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Publications Last 90 Days

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2012006 Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 1972–2009
This report updates a series of NCES reports on high school dropout and completion rates that began in 1988. The report includes national and regional population estimates for the percentage of students who dropped out of high school between 2008 and 2009, the percentage of young people who were dropouts in 2009, and the percentage of young people who were not in high school and had some form of high school credential in 2009. Data are presented by a number of characteristics including race/ethnicity, sex, and age. Annual data for these population estimates are provided for the 1972-2009 period. Information about the high school class of 2009 is also presented in the form on on-time graduation rates from public high schools.
NCES 2012007 Comparative Indicators of Education in the United States and Other G-8 Countries: 2011
This report describes key education outcomes and contexts of education in the Group of Eight (G-8) countries—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The report is organized into five topical areas: population and school enrollment, academic performance, contexts for learning, expenditures for education, and educational attainment and income. Results are drawn from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) ongoing Indicators of Education Systems (INES) program, as well as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which is also coordinated by the OECD.
NCES 2012184 The Expansion of Private Loans in Postsecondary Education
The Expansion of Private Loans in Postsecondary Education, a Statistics in Brief, examines trends in borrowing from commercial lenders for postsecondary education, the characteristics of undergraduate and graduate private loan borrowers, and combining private and federal loans. Results are based on nationally representative data collected through the 2003–04 and 2007–08 National Postsecondary Student Aid Studies (NPSAS:04 and NPSAS:08).
NCES 2012161 Borrowing at the Maximum: Undergraduate Stafford Loan Borrowers in 2007–08
This Statistics in Brief uses nationally representative data to determine the extent to which undergraduate students borrowed the maximum possible within the limits of the Stafford loan program, defined by students’ individual eligibility for financial aid.
NCES 2012154 Learning at a Distance: Undergraduate Enrollment in Distance Education Courses and Degree Programs
This Statistics in Brief investigates undergraduates’ participation in distance education using nationally representative student-reported data collected through the three most recent administrations of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000, NPSAS:04, and NPSAS:08).
NCES 2011457 Measuring the Status and Change of NAEP State Inclusion Rates for Students with Disabilities: Results 2007-2009
This research and development report provided two measures of change in each NAEP participating state’s inclusion rate taking into consideration the prevalence of different types and severities of disabilities and the accommodations the states permits in their own testing programs compared to those allowed by NAEP to students with disabilities in 4th- and 8th- grade reading and mathematics assessments. The study reported results for all 50 states and District of Columbia and used data from the 2005, 2007, and 2009 NAEP assessments of fourth- and eighth-grade reading and mathematics. This two approach methodology—nation-based and jurisdiction-specific— analyzed the inclusion rates from different perspectives. The analysis indicates the status and change in state level inclusion rates. The report presented status of inclusion in 2009 and changes in the rates from 2007 and 2005.
NCES 2011465 The 2009 High School Transcript Study User’s Guide
This user’s guide documents the procedures used to collect and summarize the data from the 2009 High School Transcript Study. Chapters detail the sampling of schools and graduates, data collection procedures, data processing procedures, weighting procedures, and the 2009 data files and codebooks that are encompassed by this report. The appendices contain the data collection and documentation forms; associated National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2009 questionnaires; information concerning nonresponse bias associated with creating the HSTS weights; a description of the Classification of Secondary School Courses (CSSC), which was used to code the courses on the collected transcripts, plus a complete listing of CSSC codes; codebooks for all of the 2009 data files; and a glossary.
NCES 2011471 NAEP 2009 Year in Review
This brochure shows all reports for the 2009 NAEP assessment year. It is a compilation of executive summaries from the reports, and includes results for the nation and participating states and districts for NAEP 2009.
NCES 2011037 Dropout Prevention Services and Programs in Public School Districts: 2010–11
This report provides national estimates about dropout prevention services and programs in public school districts. The estimates presented in this report are based on a district survey about dropout prevention services and programs offered by the district or by any of the schools in the district during the 2010–11 school year.
NCES 2011026 Projections of Education Statistics to 2020
This publication provides projections for key education statistics. It includes statistics on enrollment, graduates, teachers, and expenditures in elementary and secondary schools, and enrollment and earned degrees conferred expenditures of degree-granting institutions. For the Nation, the tables, figures, and text contain data on enrollment, teachers, graduates, and expenditures for the past 14 years and projections to the year 2020. For the 50 States and the District of Columbia, the tables, figures, and text contain data on projections of public elementary and secondary enrollment and public high school graduates to the year 2020. In addition, the report includes a methodology section describing models and assumptions used to develop national and state-level projections.
NCES 2011163 Military Service Members and Veterans: A Profile of Those Enrolled in Undergraduate and Graduate Education in 2007–08
This Statistics in Brief uses nationally representative data to determine the representation of military students in undergraduate and graduate education and to examine how their demographic and enrollment characteristics compare with their nonmilitary peers.
NCES 2011250 Postsecondary Institutions and Price of Attendance in the United States: 2010-11, Degrees and Other Awards Conferred: 2009-10, and 12-Month Enrollment: 2009-10
This First Look presents findings from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) fall 2010 data collection, which included three survey components: Institutional Characteristics for the 2010-11 academic year, Completions covering the period July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010, and data on 12-Month Enrollment for the 2009-10 academic year. These data were collected through the IPEDS web-based data collection system.
NCES 2011318 Beginning Teacher Attrition and Mobility: Results From the First Through Third Waves of the 2007-08 Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study
This First Look report provides selected findings from the first three waves of the Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) along with data tables and methodological information. The BTLS follows a sample of public elementary and secondary school teachers who participated in the 2007-08 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), and whose first year of teaching was 2007 or 2008. The BTLS sample includes teachers who leave teaching in the years after the SASS data collection and those who continue to teach either in the same school as the last year or in a different school. The purpose of the Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study is to provide a better understanding of the impact that different life events have on teachers careers (such as getting married, moving to a new location, or starting a family). It will also help to understand how school and/or district characteristics and policies affect teacher satisfaction, and how teachers respond to transitions in their lives and careers (such as moving to a different school, changing the grade levels or subject taught, becoming a mentor, transitioning into a K-12 administration position, or exiting the teaching field). The study will contribute to policymakers' understanding of teachers and of teachers' careers as they enter, leave, or re-enter the teaching workforce and make important career and life decisions.
NCES 2011355 High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): A First Look at Fall 2009 Ninth-Graders' Parents, Teachers, School Counselors, and School Administrators
This report features initial findings from the base year of a new longitudinal study that started with a nationally representative cohort of ninth-graders in the fall of 2009. This report focuses on the contextual data provided by students' parents and school staff.

The analyses examine parents' educational expectations for their ninth-graders as well as savings for postsecondary education; teachers' preparation and experience; and school administrators’ challenges in managing students’ schools across students' socioeconomic and academic backgrounds.
NCES 2011472 NAEP-TIMSS Linking Study
This brochure describes the linking study for NAEP and TIMSS results using 2011 grade 8 mathematics and science.
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