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Chris Collinsworth Hints That Peyton Manning's Injury Could Be Far More Serious Than We Thought

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning (18) watches from the sideline during the fourth quarter of an NFL football game against the New Orleans Saints at the Superdome in New Orleans, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. The Saints won 62-7. (AP Photo/Bill Haber)

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Thank you to James, a Colts fan from Ohio for the following:

AL MICHAELS: ... and the question is what about the future, what about next year?  The other

day he was saying that he's pain-free if nothing else but he hasn't been cleared to run, works out on the elliptical . . .

what's your feeling about it, Chris?

CHRIS COLLINSWORTH:   Well, I hope he does right by himself, he's meant too much to the NFL for too long, I

certainly hope he doesn't play the rest of this year and he has to make a decision about his future.  He's a young guy,

he's obviously talented, he's got more money than he could ever spend in a hundred lifetimes and I hope we see him

playing next year, but I also hope that he's healthy for the rest of his life.  

Last night, in the midst of one of the Colts most embarrassing losses all time, Chris Collinsworth made a few comments that should have made fans cringe far worse than the score did. Talking about the anemic Colts offense and the importance of Peyton Manning (we get it already, we are a one man team), Chris Collingsworth said how he hopes Peyton Manning does what is best for him and his future post football because he is still a young guy who has plans and goals he wants to achieve after he's done playing quarterback. 

Al Michaels quickly jumped in to clarify that Manning has yet to be put on IR and that there is talk of him returning this season, to which Collinsworth replied that he hopes Manning 'shuts it down' for the year and focuses instead on the possibilities of playing next season.

My first reaction to Collinsworth's comments were 'huh? Is he confusing number 18 with Kerry Collins. He isn't concussed and should have a few years left.' After a few moments, my second thought was, 'ooohhh..crap.'

For months we have heard rumors and delicately danced around the subject of the severity of Manning's neck injury and fusion surgery. The Colts have maintained - at least publicly - that Manning could play this year and for the most part that has been accepted by the media. The owner of the team Jim Irsay has said as much.

So for Collingsworth to say during a primetime national telecast that Manning should not only shut it down for the season, but also consider his long term health and future is not only very troubling, but revealing as well.

A lot of us non-doctors have assumed (or wanted to believe) that Peyton Manning's injury was more arm than neck related. A serious one, but an injury that was more detrimental to his being able to throw than possible spinal damage. Arms heal. Perhaps because of his previous invincibility we convinced ourselves that we understood the severity and that he would be fine. Sure he might be out awhile, but it's Peyton freaking Manning right?!?! He's superman, he'll be back by December! 

By talking about Manning's future and Manning doing what is best for him, Collinsworth painfully drilled it into our heads that the severity of the injury is far worse than we believed or were told. This might not just our beloved qb living with a bum shoulder. His day-to-day life could be impacted.... This is the first major analyst willing to go out on television and really give fans the full and potentially devastating news that Peyton needs to think about life post-football. Reality has hit home. 

Which brings me to point two. Talk of players looking out for the long term interests in the NFL is only related to concussion related injuries (even though most players come back and play again - see Austin Collie) and career threatening injuries.

This deduction leads to two more questions.

Why is Peyton taking up a roster spot? (no idea, ask Polian) and should Colts fans be prepared to move on without number 18? (it's a distinct possibility) 

And we thought after a 62-7 loss it couldn't get any worse.

 Here's to hoping he's wrong but also to Collinsworth for preparing us for a possible terrible reality.  

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I dont care if it

Was Collinsworth who said it. Theres validity to what he said. I can’t believe how dense some people are on this site about “why is Peyton still on the active roster?” Obviously to sell tickets. Do you really think Colts fans will buy tickets when the main attraction is not playing for the year? OMFG.

by deywalka on Oct 24, 2011 11:25 AM EDT via mobile up reply actions  

there's a waiting list for tickets....

and the year is already sold out. the only thing that could happen is colts fans selling the tickets. the colts already have the money from the ticket sales.

TN Sports fan in Hoosier Country....

by Evanbio on Oct 24, 2011 11:26 AM EDT up reply actions  

Significant revenue is still made past ticket purchases

In concessions and memorabilia.

