Explore / Analog

Film photography is a beautiful thing.

Flickr is home to a collection of millions of digitized film photographs, cared for by a dedicated band of film enthusiasts.

Analog is here to help you explore and discover the diversity of film photography. And of course, this page is also a thank you to everyone who shoots film.

Film is not dead!


20090810_00 by steve_thorley

Groups about Film Photography


28,854 members | 216,695 items

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥...


4,692 members | 77,485 items

Anything shot on Kodak Portra film, whether 160, 400, 800, VC or Tungsten, 35mm or 120mm - we want it all. Cos its...


18,999 members | 239,742 items

Polaroids and all instant photographs. Digital shots are alright so long as they include a Polaroid within the...

Vintage Camera Photography

7,464 members | 141,155 items

A little while back I acquired an Anscoflex II box camera (ca. 1954), didn't really know what to do with...

Lo-Fi Lovelies

3,283 members | 88,346 items

Motto: "Cheap equipment doesn't mean rubbish photos!" Rules: * Pictures over 1280 x 960 will be removed...

Diana Photography

5,615 members | 36,200 items

Group icon photographed by the great Andrés Delrio For photographers who shoot on vintage Diana or Diana clone...

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