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October 10, 2011

Parenting Pictures Slideshow: 10 Principles of Good Parenting

Reviewed by David Perlstein, MD, FAAP on October 7, 2009

Happy parents play with their two children.

A father shows his son how to brush his teeth.

A mother snuggles with her daughter.

A mother shops with her children online.

A mother and daughter have a discussion while drinking tea.

A young girl is tries to decide whether to eat a chocolate bar or an apple.

A son waves good-bye to his mother as he leaves for school.

A father explains the rules to his daughter.

A father yells at his frightened son.

A father and son are having a serious discussion.

A father and son high-five each other as mom watches.

A happy extended family of grandparents, parents, and children pose for a picture.

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