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Best food markets around the globe

Best food markets around the globe

We all have our favorite local food markets, but what is one to do when abroad and looking for that locally grown produce that is just begging to be bought and enjoyed? It just so happens The Daily Meal and Editor Nicole Campoy-Leffler has a list of the top ones you may want to hit. Check 'em out.


Type 1. Type 2. What's the difference between both kinds? How can juveniles avoid getting diabetes? How does a person avoid taking medication and insulin shots by eating better? How does diabetes affect parts of your body? Is insulin affected while traveling? Answers to these questions and more are all here.

Breast cancer drug tied to diabetes in older women

12:29 PM CDT, October 6, 2011

Breast cancer drug tied to diabetes in older women

Older women taking the breast cancer drug tamoxifen may have an increased risk of developing diabetes, a new study suggests.

Creepy-crawlies may help heal diabetes wounds

4:16 PM CDT, September 23, 2011

Creepy-crawlies may help heal diabetes wounds

Researchers from Hawaii have a suggestion for how to jump-start the healing of difficult diabetic wounds: let maggots do the work.

Diabetes increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease

3:42 PM CDT, September 20, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Diabetes increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease

To the long list of complications that should make you want to avoid diabetes, Japanese researchers have added this: People with diabetes are more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and also have an increased risk of developing some kind of dementia.

Insulin may slow Alzheimer's, study finds

September 13, 2011

Insulin may slow Alzheimer's, study finds

Inhaling a concentrated cloud of insulin through the nose twice a day appears to slow — and in some cases reverse — symptoms of memory loss in people with early signs of Alzheimer's disease, a new pilot study has found.

Diabetes 'massive challenge' as cases hit 366 million

6:41 AM CDT, September 13, 2011

Diabetes 'massive challenge' as cases hit 366 million

The number of people living with diabetes has soared to 366 million, and the disease kills one person every seven seconds, posing a "massive challenge" to healthcare systems worldwide, experts said on Tuesday.

How much, how long person is overweight may decide diabetes risk

12:56 PM CDT, September 6, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

How much, how long person is overweight may decide diabetes risk

Being obese might up the chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, but the true risk factors may lie in how much overweight someone is and how long they've been that way.

More beans, less white rice tied to less diabetes

12:59 PM CDT, September 1, 2011

More beans, less white rice tied to less diabetes

Beans and rice are a classic combination throughout the western hemisphere, but a study in Costa Rica finds that the bean half of the equation may be better for health.

Vaccines largely safe, U.S. expert panel finds

10:08 AM CDT, August 25, 2011

Vaccines largely safe, U.S. expert panel finds

After a close review of more than 1,000 research studies, a federal panel of experts has concluded that vaccines cause very few side effects, and found no evidence that vaccines cause autism or type 1 diabetes.

From the flight deck: diabetics, watch your insulin

4:16 PM CDT, August 19, 2011

From the flight deck: diabetics, watch your insulin

Changes in cabin pressure during flights may cause insulin pumps to deliver too much or too little of the medication -- possibly putting sensitive diabetics at risk, researchers report.

Healthier collard greens? Diabetes programs in Parramore challenge tradition

6:38 PM CDT, August 9, 2011

Healthier collard greens? Diabetes programs in Parramore challenge tradition

In some ways, Cassandra Thomas isn't typical.

Drug for 'good' cholesterol may help control diabetes

12:41 PM CDT, July 21, 2011

Booster Shots: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Drug for 'good' cholesterol may help control diabetes

Diabetes and heart disease are intertwined in ways that are still not fully understood. The most recent example of this complicated relationship is a study published Monday that finds an experimental medication designed to raise HDL cholesterol (the "good" kind) also appears to control blood sugar and may be helpful to people with Type 2 diabetes.

Moderate exercise can go a long way in managing diabetes

9:00 AM CDT, July 10, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Moderate exercise can go a long way in managing diabetes

With diabetes rates rising, it's important to learn how to prevent the disease as well as help control symptoms. Learn how exercise can benefit those with diabetes during a live web chat Monday at 11 a.m. PDT with Dr. Ruchi Mathur. Mathur is director of the diabetes program in the division of endocrinology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and is an endocrinologist at the facility's Weight Loss Center.

