Help / FAQ / General Flickr Questions

What is Flickr?

Flickr is the best way to store, sort, search and share your photos online. Flickr helps you organize that huge mass of photos you have and offers a way for you and your friends and family to tell stories about them.

The best way to learn about Flickr is to upload some photos, explore the site, join some groups and make some friends. You can find more info about Flickr in the Magical Feature Tour.

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I see a different photo page, what's changed?

We released a new photo page for Flickr in July 2010 (Take a quick tour!). We've made quite a few changes to make it a bigger and better viewing experience. Let's go over some of the main changes.

It's Bigger!

New Navigation

Improved Page Layout

Controls and Settings

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Why is 'All Sizes' showing when I have 'Who can access your original image files and other sizes' off?

The account preference "Who can download your stuff" has now been changed to “Who can access your original image files and other sizes” to describe what happens to your photos on Flickr. This setting will continue to disable downloading of your original files (comprising of the original image size, EXIF and metadata). Please note: This setting cannot 100% guarantee that the sizes that we create from your originals (square, thumbnail, small, medium 500, medium 640 and large) will never be downloaded. In the new design, images up to the large size (these are 1024 pixels on a side) are shown to deliver the best photo viewing experience on Flickr, and there are even more features that discourage downloading.

The main goal of the new page design is to better showcase your images. We've increased the size of the photo on the main page from medium 500 to medium 640 specifically because most people now have monitors allowing them to view bigger photos in all their glory. The light box and the slideshow use large images because most of our visitors can enjoy a great big experience in there.

Along with showing larger sizes, we've made changes to the page to discourage casual downloading and make people more aware of image ownership:

By "discourage" we do mean simply "discourage". Please understand that if a photo can be viewed in a web browser, it can be downloaded by people who actively disregard our roadblocks.

We’ve made this change to be consistent and transparent in how your images have been processed on Flickr. Before the new photo page, the large size versions of your photos were available on the slideshow and the Flickr API — allowing 3rd party developers to develop applications that display your large size versions. The All Sizes re-design now matches what we have always provided in a cleaner, more straightforward manner. If for any reason having an image this large available to visitors makes you uncomfortable, you may want to consider uploading at a smaller size.

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Why are favorites and comments together?

Checking out other peoples favorites is a great way to explore Flickr and find amazing photos. (We even did a blog post about just that.) One of the reasons faves are included in comments is to help our members discover more photos through the favorites of others.

Another reason we're adding favorites into the mix is because it will show off more of the activity that happens on photos - especially photos that don't already have lots of traffic from Groups or Explore. Visitors are also encouraged to leave favorites as an easy way to express their feedback on your photos and be moved to more varied forms of community engagement like commenting, participating in groups or creating galleries.

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What are the rules for using Flickr?

Please read our Community Guidelines to find out everything you need to know about being a model Flickr citizen.

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Will Flickr always be free?

Yes, there will always be a free version of Flickr. It will be limited in some ways, and you get more with a paid subscription, but it's still fun!

You can always upgrade to a Flickr Pro account, for just $24.95 (U.S.) per year. You can also buy a Pro account for a friend if you feel generous.

To find out more, visit the Upgrade page.

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I'd like to use a photo I found on Flickr. How do I do that?

Our members share an incredible amount of amazing work on Flickr. If there is an image you'd like to use, look for the "Request to license" link near the license on the photo page. We've partnered with Getty Images who will review the image, determine if it's a good fit for licensing through them, and work out all the details if so.

Not all members have this enabled. If you don't see it you can also contact the member directly. As a member of Flickr, you can move your mouse over someone's buddy icon and click the little arrow to open the "person menu." Then select "Send FlickrMail" and compose your message. When you contact a photographer, it's best to include as much info as possible about the photo, yourself, and how you want to use the photo.

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What does "Recent activity" show?

Recent activity A shows what is happening around your account.

In addition to views for Activity on your photos and Replies to your comments, you can also view your Messages, see it all together, or make a custom view.

Save C makes that view your default so it will be the first thing you see in Recent activity and on the homepage.


In response to member feedback we have also added the ability to mute B items that you don't want to see new activity on.

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What if I don't want to see activity on a photo?

If there is an image that you commented on a while ago but don't want to see new activity on, you can now mute it B. (you can do this on anything in recent activity)

To un-mute something, just go to your muted items view D and un-mute it.

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What is the explore section on my home page?

The Explore section on the home page now revolves to show what is happening in different areas of the site. You might see recent uploads, a glimpse of groups, a piece of places, or something new you wouldn't have stumbled across otherwise. There is a lot happening on Flickr every day and we hope this lets you see a little more of it.

Note: If you don't want to see this Explore content, you can minimize the module at anytime by clicking on the arrow just to the left of the first photo.

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