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In the Newsroom
Finding out about lead levels in Chicago water

Finding out about lead levels in Chicago water

In the Chicago Tribune this week, you’ll find another story about lead in water. It’s an update on a previous story that...

Behind Thursday's story on the mentally ill in jail

Behind Thursday's story on the mentally ill in jail

When I first met Carla Clark, it was obvious that the fate of her 22-year-old daughter Melissa weighed heavily on her mind. I could see...

Sympathy for Brian Urlacher's mother

Sympathy for Brian Urlacher's mother

When the Chicago Tribune reported Wednesday that the mother of Bears middle linebacker Brian Urlacher had died, three things were notable in...

Chicago Forward: Education with Jean-Claude Brizard and Karen Lewis

Chicago Forward: Education with Jean-Claude Brizard and Karen Lewis

Join us at 6 p.m., Central time as Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard and Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis discuss...

Why Doonesbury isn't in the Chicago Tribune this week

Why Doonesbury isn't in the Chicago Tribune this week

We thought we’d give TribNation a little more information about our decision not to run “Doonesbury” strips this week.

A gambit in the fight for the soul of a commerical stretch

A gambit in the fight for the soul of a commerical stretch

The Tribune’s John Byrne stumbled across his story about the would-be Wal-Mart in Logan Square while sitting in a long Chicago City...

Get event tickets

• SEPT 15 | Author Talks: Elizabeth Berg & Jacquelyn Mitchard
• SEPT 19-23 | Social Media Week
OCT 3 | Trib U: How to Write Your Own Story **SOLD OUT**
• OCT 4 | Press Pass: Soldier Field
• OCT 13 | Trib U: Social Media Masterclass
• OCT 15 | Trib U: Photographing Real Moments from your Family's Life
• OCT 17 | Trib U: Creating Your Own Blog
• OCT 21 | Author Talks: Jeffrey Eugenides
• OCT 25 | Trib U: Facebook for Business
• NOV 6 | Chicago Tribune Heartland and Literary Prizes
• NOV 8 | Trib U: Intro to Facebook
• NOV 13 | Author Talks: Umberto Eco
• NOV 15 | Chicago Forward: Innovation
• NOV 17 | Trib U: Creating Your Own Blog

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