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It’s time once again for our Post-Game on Hulk of Arabia with writer Jeff Parker, this time on the recently released Hulk #44. For those of you who haven’t read it? Do so. But as a brief recap, Hulk and Machine Man killed a manticore, walked in the front door of Sultan Magus’ new desert paradise, and things just got worse from there:

Requiem for a manticore...

MTV Geek: To start off, can we have a moment of silence for that poor manticore? What was it like to kill such a majestic creature?

JP: I take my hat off. At least he died in the most metal way possible, getting his head ripped off by Red Hulk. Poignantly Hardcore.

Geek: Let’s talk about Sharzhad, which I’m sure we’ll find out more about in the next few issues… But what’s the model here? What’s the idea of the city?

JP: It's an Oasis-opolis. The ideal of a people who have never been allowed to put down roots anywhere and who now have unlimited power and resources to build their own promised land. Sure, it's an Arabian equivalent of Dr. Doom's Latveria, but considerably less fascist. Patrick Zircher designed the hell out of it, didn't he? It's a modern wonder that feels ancient at the same time. The populous are eternally grateful to the Sultan Magus for building a place they're finally safe. And they're not going to give that home up. Read more...

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Hulk #43 hit comic stands this week

With this week's release of Hulk #43, we not only got to see Red Hulk go toe-to-toe with the Secret Avengers, we also got the introduction of two more characters to the story – Machine Man, and Arabian Knight – and our first look at the villainy of Dagan Shah. Oh, and swords. And as we will be doing for EVERY issue in the Hulk of Arabia storyline, we’ll be checking in with writer Jeff Parker. So go read the issue, then come back here for spoilers!

MTV Geek: So Jeff, there’s a fair amount of political intrigue in this book… I realize we’re dealing with a fictional world, but how much do you – as a writer – need to familiarize yourself with the region, and politics, before you tackle something like this?

Jeff Parker: The US isn't flying me out to broker any deals in the Middle East as I am no expert, but I do listen regularly to the world news and try to understand the players on the global stage. I try to keep the situations open so you can read as much or as little into the politics as your head needs to make the story work for you. If you do it right, no one's society is belittled and a new playing field for action stories is laid out.

Geek: Let’s talk about Machine Man, who shows up in this issue… I think we’ve all gotten used to the angrily sauced Machine Man from NextWave; what led to the decision to play with the more classic take on the character? And in general, why do you think Red Hulk is such a nice mix with robots?

JP: The Nextwave tone was specific to that project, and trying to emulate outside of the Warren Ellis/Stuart Immonen dynamic will just seem out of place here. He still has a sense of humor though, it's just desert-level dry and harder to detect.


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Welcome to our first Post-Game for "Hulk of Arabia"! The next big story arc kicked off this week with Hulk #42, as General Ross – also known as the Red Hulk – headed off to the Middle East to avenge the death of his former comrade in arms. Meanwhile, a new villain is on the horizon, as well as a certain secret team of Avengers. Read the issue for more, and then here’s our Post-Game with Jeff Parker:

MTV Geek: Let’s talk about the first few pages here… Why start this off with Dagan Shah, when he doesn’t appear for the rest of the issue? I’m guessing though, given how that scene ends, that we’ll see what was going on with the strange words (singing?) and lights in the desert in subsequent issues…

Jeff Parker: That prologue is really important because it's your window into the world of Dagan Shah as he's known it most of his life, and it's a very different and bizarre world when Red Hulk finds him. It won't take long to find out what he found in the desert!

Geek: Then there’s Ross, who literally jumps off to find out about his friend’s death without warning. He’s a military man, used to protocol and orders – what’s changed here?

JP: No one is going to give him the order he wants- go find out more on how your old friend got killed. And he's got a lot of anger going- mostly at himself, because he helped put Krugauer on the path to being a mercenary, and death.

Geek: With Fortean ALSO running off once he hears the news about their friend’s death, I’d imagine we’re not quite done with him yet.

JP: Oh no, Fortean is connected! He's fast becoming a big player in the U.S. military, his own profile rising with Red Hulk's.

Geek: As the Secret Avengers pretty much say towards the end of the issue, foreign policy isn’t as simple as “punch the bad guys.” How much trouble is Ross about to cause?

JP: It's just not a good idea for big red demonic-looking muscle men from the West to go rampaging in the Arab world. That is just not the path to peace.

Geek: Next issue, Secret Avengers vs. Red Hulk – seems like it shouldn’t be too much of a contest, what with him being all smashy and stuff… Or is it?

JP: If you remember, some of them have fought him before, in the Lady Liberators. And another mystery man is about to join the fight!

Hulk #42 is currently on comic book stands. Head back here in two short weeks, as we Post-Game Hulk #43, which hits stands on October 19th!

Related Posts:
Hulk of Arabia - Pre-Game, with Writer Jeff Parker
Marvel Comics First Look - Incredible Hulk #1


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10. Banner walking the gauntlet of superheroes in Incredible Hulks #601

Context: After several huge storylines, Bruce Banner was cured of the Hulk forever… Which Banner himself didn’t believe for a second. Knowing the monster would come back, and his son Skaar was sworn to kill the Hulk, Banner decided to mold Skaar in his image, in order to get him ready for the time when the Hulk would return. But until that happened? Banner was a little bit of a jerk. Here’s what greg Pak has to say:


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After years of mistrust, intrigue, and out and out superhero action, writer Jeff Parker is sending the Red Hulk one place he’s never been before: Arabia. As announced yesterday at Marvel’s Next Big Thing panel, starting with HULK #42, Parker – along with new artist Patrick Zircher – will find the hulked out General Ross going rogue, journeying to the arid region after a friend of his is murdered. Hot in pursuit? The Secret Avengers, Ross’ arch-enemy General Fortean, and a new villain, Sultan Magus.

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