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George Lucas confronts Darth Vader at the 2011 Scream Awards

It was Darth Vader's big moment: receiving Ultimate Villain honors at Spike TV's sixth annual Scream Awards. The Sith Lord explained how hard it was to do his dastardly job when he was "constantly living in fear" of Star Wars creator George Lucas digitally enhancing him on DVD. He went on to say: "Let's be honest: I'm surprised at this point he hasn't added the Ewok pilot to the Death Star trench run scene."  It was hard to tell if Vader was at the Scream Awards or the Lucas Roast.

Then suddenly: the man himself, George Lucas, stepped out on stage with a surprise cameo! Uh oh: was Vader now in trouble with his boss for telling stories out of (Jedi) school?


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Bum bum ba-bum, bum ba-bum, bum-ba-bum!


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Well hellooooo Star Wars fans! Guess what? Lucasfilm released details on the blu-ray release of the complete saga today! The nine-disc collection will be released on September 12 internationally and on September 16 in North America, woo hoo!! Dive deeper into the universe with an unprecedented 40+ hours of special features, highlighted by never-before-seen content sourced from the Lucasfilm archives. The collection also features numerous deleted, extended and alternate scenes, new documentaries and a cross-section of the countless Star Wars spoofs that have appeared in pop culture over the past three decades. Also featured  is a coveted peek into the making of the Saga with vintage documentaries, audio commentaries, behind-the-scenes moments, interviews, prop and costume turnarounds, retrospectives and more.


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Seth Green's Robot Chicken on Adult Swim has become a Geek epicenter in terms of guest-voices: everyone from George Lucas to Elijah Wood to Nathan Fillion have been on the show. So it's no surprise that recently the (geek) stars came out to help Green celebrate Robot Chicken's 100th show in Hollywood. The attendees included Lucas, Fillion, Pete Wentz, Breckin Meyer, Masi Oka, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Billy Dee Williams. Among the drinks offered at the party? An "Adult Swim" made of strawberry puree, club soda and fresh lemon juice.

As you can imagine, the Star Wars connection with Robot Chicken is strong -- Lucas himself has given his blessing to their parodies of his various creations, and a Blu-ray of their "Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III" is coming out this July.

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Happy New Year everybody!  Thought we'd take a quick look back on my year in Star Wars for 2010.  Believe me, there is a lot I'm leaving out but I felt these were truly the highlights of this past galactic year!

1. I saw Wishful Drinking for the last time on Broadway, and this is when my title of Official Carrie Fisher cute stalker kicked into gear, for better AND for worse.

2. Adidas came out with an Originals Star Wars collection! I got the LAST pair of micropacers at the NYC Soho store! There were stormtroopers and Darth Vader in Times Square!


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Happy holidays Star Wars fans! Well, since tis the season I feel it’s only fair to mention the Star Wars Holiday Special. It originally aired on CBS on November 17th, 1978 and ran 120 minutes. All the main actors except Alec Guinness were in it. George wrote the story for the special but had to go back to work on Empire Strikes Back so he had no more involvement. Here’s the tagline I took from IMDB “Luke Skywalker and Han Solo battle evil Imperial forces to help Chewbacca reach his imperiled family on the Wookiee planet - in time for Life Day, their most important day of the year!”

Ok, how many of you have seen it from start to end? How many own it? I caved and bought myself a bootleg copy. I had friends over to watch it and we came up with a drinking game to make it a smoother watch, but sadly the alcohol did not help out and we were pained to the end. Why George why?

To his defense, George reportedly said at an Australian fan convention, "If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it." I personally heard Carrie Fisher tell an audience that she puts on the Star Wars Holiday Special when she’s having a party and she wants people to leave. Ouch. So the team here at MTV Geek has helped me come up with 8 ideas that could have happened had George been less involved in all of Star Wars! Read more...

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I went to the Lucasfilm Holiday party! I got drunk, I slurred, I said inappropriate things to people and was poured into a taxi at the end of the night. Basically I haven’t changed a bit since the last time I went.

This year’s party theme was Celebrations Around The World and just as always, the party did not disappoint. My dear friend Kimberly took me as her date! We entered the San Francisco Concourse Pavilion to a Brazilian Carnivale band dancing and playing drums as I was given a handful of green carnivale necklaces. I’m not gonna lie, I had already been to a couple of “pre-parties” so by the time I arrived, I was more than ready to rock it with my hot silver-lame halter top. I saw old friends and it was so great to catch up with them. I hung out quite a bit in the beer garden and was served huge beers in beer steins which I felt compelled to finish. Oh my. Read more...

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These faces look stunningly familiar don’t they? It seems crazy to us that a couple of antique firefighter masks, that pre-date the first Star Wars movie by almost 100 years, could bare such a striking resemblance to Darth Vader and C3PO, but that’s exactly what your're looking at.

According to a recent post on Collectors Weekly, these masks from a steampunk dream date back somewhere between the 1800s and World War I, way before George Lucas had any plans for the two Star Wars characters. And, the collector world is saying there is no doubt the masks influenced the Star Wars design team.

The black leather Vader head gear comes from Hamburg, Germany and is said to be labeled Respirations Apparat by G.B.Konic Altona. That’s pretty crazy considering Darth Vader’s helmet was part of a respiration system! The C3PO looking one is made of brass and comes from France where it was manufactured by J. Manet. It was a firefighter mask that fresh air was forced into from the outside of a burning building. A bellow system was used to push the air through up to 13 meters of tubing. Read more...

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I watched the ILM documentary Creating The Impossible, directed by Leslie Iwerks, last Tuesday night and was pleasantly surprised. Having worked there I thought “what could I possibly learn from this?” Oh was I wrong.

George started ILM in 1975 in Van Nuys to create the special effects for Star Wars. John Dykstra was its first employee, along with talents like Lorne Peterson, Jon Berg, and Bill George. Lorne Peterson also wrote a great book called “Sculpting a Galaxy” which I highly recommend checking out!

George said “ILM was born out of the rebirth of the beginning of cinema...It’s all a trick and we’re the tricksters.” And to think that George only got 30-40% of what he really wanted out of Star Wars, way back in 1977! After the success of Star Wars George decided to move ILM up to San Rafael in Marin County, he wanted a film making center that was outside of Hollywood. Little factoid, did you know that Jodie Foster’s Egg Productions moved into ILM’s old Van Nuys building? Read more...

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There was a sad disturbance in the Force last Saturday as the Star Wars community lost one of its own, Irvin Kershner.  Kersh, as he was known, directed what is known as the best film out of the original Star Wars trilogy, The Empire Strikes Back.  The most romantic movie ever, right?

Me lucky charms allowed me to meet Kersh at Skywalker Ranch in 1999 when I worked at ILM.  He was there being interviewed for the documentary Empire of Dreams, part of a trilogy DVD box set.  He was totally cool, and signed my ESB poster.  I told him that ESB was my favorite of course as I stared at him in wonder thinking “This guy is responsible for my Han Solo fantasies when I was thirteen???” Read more...

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