The Colts would still lose out if people who have already purchased tickets started to no show.

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 12:08 PM EDT up reply actions  


So your theory is that fans would quit buying beer and jerseys unless they felt there was a chance Peyton might return in December rather than next year.

Well, it’s weird enough to be a theory that the Polians might entertain…

by Andy4colts on Oct 24, 2011 12:43 PM EDT up reply actions  

No my theory is

That people have to ACTUALLY SHOW UP TO THE GAME to purchase beer and jerseys at the LUKE.

The fear for Irsay is that people will start to no show the games.

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 12:46 PM EDT up reply actions   1 recs


So your theory is that tickholders will continue to show up for games for a Manning-less Colts team if there’s a highly remote possibility that he’ll return in December to play for a team that’s already out of the playoff hunt.

Well, it’s weird enough to be a theory that the Polians might entertain…

by Andy4colts on Oct 24, 2011 12:59 PM EDT up reply actions  

At some point there ARE going to be no shows this season

Irsay is trying to sell hope to the fanbase to minimize the effect/amount of the impending no shows.

If he can get people to attend a couple extra games. It’s just more money in his pocket.

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 1:28 PM EDT up reply actions  

All of these points are retarded.

 I am a season ticket holder, and the fact that Manning is or isn’t playing doesn’t defer me from anything. I already paid for the tickets, so I’m going. End of story. Things aren’t cheap, and people aren’t paying face value. So I am going. I’m still going to want beer and refreshments at the game. If anything it makes me buy MORE beer because they suck so bad, and I still want to have a good time at the game. I’m not going to starve myself just because Manning isn’t suited up. This whole article is dumb, because Collinsworth provided ZERO proof or any facts that Manning is any worse off than we know now. If anything it makes me buy MORE beer. Dumbasses.

by Pacer4Life on Oct 24, 2011 1:34 PM EDT up reply actions   1 recs

Are you the only person attending the games?

It’s cool that you are going to go every game and get your money’s worth.

Unfortunately not EVERYONE is going to do the same.

A lot of the last 10 year season ticket crowd started going because it was the hot ticket. If the team is miserable a certain percentage of folks will find something else to do with their time.

This isn’t groundbreaking stuff. Every sporting event will suffer a certain number of no shows if the product on the field is trending poorly. Did you see Wrigley Field in September?

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 1:56 PM EDT up reply actions  

Anyone who thinks...

Manning is a lock to play is lying to themselves. I said on these board as soon as the announcement about the surgery came that I hoped but did not expect him to play again. People here told me he would come back better than before…lol! Spinal fusion surgery is no joke. I assume he will give it a go but expecting him to come baked at 100% of what he was is unrealistic.

This franchise has to move on! This is a good year for QBs even if the don’t get Luck. You have Griffin Jones Barkley. You have two stud WRs in Blackmon and Jefferies to look at if thu don’t go QB.

If 18 retires it will be a sad and abrupt end but the show will go on! Rebuild and reload!

by supreme omega on Oct 24, 2011 9:13 AM EDT via mobile reply actions  

You have been paying attention to the Manning injury updates right?

We’ve known for months that it’s a neck/nerve issue, not an arm issue. His nerves have to regenerate, allegedly.

by redmid17 on Oct 24, 2011 9:14 AM EDT reply actions   4 recs


I don’t know where this “arm injury” nonsense came from. Of course we knew it was a neck injury. He had surgeries (plural) on his neck, not his arm.

by FatDT on Oct 24, 2011 9:50 AM EDT up reply actions  

Exactly what I was thinking

Who the hell cares what Collinsworth thinks about #18.

Somehow I doubt Peyton is giving Collinsworth updates on his progress – my guess is Collinsworth doesn’t know anymore about it than us fans.

Collinsworth is a douche and all he can do is speculate.

I will believe that #18 will be back – UNTIL #18 says he won’t be back.

Did you see the passion/fire/disappointment in #18’s eyes last night on the sideline.

Its killing him to get back out there – he made this team a contender and he is watching it fall apart right in front of his eyes.

Believe in Blue – Believe in #18

by IT GOD on Oct 24, 2011 9:23 AM EDT up reply actions   1 recs

I never thought that he was dealing with an arm injury.

