Help / FAQ / Getty Images

The Flickr Collection on Getty Images?

Yes. You take fabulous photographs and we’ve all heard stories (the good, the bad and the ugly) of members who’ve been approached over the last four years to have their photographs featured beyond the flickrverse.

Team Flickr has long wanted to create a way to make it easier for those who use photos in the digital publishing industry to do so in a way that respects the talent and rights of our members.

The great folks at Flickr and Getty Images have joined forces to build a platform to enable the creation of a first class collection of royalty free, and rights managed photographs.

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That Getty Images?

Getty Images is a recognized leader in the field of stock photography and an ideal partner to curate and host a collection of Flickr photographs. As with our other great partners, they have the knowledge and experience that complements the incredible talent of our membership.

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How can I participate?

Getty Images hosts a Flickr group where members can submit images to be considered for invitation to the Flickr Collection. Please visit the Getty Images Call for Artists group for full details on how to make your submission.

You can also let visitors know you're interested in licensing your work by turning on the Request to License feature. This puts a link next to the license information on your images where people can request to license it through Getty Images.

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What is Request to License by Getty Images?

Flickr members can turn on a "Request to License" link on their photo pages. The link will show right next to the licensing information. When a request is made, Getty Images reviews the photographer's work. If it's suitable for the program they'll contact the Flickr member and help handle details like permissions, releases and pricing.

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Can I enable the "Request to License" link on only some photos?

Currently enabling the Request to License link is only possible on your account as a whole.

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What is Commercial use vs. Editorial use?

Generally speaking, “commercial use” means a message intended to help sell a product, raise money or to promote something. An example would be an advertising, promotional, marketing, advertorial or merchandising use. This is in contrast to an “editorial use” intended to report a newsworthy event or illustrate a matter of public interest, for which typically no release is required.

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I just made a request to license a Flickr photo, how long do I have to wait?

It usually takes between two and seven days to arrange licensing – but the folks at Getty Images will work as fast as possible to complete your request. In some instances, the photo won’t be available for licensing. If we run into any obstacles with the image, we’ll let you know right away.

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I just received an invitation to license one of my photos via Getty Images, now what?

What happens next is completely up to you! In your invite you can see the photo that someone is interested in licensing. If you would like to license this photo through Getty Images, then follow the steps in the email to enroll and submit your photo. People who license photos usually need them pretty quickly, so if you decide you want to submit your photo, the faster reply the more likely it will be licensed by the person who requested it.

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What is stock photography?

Stock photography is a collection or archive of images that can be licensed for use. It’s a way for companies or individuals to purchase photographs without having to hire a photographer for a specific shoot.

Given that there are billions of photos on Flickr already and we’ve heard all sorts of stories about Flickr members being contacted about selling their photographs, we decided to partner with a stock photography expert, Getty Images.

There are lots of image users out there that want to do the right thing, paying Flickr members for their hard work and beautiful, creative photography.

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Is this microstock?

No. Microstock is a licensing approach where images are sold for very low minimum and maximum prices. The Flickr collection on Getty Images will be licensed under two licensing models: royalty-free and rights-managed. Both of these are priced and licensed the same as Getty Images premier collections such as Stone, Taxi, The Image Bank, Photonica, Photodisc and Digital Vision to name but a few.

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How is Getty Images working with Flickr members?

Getty Images has an experienced team of editors who are scouring the Flickrverse for public photographs they feel would complement The Flickr Collection on Getty Images. They’re also hosting the Getty Images Call for Artists group which gives Flickr members the opportunity to submit 10 images per month to be considered for invite to the collection.

In addition, you can now make it easy for potential image buyers to submit a request to license your images through Getty Images.

Once the editors find photos they feel are suitable or a licensing request is made for one of the images, they will be contacting the photographer who published it via FlickrMail. (That message will also be sent to the primary email address associated with your Flickr account.)

If you receive an invitation, congratulations! The note will detail photos that Getty Images editors feel would do well as part of the collection, and it’s up to you to decide whether to proceed with some or all of the images they’re interested in. That will mean signing up as a Getty Images Contributor, and submitting your photos for a comprehensive review (to make sure the file’s large enough, you have model releases – stuff like that).

If you’re not interested, you can just ignore that invitation, and/or opt out of the program altogether.

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Do I have to license my photos with Getty Images?

There is no obligation to become part of the Flickr collection on Getty Images, though it is a wonderful opportunity to participate in the world of stock photography.

Nothing happens automatically over on Getty Images just because you have a Flickr account. The editing team at Getty Images is actively looking for suitable public imagery here on, and when they find suitable work, they’ll contact the photographer to see if she’s interested to join in the fun. Likewise, there is no obligation to license your photos when someone makes a request through Getty Images.

