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October 24, 2011

ADHD Pictures Slideshow: Tips for Parenting a Child With ADHD

Reviewed by Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD on August 12, 2010

Hyperactive kids roughhouse on a chair.

A boy throws a paper airplane during class.

A boy is sad and depressed.

A mom shows concern for her daughter.

Loving parents cuddle with their son.

A boy performs his morning routine of waking up, making his bed, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed.

A father explains the rules to his son.

A mother calmly tells her son to clean up his toys.

A mother praises her son for getting an A+.

A mother disciplines her daughter.

A naughty child stands in the corner for a time-out.

A mother ignores her nagging son.

A young girl peeks through her color-coordinated shelves.

A boy focuses on his homework.

A mother gives her daughter a thumbs-up for doing a good job.

A father tries to modify his daughter's negative behavior.

A child shows her mother what she can do on the computer.

A family eats a healthy meal.

A family of four goes for a jog.

A boy sleeps in his bed.

A mother kisses her son.

A mother relaxes while lying in the grass.

A listing of ADHD resources.

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