As someone who has also had a spinal fusion (albeit a much lower one), I know exactly what was entailed and where the issue was. Anyone who thought this was an arm or shoulder issue was in major denial overdrive.

Having said all that: Collinsworth is right on the money. Peyton needs to think about his long term, post-NFL life. Let’s not forget he is also a father now, and is probably planning to become one more times over in the future. If it is the opinion of his doctors that he should hang it up playing pro football, then he should do it.

I made a pretty decent career playing pro wheelchair tennis after my spinal fusion. If Manning is looking for another professional gig, I can give him some pointers. };0)

I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us. ~Walt Whitman

by Chopaholic on Oct 24, 2011 9:15 AM EDT reply actions  

Wait, what?

I knew before the Texans game that Peyton wouldn’t be back this season. Didn’t everyone else know/assume this and ignore Irsay’s attempts at lying? Was it still really a question that he would come back this season?

Fire Caldwell.

by Ram27 on Oct 24, 2011 9:22 AM EDT reply actions   2 recs

I don't think anyone needs a TV talking head to prepare them for the possibility Peyton can't play again

I mean, he’s had three surgeries on his neck, as well as a variety of other ones. I agree with Collinsworth’s sentiment’s that Peyton’s should look out for his long-run health. I don’t think that means he has any special knowledge about Peyton’s long-run health though.

BullsTwo > Back up and running!

by Sports2 on Oct 24, 2011 9:33 AM EDT reply actions   1 recs

True. Nothing Collinsworth said

means anything. He’s not telling us anything we don’t already know.

by Ayrshire on Oct 24, 2011 9:35 AM EDT up reply actions  


I think nopuntintended is, like a lot of Colt fans, in denial about 18’s health. I don’t know anyone who thought that this was just an arm issue; I haven’t even heard the team suggest such a thing.

Of more concern is that the FO may be in denial about the injury as well. We have to trust them to look at the facts of the injury and Manning’s future squarely and honestly and make sound decisions based on those facts. Unfortunately, the FO increasingly seems totally detached from reality.

by Andy4colts on Oct 24, 2011 9:44 AM EDT up reply actions  

This has been a concern of mine as well. However.......

Last nights shellacking by the Saints could end up being a blessing in disguise.

No way that Polian can spin to Irsay that this roster is a contender. No way Irsay can still think that a healthy 18 and a couple of small tweaks brings a ring to Indy.

Irsay HAS to be shifting his focus to the long term health of his franchise. I’m quite certain he doesn’t want to keep seeing replays of last night going forward.

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 10:56 AM EDT up reply actions  

Here is why it's an arm issue

Some people have spinal fusions for fractured/damaged vertebrate others have it because of nerve interruption from a bulged disc. The biggest misconception about Peyton’s surgery is that he did it because of pain when he and the coaching staff have stated many times that he noticed significantly decreased arm strength from pressure put on the nerve from the disc.

By removing the disc it relieves pressure off of the nerve and it allows the nerve to regenerate to not only pre-surgery, but pre-disc injury. If you compare 2007 on to Peyton in the first half of the 2000s, he clearly didn’t have as much zip on the ball and had to loft a lot of sideline passes and deep balls. This surgery should allow him to get back a lot of his arm strength and he doesn’t pose as great a risk to re-injury as someone who had the surgery for a fractured vertebrate.

This is why the Colts had toyed with the idea of bringing him in for red zone situation early on i the season since there isn’t as much arm strength required. It is also probably the reason they haven’t put him on IR. They want him to see how it feels to get hit with the fused vertebrate to see if he’ll continue his career or not.

"It's about the journey--mine and yours--and the lives we can touch, the legacy we can leave, and the world we can change for the better."
— Tony Dungy

by Mark Olson on Oct 24, 2011 9:53 AM EDT reply actions  


thing i ever read

“This is why the Colts had toyed with the idea of bringing him in for red zone situation early on i the season since there isn’t as much arm strength required.” lol

“This surgery should allow him to get back a lot of his arm strength and he doesn’t pose as great a risk to re-injury as someone who had the surgery for a fractured vertebrate.” lollol

peyton manning and the colts run the most boring offense ever who cares

by grumpyapp on Oct 24, 2011 12:05 PM EDT up reply actions  

You're an idiot.