If you’re not interested, you can just ignore any invitation you might receive, and/or opt out of the program altogether.

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I’m interested in licensing an image that is not in the Getty Collection – what should I do?

Look for a "Request to License" link next to the image license information. Not all images have it but when they do, Getty Images will contact the Flickr member and inquire about licensing availability of that photograph.

If you find an image on Flickr that you want to license, but is not in the Getty program, you can contact the member directly using FlickrMail or contact the Getty Images team and they’ll do their best to facilitate licensing for you.

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What's involved in enrolling as a Getty Images Contributor?

If you receive an invitation to join the Flickr collection on Getty Images, you’ll be asked to create an account with them, so you become a Getty Contributor. The signup process takes a little while, because it involves setting yourself up to receive payments if/when licenses are purchased for your work. You might like to read Getty Images’ Privacy Policy.

Here are the main steps involved:

1. Profile – Your name, email address, mailing address, whether you’re signing up as an individual or a business.

2. Payments – Getty Images can pay Contributors almost anywhere in the world. So, you’ll need to tell them where in the world you’d like to be paid and details about how to pay you, like your Paypal account, or bank account information.

3. Taxes – Getty Images will be generating the relevant tax documentation expected by the country where you will be paid, so will need to know your tax identification number.

4. Agreement – You’ll be signing a contract with Getty Images because they’re helping to license your work on your behalf. At this step you’ll be able to review the agreement based on the information you’ve entered. You’ll have 90 days to digitally sign the agreement it before it expires and you’ll need to start again.

5. Confirmation – The final step, it’s your chance to review everything you’ve entered against your (nearly) new Getty Images Contributor account. It’s here that you’ll actually agree to the agreement you reviewed in the previous step, and once you do, your new account will be opened. Yay!

Once you’ve completed that final confirmation step, it will be time to set up your photos for licensing.

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I have to sign a contract with Getty Images? Why is that?

The main reason for the contract is because you own the copyright and Getty Images will be licensing your work on your behalf, and they need a way to pay you. It’s important that you are crystal clear on the terms for how your photos will be licensed, and that you agree to those terms. Hey presto! Contract! As with any legal document, there’s nothing stopping you from having your lawyer look things over if you’re unsure about anything.

The Getty Images FAQ also provides more detailed information about the main points of the Contributor Agreement.

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If someone uses my image will I get a photo credit?

Sometimes. Commercial uses (advertising, promotion, etc.) almost never include credits for the image, but editorial uses (books, magazines, and their websites, etc.) often do. Your credit will always appear with your image on the Getty Images website. For more information about credit check out the Getty Images FAQs.

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I don't live in the USA. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! Getty Images already works with Contributors from all over the world, and has done so for years. They already have systems in place to handle licensing and fulfillment around the globe. You’ll just need to make sure you can provide a way to get paid! (Like, Paypal or electronic funds transfer into a bank account.)

By the way, the Flickr part of Getty Images site is only available in English, with future plans to launch in additional languages.

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What photos can I sell?

Editors from Getty Images curate the Flickr collection on Getty Images. That means if you have a public photo that the editors think will appeal to their customers, they’ll ask you if you’d like to add it to the collection. If you accept this invitation, after preparing it for licensing, your photo will be available for sale.

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Do the Getty Images team review the photos I’d like to sell after I submit them?

Yes. The team is on the lookout for images that meet the minimum file size requirement or don’t have the required model or property releases, because those photos would be unsuitable for licensing, and therefore rejected. They also perform a quality check on all the final images uploaded before adding them to the Getty Images site.

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Can I suggest images I think the editors might want to add to the collection?

Yes, you can! Getty Images have set up the Getty Images Call for Artists group to give Flickr members the opportunity to submit a portfolio of 10 images to be considered for invite to the Flickr Collection on Getty Images. Please head over to the Getty Images Call for Artists group for full details on how to submit.

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What sort of licensing does Getty Images support?

There are two types of license available in The Flickr Collection on Getty Images:

1. Rights-managed (RM) – Rights-managed works are licensed with restrictions on usage, such as limitations on size, placement, duration of use and geographic distribution. The price of the license takes these elements into account. (Getty Images has built a calculator for this.) Exclusive rights to images are available for some rights-managed products. Find out more about Rights-managed licensing over at Getty Images.

2. Royalty-free (RF) – Royalty-free images are licensed at set prices based upon the file-size the customer purchases. The end-use is not specified (though certain types of uses that are defamatory, pornographic or illegal are banned) so the customer has a lot of flexibility in how they use the images, and can use them multiple times. Find out more about Royalty-free licensing over at Getty Images.

