Help / FAQ / The Flickr API

How do I create an app?

First you'll need an API key. Each key has an app page that is private by default. When you're ready to showcase your app fill out the app page to let people know what it's about. When your app is ready for the public, change it from private to public to make it searchable in the App Garden. Your app will need a title, description, screenshot, a working URL for the "Visit website" button, and at least 1 tag before you can make it public.

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Where can I find help developing my app?

We don't offer technical support in using or coding for the API, but there are numerous places where you can find help.

API Documentation

If you are having trouble using or coding for the API, the first place to start is the API documentation.

All official documentation on how to use the API is on this page. Make sure you also check out the API Terms of Use and the Flickr Community Guidelines. These will help you design your app by telling you what you are and aren't allowed to do. (And will help you not have to redesign it later.)

API Explorer

You can also see the arguments, error codes, example responses, and make a test call to any method you are interested in from the API Documentation page. Just click on the method you are interested in and scroll to the bottom for the API explorer to make a test call.

The developer community

One of the best resources is the community of developers discussing and working with the API. You can find them at the YDN Flickr Developer Support Group and in the Flickr API group.

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Tips for making a successful app page

  1. Add images and fill out all applicable fields: The more information you provide on your app and what it does, the easier it will be for people to find it and to see if they want to try it. Screenshots and descriptions should explain clearly how your application works.
  2. Tag it: Tags are an easy way to categorize your app to help people when searching; make sure you add appropriate tags so that your app can be found.
  3. Be active, respond to concerns: people using your app may have feedback or questions. Check the comments regularly to see what people are saying and be active. If the comments aren't your preferred place to be contacted, let people know that in the description or your profile.

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How do apps get featured on the app home page?

Apps that show in the main App Garden page are selected by Flickr staff. There isn't a way to submit an app to show on this page.

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Where can I see a list of my apps?

You can see all of your API keys and app pages by going to Apps By You. This page not only lists your apps but shows some usage statistics and has links to more info.

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Where can I find the secret for my API Key?

You can see the secret for all your API keys on the Apps by you page.

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I need to take my app down temporarily. How can I do that?

There are a few choices. You can make the app private. This will make it not viewable or searchable in the App Garden. You can also disable the API key. This will leave the app page public but stop your application from using the API. If you do this it's a good idea to let people using it know on your website, and on the app page.

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What licenses can I use and how can I make sure I'm pulling the right ones?

Depending on what your application is doing you may need to limit which licenses it uses.

First, check out the differences between the different licenses. Images are by default "All rights reserved". Our members can elect to apply one of a variety of Creative Commons licenses to their photos. We aren't lawyers and can't interpret the rights given for each license type but you can research them to find out which are appropriate for your use. For the Creative Commons licenses, you can find information at this page which links to

After you've decided which are appropriate for your application, you can use the API to filter them out.

The type of license applied to each image is passed in the method. To see which license each value coorelates to, check out photos.licenses.getInfo.

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Where can I keep up on activity on my apps?

Currently activity on app pages doesn't show in your recent activity feed. The best place to check for new activity is Apps By You where you can see the number of comments and faves for each app. We know that this isn't optimal and we will be adding a better way to track activity in a future release.

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My app/API key has been disabled by staff. What can I do next?

If your API or app has been disabled, it's likely that it was in violation of the Community Guidelines or API Terms of Use. Please review these documents closely and make any necessary changes to your application. After you have made the changes please write in to Get Help letting us know what you have changed so it can be re-reviewed.

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Can I make an app page without an API key?

No. There is only one app page for each API key and it's not possible to create an app page without a key. If you have multiple applications using the same API key, you would need to use a separate key to showcase each on it's own app page.

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