And clearly have nothing to add to the conversation.

"I throw, you catch. It's NOT that hard!"
Peyton Manning, SNL, 2007

by peytonsthebest on Oct 24, 2011 12:28 PM EDT up reply actions   2 recs

Oh, just checked. You're the Jags fan.


"I throw, you catch. It's NOT that hard!"
Peyton Manning, SNL, 2007

by peytonsthebest on Oct 24, 2011 12:29 PM EDT up reply actions  


That explains the totally bizarre, completely out of left field “Peyton and the Colts run the most boring offense ever” comment.

by Andy4colts on Oct 24, 2011 12:40 PM EDT up reply actions   1 recs

sure, it's an arm "issue"

But its a cervical spine injury/derangement

Nothing in his arm is damaged

"Albert hits good pitches hard and bad pitches even harder. And when he gets in the batter's box, if you pray, then you start praying. And if you don't pray, you think about starting."--Brian Bannister

Trevor Rosenthal Update (as of end of regular season)
120 1/3IP, 133 K, 52 BB/HBP, 55 ER, 7 HR, 3.04 FIP
Postseason: 2 Starts- 15 IP, 9 H, 10 K, 2 BB, 3 ER, 19:10 GO:AO

by VolsnCards5 on Oct 24, 2011 1:31 PM EDT via SB Nation iPhone app up reply actions  


Doctors have said he can come back and play. People want to assume the worst but lets not retire him before he is ready. Until he says that he is done I dont care what the media says.

by SRBradford on Oct 24, 2011 10:05 AM EDT via mobile reply actions   2 recs

Dude step back off the ledge

Collingsworth’s job is to fill dead air with hot air. Why on earth do you think he has more inside info to Manning’s injury than anyone else? He’s not “dropping hints”…he’s blabbing on TV because there is nothing to talk about on the field.

by ruascott on Oct 24, 2011 10:05 AM EDT reply actions  

A few more thoughts
Why is Peyton taking up a roster spot? (no idea, ask Polian) and should Colts fans be prepared to move on without number 18? (it’s a distinct possibility)

1) Peyton is still taking up a roster spot because the Colts probably want to see what he is capable of when healed. If he can still play at a high level for the last game or so, the Colts will probably not exercise their team option to terminate Manning’s contract. If they IR Manning now, he won’t be able to practice or play with the team until after the season is over. I don’t know when the opt-out clause deadline is, but the Colts really don’t want to be on the hook for 18+ million in salary for the next 4 years if he can’t play.

2) The gravy train has to end at some point.

by redmid17 on Oct 24, 2011 11:09 AM EDT reply actions  

and that extra roster spot

is not what’s keeping us from winning, so who gives a flying fuck

keep him on the active roster, at least then he can be around the team in some capacity

Whenever you get stressed, always remember: RDWHAHB

by danorocks17 on Oct 24, 2011 9:56 PM EDT up reply actions  


Thank you for saving me some time to respond to this silliness. C-C-C Collinsworth???!!

"If they want me to be a crazy, emotional, frenzied fan in section 603, then they can't expect me to be reasonable about the business of football"

by indylator on Oct 24, 2011 11:33 AM EDT up reply actions   1 recs

Blogosphere at its worst

What Collinsworth said doesn’t hint at or suggest anything. What does he know? He was simply thinking out loud. He said he doesn’t want to see Manning try to play at all this year. This blog has said exactly the same thing. Trying to read into what Collinsworth said is looking somethere where there is nothing. Media crating fake garbage kind of like….trading Wayne and Mathis.

by Can't Wait!! on Oct 24, 2011 11:46 AM EDT reply actions  

Collinsworth is correct in raising concern

I had an interesting talk with a physical therapist shortly after Peyton’s latest surgery was announced. He said he would strongly recommend that Peyton retire, but expected that he’d come back. His concern was that the surgery and injury pose serious long term risks that could impact Peyton’s life long after retires. He thought Peyton would likely be capable of playing, maybe even this year, but that he really shouldn’t.

