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Those of you bummed out about the untimely passing of Hellboy will be pleased to know that the Big Red is back in an all new original graphic novel, which pits our hero against every classic movie monster in the book… And also there are luchadors. So basically? Best comic book ever.

Okay, so that’s being a little glib, but after the epic apocalypse that led to Hellboy’s demise, ‘House of the Living Dead’ works as a lovely palate cleanser before the next Hellboy story, which finds him, appropriately, in Hell. Flashing back to a time right after the Hellboy in Mexico one-shot (don’t worry, if you didn’t read that, all the info you need is in this book), this OGN – like most of author Mike Mignola’s best work – mixes horror, action, humor, and true, honest pathos into a neat graphic bundle.

Hellboy, you see, is mourning the loss of one of his friends by drinking himself into a stupor, and becoming one of the most sensational luchadors (masked Mexican wrestlers) on the circuit. So naturally, he attracts the attention of some rather unsavory characters, particularly a Central American version of Dr. Frankenstein. Fighting, as you can imagine, ensues; but at no point do Mignola, or artist Richard Corben lose track of the main focus, and that’s making Hellboy miserable. Read more...

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Looks like Kreatworks of Bangkok, Thailand has been pretty busy since the last time we checked their Etsy page. The Jack Sparrow sculpture we talked about in May has been sold and now that it’s gone they’ve got a new sculpture aimed straight at comic book nerds -- Steampunk Hellboy. Read more...

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Well, that’s one way to bring on the apocalypse. Since the creation of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy, the writer/artist has been promising the end of the world. With this week’s conclusion to the mini-series The Fury, Mignola brings it on, in spades. Spoilers on, by the way. Read more...

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Once upon a time, there was Pulp – stories of square jawed heroes, damsels in distress, and conflicts where it was clear who was the good guy, and who was the bad guy. Heroes like Doc Savage, The Lone Ranger, and The Shadow patrolled the land, keeping it safe for the common people. Years later, creators have looked fondly back on that era, creating a modern take, or what we’re just going to call Neo-Pulp. Because I like naming things.

Anyway, in particular, the last few years have seen a resurgence of Neo-Pulp, with DC releasing First Wave, a more modern look at their 1930s era characters. And Marvel recently started releasing Mystery Men, an (excellent) series by David Liss that pushes the origins of the Marvel Universe back ten years. And most important of all, IDW has been releasing the superb Rocketeer Adventures, telling new stories of the now classic hero. With that in mind, here’s our seven favorite Neo-Pulp Heroes – ever:

7. The Twelve

Created by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Weston, The Twelve were approximately a dozen Golden Age heroes, all accidentally cryogenically frozen until 2007. They did all exist in actual comics continuity before then, but not at the level of a Ka-Zar or Solomon Kane, so we’re counting this series as their first appearance… Particularly as the series dealt with what happens when Pulp era characters are thrust into the modern era, and have stop acting so racist.


6. Hellboy


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Last month Dark Horse announced a new initiative to help out our local comic shops -- the Digital Retailer Exclusive Program. Under the new program local comic shops will hand out redemption codes for exclusive, retailer-only, digital comics that be claimed through Dark Horse Digital.

Well, it’s July 1st and the program is officially underway kicking off with B.P.R.D. Casualties! Over the next 3 months the program will release free, monthly stories from Dark Horse’s most popular titles. Did I mention we get them for free? Read more...

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Disney Princesses get an updated look thanks to lololalah:

Sloth from The Goonies gets the star treatment in this unique baseball card by Steve Dressler for The Autumn Society:



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As we previously told you, Dark Horse Comics is set to release its own comics app featuring some of Dark Horse's biggest and coolest titles including Hellboy, BPRD, Conan and more. The company has set the date of April 27th to unleash the app onto the iTunes store, pre-loaded with the first issue of Hellboy: Seed of Destruction!

Check out the official press release here and watch our video of a complete demonstration of the app from this year's C2E2 after the jump!

One of the most eagerly anticipated programs in the history of Dark Horse is announced today, as the Dark Horse Digital app and store will launch in exactly one week.