Nuts instead of carbs may aid diabetes control

11:39 AM CDT, July 8, 2011

Nuts instead of carbs may aid diabetes control

Replacing that daily muffin with a handful or two of nuts may help people with diabetes better control their blood sugar and cholesterol levels, a new study suggests.

Learn how to manage diabetes with exercise

2:15 PM CDT, July 8, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Learn how to manage diabetes with exercise

A diagnosis of diabetes can be devastating, but there are ways to manage the disease--and  exercise is one of them. Join a live Web chat on diabetes and exercise Monday, July 11, at 11 a.m. Pacific time (1 p.m. Central time, 2 p.m. Eastern time) with Dr. Ruchi Mathur and learn how even moderate workouts such as walking can go a long way toward controlling blood sugar and maintaining health overall.

Childhood, obesity and diabetes -- reversing the trend

11:00 AM CDT, July 20, 2011


Childhood, obesity and diabetes -- reversing the trend

Being overweight as a kid not only creates social problems, but also sets the stage for medical problems that can last a lifetime. The concern is a growing one given that more than one third of U.S. children ages 10 to 17 are overweight or obese.

Cooking healthy, budget-friendly meals when you have diabetes

11:00 AM CDT, June 8, 2011


Cooking healthy, budget-friendly meals when you have diabetes

Celebrity Chef Charles Mattocks was already well known for frugal, healthy cooking tips. But eight months ago, when he learned he had diabetes, the 38-year-old dad added another twist to his cooking repertoire - cooking for diabetes. A regular on 'Today,' and 'The Dr. Oz Show,' Chef Mattocks shared his tips on cooking healthy, budget-friendly meals when you have diabetes - or if you just want to save money and eat well.

San Diego company studies stem cell implant as a Type 1 diabetes treatment

May 30, 2011

San Diego company studies stem cell implant as a Type 1 diabetes treatment

A pouch full of brand-new cells may one day reduce the need for people with Type 1 diabetes to take daily insulin shots.

Doctors say no Avandia no problem for most diabetics

May 28, 2011

Doctors say no Avandia no problem for most diabetics

Diabetics can relax. Doctors say the removal of the once-blockbuster drug, Avandia, from pharmacy shelves this fall, due to a risk of heart problems, should not disrupt anyone who is taking it.

Loving and living with someone who has diabetes

11:00 AM CDT, May 25, 2011


Loving and living with someone who has diabetes

Living with diabetes has many challenges, but so does living with someone who has diabetes. That’s the topic of our next web chat 'When Your Loved One Has Diabetes: How to Nurture not Nag,' Noon to 1 p.m. Wed., May 25. Debra Sievers, a diabetes clinical nurse specialist at Florida Hospital Diabetes Institute, will field questions from both sides, and help participants find a happy healthy ground to living together with diabetes.

CommunityHealth works to catch those who fall through cracks

May 25, 2011

CommunityHealth works to catch those who fall through cracks

Jackie Hudson, 46, of Chicago, works part time and is raising a child while she tries to control her diabetes. Her prescriptions cost the equivalent of a mortgage payment each month.

High-fat diet is awful, but it may reverse diabetes-related kidney damage

3:05 PM CDT, April 21, 2011

BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

High-fat diet is awful, but it may reverse diabetes-related kidney damage

A high-fat "ketogenic" diet may reverse the kidney damage caused by diabetes, a study published online Wednesday by the journal PLoS One reports.

About 26 million Americans have diabetes, up 9 percent

January 26, 2011

About 26 million Americans have diabetes, up 9 percent

ATLANTA (AP) -- U.S. health officials have raised their estimate of how many Americans have diabetes to nearly 26 million.

Diabetes' civil war

10:19 PM CST, November 22, 2010

Diabetes' civil war

As a person living with Type 1 diabetes, Angie Hashemi-Rad must prick her fingers and give herself insulin every day to stay alive. But nothing irritates her more than having people mistakenly assume she has Type 2 diabetes — and then suggest she "cure herself" by eating less sugar and exercising more.

Children adapt to Type 1 diabetes

October 26, 2009

Children adapt to Type 1 diabetes

Restless from math calculations using play money, the second-graders look relieved when their teacher instructs them to gather their lunches and line up. They're heading down a stairwell to the schoolyard when Reilly Reynolds, a sturdy 8-year-old with blond hair and a cherubic face, remembers a pre-lunch appointment. She turns around and bounds back upstairs to the nurse's office.

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