So Collinsworth is probably right that the injury is career threatening, and the Colts may also be correct that there is still a chance that he could return this season. Actually, I wonder whether the two views may be complementary rather than opposite – Peyton may want to come back for a couple games as a test run so he can better evaluate whether to come back next year. That would be in the Colts’ interest as well – much better to find out he’s retiring this December than next August or September.

by ex-Viking fan on Oct 24, 2011 12:05 PM EDT reply actions  

Concern - sure, why not ----- Correctness - not so much

Invest a few minutes to read this link (and there are others)

Related to this topic = ""None of the players who returned to the field sustained a spinal cord injury after surgery""


""Bottom line

    * This retrospective cohort study tried to define performance outcomes after treatment for CDH sustained by NFL players.
    * Players treated surgically had a higher return-to-play rate and a longer career after surgery than those treated nonsurgically.
    * Defensive backs had a poorer prognosis after CDH than players in other positions.
    * This study has several limitations, including the lack of radiographic data and the possibility of reporting errors, misdiagnoses, and selection bias.""

"If they want me to be a crazy, emotional, frenzied fan in section 603, then they can't expect me to be reasonable about the business of football"

by indylator on Oct 24, 2011 12:19 PM EDT up reply actions  

Keep in mind that Spinal narrowing runs in that family

Cooper saw his football career end with a genetic spinal defect.

We are also dealing with 3 surgeries. Not just one.

" Tell me something Steve, How does a guy from Puerto Rico loose a ball in the Sun? "

by aaronb on Oct 24, 2011 1:58 PM EDT up reply actions  

Manning only had one of the fusions done, so it's really only one surgery in this context
When Peyton Manning’s oldest brother Cooper was diagnosed with a congenital spinal condition that ended his football career in 1992, the boys’ father, former NFL quarterback Archie Manning, had both Peyton and Eli Manning tested.

Neither of the quarterbacks had the condition — spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal that is especially dangerous for football players.


by redmid17 on Oct 24, 2011 2:38 PM EDT up reply actions  

The study didn't track non-paralyzing disability

The therapist’s concern wasn’t necessarily paralysis but lesser debilitating injuries – like not being able to raise his arms. Also note that the study found that a pretty substantial minority of players never returned to football.

But my point is that there is no conflict between there being a significant possibility that Manning will return this year and there also being a significant possibility that he’ll never play again. In fact, it is possible that he could be capable of playing this year but decide to retire rather than risk long term disability.

by ex-Viking fan on Oct 24, 2011 4:07 PM EDT up reply actions  

Uh...this is stupid

Cris Collinsworth doesn’t know shit, frankly. He’s a friggin commentator and analyst. He’s not an insider with any more information on Manning than anybody else. To take anything he says for more than color commentary, and to take it more seriously than over the word of doctors and other medical experts, is simply foolishness.

by LeftNutForAStarCenter on Oct 24, 2011 1:06 PM EDT reply actions  

Bill Polian show

The Bill Polian show with Bob Lamey (done by another Colts fan, thought I’d share, it was hilarious):