As previously mentioned, the Dark Horse Comics iOS digital app will be available for free download in the iTunes store. The app will feature the first issue of Hellboy: Seed of Destruction already pre-loaded into your collection. Thanks to those fans who signed up for our Dark Horse Digital newsletter so far, users will also be able to download the full first issues of Criminal Macabre, Abe Sapien: The Drowning, and Joss Whedon’s Fray for free! There are still two more issues yet to be unlocked and an iPad 2 up for grabs, so please visit digital.darkhorse.com to sign up for our digital newsletter today!

In addition to the iPhone and iPad, Dark Horse digital comics will be able to be read on any modern web browser. A native Android app is currently in development. In the meantime, the Dark Horse digital store launches with hundreds of our most popular titles, including Mass Effect, Serenity, Conan, The Goon, Hellboy, BPRD, and more!


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This year at C2E2 Dark Horse made it pretty clear they’re getting serious about the whole digital comics thing. We’ll soon be able to catch up with Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. right in the palm of our hand with the new Dark Horse digital comic’s app for iOS devices!

Dark Horse developed the upcoming app in-house and I have to say it looks great on the iPad. The storefront lays out a cover for each series available -- when you click on one, all the books in that series pop up. It looks like most books will cost $1.99 through the app and users will also be able to make purchases from digital.darkhorse.com. Purchases made on the web will sync up with your iPhone or iPad so they're always available.

Reading through comics works just as it does on similar apps, we can go page by page or frame by frame. However, there are some pretty cool features Dark Horse has added. First there's the page scroller. Slide it like you would to turn up the volume on a song and it shows you what page you’re headed to in the lower corner. Another great feature is the archive system. When you finish reading a book you can store it in your "Collection." This frees up space on your device by transferring your digital copy to a magical Dark Horse comic box in the clouds -- it will be safe there until you want to download and read it again.

MTV Geek! is on the floor at C2E2 and had a chance to stop by the Dark Horse booth for a little demo action. Though the app is still in beta form, and won’t be available for another month or so, it's looking good. See it in action after the break! Read more...

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For nearly fifteen years, Dark Horse Presents was the premiere anthology in the comic book industry. Premiering everything from Paul Chadwick’s Concrete, to Frank Miller’s Sin City, DHP set the industry standard, and put Dark Horse on the map as a publisher. After a brief stint online, and a short break, the comic is back in April – this time in full color, eighty pages long, and featuring… Paul Chadwick and Frank Miller. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

In order to find more about the title’s release, we chatted with Dark House founder Mike Richardson about what to expect from the rebooted comic, why its important to bring it back now, and got some teases about a few surprising favorites that might be coming back with a new look.

MTV Geek: So let's get right into it… In a lot of ways, I feel like this has almost been a signature book of Dark Horse.

Mike Richardson: Well, I think it's probably true in a lot of different senses. I mean, first of all, it's a book that we launched with the company back in 1986. It's a book that was very different then... When we first signed Dark Horse I was told that anthologies don't sell and yet we lasted with 157 issues - and could have continued to last with, or continued on with the series if we had chosen to. It’s also the book from which we launched many of our popular series, from Aliens, to Sin City, and many others… Concrete, Hellboy, to name a few. I mean just a lot of the series that we’ve published started in Dark Horse Presents.

Also, you know, when we try to get in business with a lot of the creators out there in the comic industry, many of them don't have the time, or are under contract to do other series - but can find time or can find exclusions to come and do an 8 page story. So it gives us access to people we might not have access to otherwise, and we were able to build up strong relationship a lot of those people. Read more...

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As a response to the pronouncement that Geek Culture is dead, PC Mag announces that it is quite alive -- but just not very popular. Yes, just like in high-school.

On This Day In Geek History: "Lost In Space" and "Babylon 5" actor Bill Mumy born (1954); Japanese artist Takashi Murakami born (1963); "The Crow" actor Brandon Lee born (1965); "Dexter" actor Michael C. Hall born (1971); "Glee" actress Heather Morris born (1987)


Did you hear the one about how comic book artist/illustrator Paul Maybury got fired from his job at Whole Foods for drawing a sign with Mr. T eating a sirloin steak on it? (Via The Sly Oyster):


Don't you just want to fall into this Snorlax beanbag chair and dream sweet, sweet Pokemon dreams? (Department of Mysteries via Nerd Approved):


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