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Rick Perry tells Iowans that Romneycare cost them

Texas Gov. Rick Perry opened an Iowa campaign swing tonight by ramping up his attacks on Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney’s...

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Senate strikes FAA deal, averts furlough threat

Senate strikes FAA deal, averts furlough threat

Breaking a logjam that threatened to furlough 80,000 aviation and construction workers, Congress sent President Obama legislation to...

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Obama administration pressed on access to physician records

Obama administration pressed on access to physician records

Patient advocacy groups and leading journalism associations are protesting a decision by the Obama administration to close public access...

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Proposed Postal Service downsizing would slow mail delivery

Proposed Postal Service downsizing would slow mail delivery

The U.S. Postal Service is considering shuttering more than 250 mail processing facilities and downsizing its national transportation...

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Obama awards Medal of Honor to Kentucky Marine

Obama awards Medal of Honor to Kentucky Marine

On Wednesday, they shared a beer. On Thursday, President Obama presented the Medal of Honor to Dakota Meyer, credited with saving three...

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Boehner counters Obama jobs pitch with call to 'liberate' economy

Boehner counters Obama jobs pitch with call to 'liberate' economy

House Speaker John Boehner called on Washington to "liberate" the economy from over-regulation, anti-growth tax policies and deficit...

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Michelle Obama hails restaurant chain's calorie-cutting

First Lady Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign scored a win Thursday when the parent company of Red Lobster and Olive Garden signed...

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'Emotional,' 'implusive' Bachmann erred on vaccine issue, ex-aides say

'Emotional,' 'implusive' Bachmann erred on vaccine issue, ex-aides say

Add Michele Bachmann's former campaign manager to those who believe the presidential candidate went too far in linking a cervical cancer...

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With decision looming, Sarah Palin braces for tell-all treatment

Sarah Palin was on TV the other night, chatting with Fox host Greta Van Susteren about the latest GOP debate and the president’s new...

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Mitt Romney: 'A good shot' I'll be in the White House

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney seized on Wednesday's news that the income of the average American family has declined to what...

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Rick Perry: New York election shows Democrats 'on the ropes'

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry declared that the Democratic Party is "on the ropes" after twin losses in House special...

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Senate delay may result in another furlough for FAA workers

Senate delay may result in another furlough for FAA workers

Less than two months after a Senate disagreement regarding Federal Aviation Administration funding extensions put 80,000 FAA employees and...

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Rick Perry talks religion on safe turf at Liberty University

Rick Perry talks religion on safe turf at Liberty University

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday went to the nation’s largest evangelical university to discuss his own feelings about religion...

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House election results cloud Obama's jobs plan pitch

House election results cloud Obama's jobs plan pitch

President Obama travels to North Carolina on Wednesday dogged by poor economic news, threats of resistance on the Hill, sagging poll numbers...

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Turner requests impound of ballots in New York special election

Turner requests impound of ballots in New York special election

Citing reports that at least a handful of absentee ballots had been mailed to voters who are now deceased, Republican Bob Turner obtained...

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Elizabeth Warren making Senate candidacy official Wednesday

Elizabeth Warren making Senate candidacy official Wednesday

After a brief flirtation with the race, consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren plans to officially become a candidate for Senate in...

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Support at GOP debate for letting the uninsured die

Support at GOP debate for letting the uninsured die

The French Revolution had Marie Antoinette reportedly urging the masses starved for bread to eat cake instead. Now progressive circles are...

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Obama capitalizes on lagging approval ratings for Congress

Obama capitalizes on lagging approval ratings for Congress

In pushing for his jobs program, President Obama has put Congress right in the crosshairs, urging voters to pressure their lawmakers into...

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Backed by Palin, Bachmann keeps up HPV attack on Perry

Backed by Palin, Bachmann keeps up HPV attack on Perry

A reinvigorated Michele Bachmann continued her assault on Rick Perry on Tuesday morning, accusing the Texas governor and rival GOP...

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Ron Paul's 9/11 answer draws boos from 'tea party' crowd

Ron Paul's 9/11 answer draws boos from 'tea party' crowd

Ron Paul, long a darling of such gatherings such as the one in Tampa on Monday, was roundly booed during the CNN/Tea Party debate for...

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Michele Bachmann regains footing in 'tea party' debate

Michele Bachmann regains footing in 'tea party' debate

Michele Bachmann recaptured some of her stride tonight. After seeming to fade in last week's debate at the Reagan Library, she was far...

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On jobs, Romney says Perry's been a lucky poker player

On jobs, Romney says Perry's been a lucky poker player

Mitt Romney just went all Kenny Rogers on Rick Perry at the CNN/Tea Party debate, continuing to challenge Rick Perry’s jobs record...

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Jon Huntsman warns of debt impact

Jon Huntsman warns of debt impact

Young people have been invoked over and over during the debate about Social Security, as in, the system is going to be broke by the time...

