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  1. Recent Posts by Others on MTV Networks CareersSee All
    • I just applied for an Associate Producer position in NYC. Any more positions opening up for video editors? Im excellent with Final Cut!
      Wednesday at 11:34am
    • I am looking into relocating from VA, any clerical openings? I have superior skills.
      Wednesday at 8:16am
    • Melissa Marra
      Any work happening in Michigan??
      June 5 at 4:23pm
    • Hi I was just wondering what are your fall and spring internship deadlines were
      June 5 at 11:40am
  2. RecommendationsSee All
    • Alexandria Peeples
      I would love to be on single ladies 2
    • Roxanne Wright
      I'd love to be on a MTV reality show. Gotta love that drama!!! :)
    • Sherelle Marin
      If the door open for you to work with that campany then take it but if it close on you don't give up not just yet and keep trying until they it says you!!! <3
    • Jay Royal
      i will like to join MTV careers opportunities
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