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All Activity by zifferent    RSS

You misunderstand your education then. Rigorous thinking is one of the outside-lessons of such classes, i.e. start from point A and figure out how to get to point B, mathematically. While you may not have received a great grade in the class or figured out everything about the issue, the skills you learned were invaluable to where you turned up.

Especially considering that it only covers College Algebra and the beginning of College Calculus; needed for so many degrees. It is too bad so many can't apply those disciplines to their professional lives.

I totally agree. A year in financial responsibility, while boring, is vital. It might have saved me 10 years of CC debt. That having been said a lot of what is preached in such classes will continue to be only that, taken on faith until students understand higher maths.
Calculus I of the high school variety is the minimum to understanding what it really means to spend money better left in an investment account.

$98. What a deal; possibly a steal! A stolen truth perhaps? When I was unemployed in the last recession it was over $600. What magic formula to life do you have that COBRA costs less over a 10 year period, seemingly defying the laws of healthy inflation?
Get real, please. You are not actually unemployed and are just trolling the list for your "conservative" cause.

I've said it before, but the solution is far simpler than an outright ban. Instead of bans, make all dog owners carry dog insurance.
Dogs that are statistically likely to lose their minds and tear up life, limb or property will be too expensive to keep while relatively harmless dogs cheap.

Obama isn't a soothsayer. The package helped, but didn't help enough. Most economists at the time stated that the package was too small. They were right, and Obama can't tell the future, apparently much to the right's chagrin. Spending nothing would have been worse.
In the end he took a middle-ground approach and got a middle-ground result. Should we be surprised?
I agree about the senate thing, and would like to add; it's not like Obama helped out and frankly Harry Reid has a Cracker Jack box political compass. How did he get in charge?

Posted on Biden: Stimulus money working in Saginaw and around the nation on February 16, 2010, 11:02PM

I think this is something that Liberals and Conservatives can both agree on. If you didn't do the crime and can prove it; there is no reason to be penalized by shady seizure laws that punish a person just for being a suspect.

It's also most likely some of the most polluted land in Michigan. They're giving it away so as not having to deal with the issue.
Thanks for nothing Ford.

Child molester? No, never a molester.

He did get caught for indecent exposure in an adult theater, but never did he molest anyone.

And really, how long do we have to crucify him for that? Dude made a mistake. Let it be.

More on topic, this so cool. Pee Wee's Playhouse was the best kids show ever. If he tours, I want tickets.

Posted on Pee-wee Herman returns to the stage on December 12, 2009, 1:27PM

Simple, a bar owner can ban smoking and care for the employees. But then the smoking clientele will move down the street leaving only non-smokers. Or they can permit smoking and get all of the smokers AND the subsection of non-smokers that don't mind the smoke too much.

With the ban they can compete more fairly and provide a safer environment for their workers and customers. Truly a win-win.

Posted on Possible smoking ban 'lights up' debate on December 11, 2009, 11:10PM

Simple, a bar owner can ban smoking and care for the employees. But then the smoking clientele will move down the street leaving only non-smokers. Or they can permit smoking and get all of the smokers AND the subsection of non-smokers that don't mind the smoke too much.

With the ban they can compete more fairly and provide a safer environment for their workers and customers. Truly a win-win.

Posted on Possible smoking ban 'lights up' debate on December 11, 2009, 11:07PM

There is more to this world than black or white (everybody smokes and nobody smokes) The grey areas are not relativism but reality. The more educated a person is, the less likely they are to habitually smoke, drink to excess, have excessive children (be able to understand how to use contraception), do drugs, beat their children, etc. Sure there will be a percentage that do, but it will be a smaller percentage than the general population every single time.

Posted on Possible smoking ban 'lights up' debate on December 11, 2009, 10:59PM

It's not that hard to figure out the money trail.
Two things.
First Karmanos has bet the farm on the renewal of Detroit. Kilpatrick's digressions threatened that.
Second is influence. With a boat load of money flowing like a river out of Washington due the stimulus package (particularly concerning updating the country's medical IT infrastructure) and Kilpatrick's mother a member of Congress part of the money/job/shifting him out of state in a hurry was about making sure Compuware got theirs.

You're right, I didn't spam the board with a cut-and-paste table of numbers that proved nothing. If that's your idea of facts, then yes, you provided lots of facts. What I'm accusing you of, and you've completely missed over and over is your complete inability to draw any sane or logical conclusion out of the facts due to table's lack of context. I didn't challenge your facts because your conclusion was only casually acquainted with data. It would have been pointless for me to confront you over what was essentially an opinion dressed up in a facts-tuxedo.


"Now what does veracity mean?"

Apparently for you it describes someone that disagrees with you. But hey you keep spouting out opinions in all capital letters and with bravado and maybe someday they'll grow up to be facts.


Really. I haven't called you a single name (or even multiples.)

As for "wait and see", maybe you're right, we should string them up immediately! Obviously you know so much more than the city police, the sheriff, the FBI, and the prosecutor. You should lead the party. We're gonna have a hangin'!

I see, since the economy took a nose dive due to external forces beyond anyone in government's control, it has to be somebody's fault. Better yet the fault of a Democrat. One man's mismanagement is another's wise council, who are you to judge?

Oh and Veracity. I don't think it means what you think it means.

I recommend you read the following essay by Baron Dave Romm titled The Exact Opposite. I hope you find it informative, I did.


It's been nice sparring with you.
And one last thing calling something a fact does not make it so. Calling someone wrong proves nothing. As long as we're on the topic of name calling.


You mean that the two events are correlated but you haven't proven causation on either end, and although I'd suspect lower economic conditions creates higher crime rates, that part of your post is a non-sequitur.

You are correct that one of the suspects is back in jail. I mentioned that. But it doesn't prove anything other than he broke his parole. You attempt to use facts to back up your opinion that both of the two suspects are dangerous and guilty, but you fail wildly in objectively and logically coming to any coherent conclusion. ("They're guilty because I said so." is not logical conclusion. A logical thought might be, "I think they may be guilty, and as far as I know they are the prime suspects, but I don't have all the facts so I can't draw a definitive conclusion. We will have to wait and see.")

Finally, the main reason for the revenue shortfall for the state is the fallout of the US manufacturing sector of which Michigan was at one time the main beneficiary. This added to massive unemployment and bum economy has further strained the system. Granholm can't be blamed for that one, unless you enjoy being wrong.

Stop being a conservative shill, and look around. You might learn something.

Really. Scare-mongering much.
Nevaeh's murders haven't been found. And the two most likely suspects served their time and weren't part of an early release program (although they did break their parole conditions.) Blaming the crime on them at this point is both premature and blind speculation.
The point is cutting budgets sucks, but is necessary to make up the shortfall, and the pain should be spread out equally amongst all of the state's interests not just your least favorite programs.
As Michigan citizens we all have to bear the burden of lower tax revenue. Deal with it.

You are aware that socialism hadn't even been thought of when our country was founded, right? Karl Marx was born in 1818. Our founding fathers were much more focused on opposing imperialist rule.

Posted on Michigan Democrats mull tax hikes as budget progress slows on September 25, 2009, 10:51AM

That truly sucks. Been there done that, taken the $8 job because that was all that was available. Good luck on your job hunt.