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Perry, Romney clash on Social Security in Florida debate

Rick Perry made a "slam dunk" promise to seniors that they would collect Social Security benefits while Mitt Romney challenged him to...

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Texas power company files suit against EPA

Texas power company files suit against EPA

A Texas power generation company said it would have to shut down two coal-burning power plants and lay off about 500 workers to comply...

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Endorsement fever: Bobby Jindal backs Rick Perry

The first bit of rapid response among Republican presidential hopefuls came hours before the start of Monday's "tea party" debate in Tampa,...

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Five things to watch in Monday's tea-infused GOP debate

Five things to watch in Monday's tea-infused GOP debate

If the duel between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney during last week’s Republican presidential debate at the Reagan Library in California...

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Cantor: N.Y. win would show dissatisfaction with Obama

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said a possible GOP upset in Tuesday’s special election for a House seat in New York would...

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White House proposes $467-billion plan to pay for jobs bill

White House proposes $467-billion plan to pay for jobs bill

The Obama administration has proposed a $467-billion package of savings, including changing how deductions count for wealthy income-tax...

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House to probe failed energy company Solyndra at hearing

House to probe failed energy company Solyndra at hearing

Bankruptcy. FBI raids. General ignominy. For the benighted solar energy company and stimulus loan recipient, Solyndra, the next stop in...

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House promises quick consideration of Obama jobs plan

House promises quick consideration of Obama jobs plan

House Republican leaders pledged swift action Friday on President Obama's jobs plan, the latest sign of a thaw in relations between the...

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U.S. officials chase purported Sept. 11 terrorist threat

U.S. officials chase purported Sept. 11 terrorist threat

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials scrambled Friday to identify and find three men who supposedly planned...

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Perry's climate views shared by 'tea party' faithful, survey says

Perry's climate views shared by 'tea party' faithful, survey says

When Rick Perry dug in his boot heels at Wednesday night's debate and insisted -- in defiance of mainstream scientific belief -- that global...

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Congress expands Fast and Furious probe to White House

Congress expands Fast and Furious probe to White House

Congressional investigators reviewing the failed gun-tracking program Operation Fast and Furious have formally asked the Obama...

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Obama asks voters to help pressure Congress on jobs plan

Obama asks voters to help pressure Congress on jobs plan

His jobs speech out of the way, President Obama opened a road show Friday to sell his ideas to the public, urging voters to send a...

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Poll says Republican holds lead in race to replace Anthony Weiner

Poll says Republican holds lead in race to replace Anthony Weiner

The Republican candidate has taken a surprising six-point lead over the Democrat in the closely watched special election to fill the...

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Haley Barbour joins Karl Rove-backed campaign group

Haley Barbour joins Karl Rove-backed campaign group

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, perhaps the most prodigious fund-raiser the GOP has ever seen, will be joining forces with politically...

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Economists give Obama's jobs plan mixed reviews

Economists give Obama's jobs plan mixed reviews

President Obama's proposed $447-billion package of tax cuts and infrastructure spending  immediately prompted comparisons Thursday to...

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Republicans' reaction to Obama speech is lukewarm -- and that's a start

Republicans' reaction to Obama speech is lukewarm -- and that's a start

President Obama's call for new political unity behind his jobs bill was met with a reaction best summed up in two words: We'll see. 

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NRC: Earthquake shook nuclear plant past design limits

NRC: Earthquake shook nuclear plant past design limits

A nuclear power plant in central Virginia may have experienced twice as much shaking as it was designed to withstand during last month&...

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Obama unveiling $447-billion plan to jolt economy

Obama unveiling $447-billion plan to jolt economy

President Obama this evening rolls out a plan to inject $447 billion into the ailing economy through tax cuts aimed at working families...

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Eric Cantor open to payroll tax cut in Obama plan

Eric Cantor open to payroll tax cut in Obama plan

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor seems to be warming to one likely element of President Obama's job proposal. The Virginia Republican...

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More air marshals to be flying on Sept. 11

More air marshals to be flying on Sept. 11

Additional federal air marshals will be flying on U.S. airplanes Sunday, the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, Homeland Security...

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Pentagon agrees to fund border troops through year's end

Pentagon agrees to fund border troops through year's end

More than 1,000 National Guard troops will remain on the Southwest border at least through the end of December.

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Appeals court dismisses challenges to health reform law

A federal appeals court in Virginia on Thursday rejected two conservative challenges to President Obama's healthcare law, ruling that the...

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Linda McMahon may make another run for Senate in Connecticut

Linda McMahon may make another run for Senate in Connecticut

When Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman announced he was not going to seek reelection to the U.S. Senate, the first question in everyone&...

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Reagan debate shows promise, peril of Rick Perry

Reagan debate shows promise, peril of Rick Perry

Rick Perry essentially introduced himself to America’s voters Wednesday evening, showing both why he’s a candidate to be...

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Deficit super committee gets to work on Capitol Hill

The first meeting of the super committee on deficit reduction opened in outwardly bipartisan fashion Thursday as it begins the daunting task...

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