Bob Lamey(BL) – Welcome fans to another addition of "time with god" starring Bill Polian.
Bill Polian (BP) – Glad to be here Bob
BL – Bill, another tough loss this week, but these things happen. It’s nothing to get upset about surely?
BP – Indeed, we don’t like to lose, but it does happen from time to time. The other teams are trying to win also.
BL – Bill, you’re right, of course. Let me add, this kid Carter is a beast. You must have really seen something in him, another great draft pick Bill.
BP- Yes, he’s really coming along nicely. Wonderful player, great kid.
BL – And you drafted him.
BP –Yes
(knowing chuckles ensue)
BL – Now as you know, some fans are upset about……
BP – We love the fans, but they are clueless
BL – Surely, but they do have some questions about the coaching and……..
BP – Look, Jim Caldwell is a GREAT coach. He’s doing a superb job, everything we’ve asked of him, you do know he’s in a tough spot with Peyton out.
BL – Yes, it was a terrible blow (even though I, a committed dumbass, wanted Peyton fired last year), Painter has been great and Collins was a great pickup
BP – Curtis is amazing and Kerry is a true professional.
(knowing chuckles ensue)
BL – Bill can we take a few (screened) calls from the fans
BP –Oh god if we must…….the mike is on? – Yes surely.
BL –Let’s talk with Tommy from Anderson
Tommy – Mr. Polian, who is you most ever ever ever favorite player?
BP – Tommy I can’t answer that, I love them all like my own children
BL – here’s a call from little Suzie from from Bloomington
Suzie – Mr. Polian you are my hero, we’re gonna win all our games aren’t we, please
BP –We’re doing our best Suzie, thank you.
BL – My we have some well informed fans this week.
BL – Now we have Jimmy from downtown Indianapolis
Jimmy – Go fuck yourself.
BP –Ummm?
BL –HEY, that got on the air! Where is the screener, cut that guy off!
Jimmy – Fuck you Lamey, you’re a toady asshole.
Jimmy – I own the station, I told the guy to keep this going, or he’s fired.
BL – Uhhhh, what?
Jimmy – No more screwing around with you 2 reprobates, you both are unemployed also.
BP & BL –Jim!!?
Jimmy – Yeah, it’s me. You know, I figured the twittering was going nowhere, so I called in to this lame waste of time, to let both of you know that, Lamey, you’re a stupid retard. Remember on JMV last year when you said we’d be better without Peyton? Yeah, how’s that working out now, dumbass? And you Polian, take your self important act somewhere else. You are a washed up old fool, and your son is also history, I had security clean out both of your offices, don’t come back.

by chad72 on Oct 24, 2011 2:25 PM EDT reply actions   1 recs

Chris Collinsworth...

…the same guy who once said this:

I’m not gonna deny it, I walk around with hundred dollar bills hanging out of my pocket…I like girls that aren’t too bright because you can trick ‘em a little bit…high school girls love me. Fourteen to eighteen, I’m a big star with them. As soon as they mature, after they turn 18 years old, they start to figure it out.

Yeah, I don’t put much stock in anything said by Chris Collinsworth…

If at first you don't succeed, quit and watch TV.
In the name of the Colts, the Hoosiers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Amen.

by The Learned Hand on Oct 24, 2011 2:25 PM EDT reply actions  


Oh my god a floor zombie! Oh wait, thats you
- Toby Turner

by New Century Silver on Oct 24, 2011 3:17 PM EDT up reply actions  

He said it...

…back when he was a player in the 1980s, and video of it resurfaced a few years ago.

Regarding a source:


That’s the best I could do, source-wise.

If at first you don't succeed, quit and watch TV.
In the name of the Colts, the Hoosiers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Amen.

by The Learned Hand on Oct 24, 2011 4:02 PM EDT up reply actions  


…I’ve never been good at posting links here.



If at first you don't succeed, quit and watch TV.
In the name of the Colts, the Hoosiers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Amen.

by The Learned Hand on Oct 24, 2011 4:03 PM EDT up reply actions  

See above.

If at first you don't succeed, quit and watch TV.
In the name of the Colts, the Hoosiers, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Amen.

by The Learned Hand on Oct 24, 2011 4:04 PM EDT up reply actions  

Unless Adam Schefter Reports It...

I don’t believe it, to me, Schefter is the only source that is partially reliable. He had a reputation. Chris Collinsworth or Al Michaels…not so much.

Pat McAfee for President 2016
RIP Steve Jobs - Thank you for the Mac computers that I mortgaged my house for.
Anthony Calvillo - 72,382 passing yards - pro football's all-time leader

by KBUnitz on Oct 24, 2011 2:54 PM EDT reply actions  

Jay Glazier is closer to the locker room and players than anybody

Schefter is also good.

"Screw the NBA, where is my red, white and blue basketball"

by PV Mike on Oct 24, 2011 4:16 PM EDT up reply actions  

so the fact that he said

hes in no pain at all and working out on an elliptical is completely disregarded because some guy who has nothing better to talk about while the Colts get brutally raped says he should think about his future?
No shit he has to think about his future but that doesnt mean he should retire just because he has to think about something, the pieces you put together from what he said is a bit of an over dramatic puzzle and no ones seen any indication that hes even considering not playing next year

by C.Settles on Oct 24, 2011 3:26 PM EDT reply actions  

You misread Collingsworth very badly

He was saying he didnt think Peyton should return this year because of the risk he would be taking returning so soon. He thinks Peyton should stay out until next season. Coming back at the end of the year would be pointless since the team isnt contending and he would just be rushing himself back and risking further damage. I heard him during the broadcast and re read this over and over, no where do he imply Manning’s injury any more than what i just wrote.

by gmitch23 on Oct 24, 2011 4:08 PM EDT reply actions   1 recs

Good to know someone else understands English :)

What’s with all the Collingsworth hatred? Good Lord, you’d think he was the 2nd coming of Ghengis Khan or something. He’s an analyst, one of the better IMO and he was stating what he “felt” would be a good idea for Manning. Nothing more, nothing less.

