Stories | 

Arienne Thompson

Gary Thorne
Stories | 

Eddie Timanus
Stories | 

John Tkach
Stories | 

Greg Toppo

Tory Johnson
Stories | 

Brian Truitt
Stories | 

Jonathan Turley
Stories | 

Owen Ullmann
Stories | 

Jodi Upton
Stories | 

Tom Vanden Brook
Stories | 

Laura Vanderkam
Stories | 

Bob Velin
Stories | 

Dan Vergano

John Waggoner

Karen Walrond
Stories | 

Alan Webber
Stories | 

Tom Weir

Elizabeth Weise

William M. Welch
Stories | 

Patrick Welsh
Stories | 

Tim Wendel
Stories | 

Paul White

Kelly Whiteside

Steve Wieberg
Stories | 

Anne Willette
Stories | 

Craig Wilson

Jym Wilson
Stories | 

Brian Winter
Stories | 

Michael Winter
Stories | 

Paul Wiseman
Stories | 

Susan Wloszczyna
Stories | 

Richard Wolf
Stories | 

Skip Wood
Stories | 

Kyle Woodlief
Stories | 

Chris Woodyard
Stories | 

Kitty Bean Yancey

Alison Young
Stories | 

Roger Yu
Stories | 

Jeff Zillgitt

Gregg Zoroya
Stories | 

Scott Zucker
Stories |