Getty Images editors will be inviting your work into the collection for licensing under on the most viable of the three licensing models, with the intention to make you AS MUCH MONEY AS PO$$IBLE. (When you agree to post your work in the collection, editors will review everything for you to make sure your work is set up correctly for sale.)

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I heard you need model releases? What does that mean?

A model release is a legal document signed by the person(s) depicted in a photo, granting permission for his or her image to be used for commercial purposes.

Getty Images editors will let you know when you need to provide releases. You can review examples and download a Getty Images Model Release, and a Getty Images Property Release form here.

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What if I can’t get a model release?

If there are recognizable people in your work, you will need their explicit permission to license the image for commercial or promotional purposes. Sometimes you will need a property release too, if a building or other private property in your photo requires permission from the property owner.

If an image is designated for Editorial use, in certain cases you may not need a release. Again, Getty Images editors will let you know when you need to provide releases. Photos for which you can’t supply the necessary releases for are unsuitable for this program.

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Can I license my Creative Commons content?

There is a chance one of your Creative Commons-licensed photos may catch the eye of a perceptive Getty Images editor. You are welcome to upload these into the Flickr collection on Getty Images, but your contract requires that all images you place with Getty Images be licensed exclusively through them. So, if you proceed with your submission, switching your license to All Rights Reserved (on Flickr) will happen automatically. Any image selected to be part of the Flickr Collection on Getty Images that had been in Creative Commons will automatically be designated for Royalty-Free licensing.

If you’re not cool with that, that’s ok. It just means that particular photo will need to stay out of the Flickr collection on Getty Images.

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Do I need to remove my photo from Flickr if it’s for sale on Getty Images?

No! You can (and should) continue to feature your photos on Flickr -- as long as it is for personal, non-commercial use. You can do anything except create a different license for its use.

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What rights does Getty Images have over photos I post for sale in the Flickr collection on Getty Images?

Getty Images has the exclusive right to license your images and images substantially similar to those in a commercial context once you've accepted their invitation (and signed the Getty Images Contributor Agreement). Any and all of your other non-similar photographs not in the Flickr collection can be sold freely by you, though not on Flickr itself, because that goes against our Community Guidelines.

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How will my photos be used?

That’s a good question! And one that’s impossible to answer! The options really are endless…On a billboard? In a magazine? On a popular website somewhere?

It’s important you understand that any Getty customer can license the work you contribute to the Flickr collection on Getty Images. Once they have purchased a license for its use, it might turn up anywhere. Getty Images prohibits any use that is defamatory or pornographic, so there are some ways you can expect not to see your images used.

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What happens if I change my mind?

There are three main stages of your agreement with Getty Images:

1) You have signed the agreement, but you haven’t processed your photos for sale yet,
2) You have signed the agreement and have photos for sale but none have sold, or
3) You have signed the agreement, have photos for sale, and one or more has sold. (YAY!)

If you’re at step 1), you don’t even really need to back out since you don’t have to accept your invitations, and your account can just sit there – it will expire after its initial term of two years.

If you’ve signed the agreement but have not processed any of your images, you don’t even really need to back out since you don’t have to accept your invitations, and your account can just sit there – it will expire after its initial term of two years. So be sure you are ready to give Getty Images rights before you hit the "Submit" button.

If you have processed images and submitted them to the website, those images are bound by the contract which lasts two years—but you need not accept any more invitations you receive. You will have the chance to write to Getty Images and cancel the agreement within 60 days of the end of that 2 year term to release the images you submitted. You’ll need to let Getty Images know in writing, otherwise, your contract will be automatically renewed for one more year.

If after two years, you wish to terminate the agreement, you’ll need to let Getty Images know in writing, with 60 days notice. Otherwise, your contract will be automatically renewed. (All this is outlined in the Getty Images Contributor Agreement.)

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Can I remove my photos from Getty Images?

During image preparation, before you submit the final to the Getty Images site, there are multiple opportunities to remove the photo from the collection.

Once you hit the "Submit" button after preparing the image, you cannot remove the image from the collection. (Getty Images customers need to know that when they save an image to their lightbox and pitch it to their client, it will still be there for them when they have the green light to use it!)

Deciding to actually sell your work on Getty Images is a big step, and something that you need to fully understand before you do it, because once your photos has sold, rights licensed won’t be withdrawn from the client and won’t expire until the license expires.

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My photos are outstanding! Why hasn't Getty Images contacted me?

Don’t worry if your photos aren't selected. Did we mention there are billions of photos on Flickr? At least for now, the Getty Images team is in the building stage and looking to grow steadily. Getting a photo into the Flickr collection really isn’t the be-all-and-end-all. (Even though it’s fun!)

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I have more questions!

There’s also a Getty Images Flickr group you can join or visit to chat with other Flickr members. There are also FAQs on the Getty Images site.

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