All Colts fans, once the announcement about Peyton’s surgery and the reasons surrounding it, should have immediately understood the possibility that it might be career-ending. Certainlly we all hope against hope that it is, but it shouldn’t come as that big of a shock.

I’d take a healthy Manning for life (and a coach for the Colts) than risk him hurt badly and suffer a potentially life-long health issue. I’m sure we all would.


by BoilerMacR on Oct 24, 2011 7:20 PM EDT up reply actions  

Chris Collinsworth...

is a worthless blowhard. Great receiver in his day, but his commentary is awful and his ego is severely bloated. Almost makes me wish Madden was still callin games… At least Madden’s pointless babbling was often funny.

by Logdog2804 on Oct 24, 2011 4:21 PM EDT reply actions  


This is misleading, I listened to everything Collinsworth said and he’s not alluding to the fact that Peyton Manning’s injury could be worse than we know, he’s just saying what everybody is saying. He’s wondering if it is worth it to Manning to risk his health to come back.

by coltsfanbeforemanning on Oct 24, 2011 4:37 PM EDT reply actions   1 recs

A More Revealing Hint

Anyone see the Tenn vs LSU game weekend before last? Manning was talking in the booth at halftime. He gave no info or even speculation about playing this year or beyond.
That was expected. However he did state “I am currently out of a job” (Freudian slip?) and then made a few comments about his religion and minister. Even said he was attending bible school. As most fans know, Manning is ultra secretive about his personal life. It should be noted, when one is going through a change of life process, or has had recently devastating news, they often turn torwards their religion.
My conclusion is that at very least retirement is on his mind.
One should keep in mind, when doctors talk about 100% recovery, they are talking normal functionality,,,not being an NFL quarterback, no doubt his prognosis would be different if he was a brick layer, roofer, carpenter etc. Being most optimistic, he can have a couple productive seasons left, however the Manning who can carry a sub par team to the playoffs is gone forever. As someone above pointed out this is not a pain issue, while nerves can regenerate,, the amount and time varies for everyone,,,and Manning cant “will” this like he does in some victories. An issue no one has brought up is the psychological one. I question on how he plays with the idea one hit and his career could be over, and mobility for life affected. I think that this is why its important to get him into a game. Another point, what becomes of Colts offense if Manning does start next year. I have no doubt, there will be lot more max protection schemes, lot more short, quick passes and Manning will be instructed to give himself up if any defender is closing in. For these reasons, I think its imperative that Colts draft Luck, have Manning start season, but see what occurs with idea Manning will more of a mentor by 2013.

by oldnjcoltsfan on Oct 24, 2011 5:08 PM EDT reply actions  

You're all off, buddy

Tenn vs. LSU was 2 weeks ago. Manning’s always been Catholic. And you completely missed the point of what he said. He made a joke about being the Priest who gives the sermons to now being the guy who hands out the booklets at church.

by Coltsfan1345 on Oct 24, 2011 8:52 PM EDT up reply actions  

i dont think so

i am pretty sure manning is jewish

by omahacolt on Oct 24, 2011 9:57 PM EDT up reply actions  

Just so you know

Collinsworth = Gruden, Simms, Aikman, Jaworski, Dierdorf, Billick, etc. These are all commentators. Their job is to talk about and analyze the game that’s being played for the audience. Their job is different than:

Schefter, Mortensen, Glazer, etc. Their job is to get inside info and reveal it to the public.

Collinsworth doesn’t hint at anything. He doesn’t know any more than you or I do about this situation.

by Coltsfan1345 on Oct 24, 2011 8:55 PM EDT reply actions  


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