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Walsh made the right move

I fully support Joe Walsh's non-attendance at President Obama's dog-and-pony show joint session of congress. Most of Obama's speech just...

Suffering at the pump

"U.S. consumers on track for record gasoline spending" (Business, Sept. 15) indicated that this has been the most expensive year at the...

Pipeline bad for planet

In your enthusiasm for the Keystone XL pipeline you seem to have stuck your heads in the oil sands. Regardless of how fast the planet cooks,...

Obama's Jobs Act

Obama's American Jobs Act, which would put us in the red another $450 billion, is doomed to fail just like his previous stimulus plans,...

Anti-Obama bias

A federal judge in Pennsylvania has ruled that requiring everyone to have health insurance is unconstitutional. I don't understand the...

Reaction to death

The response of the audience last week at the Republican candidate debate when the number of executions in Texas announced was disturbing....

Republican Ponzis

First GOP candidate Michele Bachmann calls Social Security "a tremendous fraud." Then candidate Rick Perry calls it a "Ponzi scheme" and...

ComEd service

It is fitting and proper that the Governor vetoed the "Smart Grid" Bill. Commonwealth Edison, in all its iterations, has proven itself to...

Leave Postal Service alone

I am not a bit surprised that the Tribune would take the opportunity to slam unions one more time in "Unleash the Eagle" (Editorial, Sept....

Responding to 9/11

The recent commemorations of the combined 9/11 disasters was poignant. So many suffered and so many families are continuing to grieve for...

Flight safety

"This is the Captain speaking. There has been an incident in New York City that has threatened the security of the United States of America....

Public vs. private money

How interesting that the self-proclaimed jobs governor welcomed an 87 percent tollway hike to modernize infrastructure - money to the public...

Applauding deaths

At a recent debate for Republican Presidential candidates, spontaneous applause broke out at the mention of Rick Perry's execution of a...

Hypocritical Christians

Last Wednesday, there was a shocking, stomach-turning moment for me during the GOP candidate debate. When the crowd loudly applauded Rick...

Successful solutions

In the Sept. 12 letter "Failed solutions," the author states that for the past 10 years, the economic policies and "unlimited spending on...

Holistic care

Recently, the Illinois Medicaid program limited prescription drug coverage for several medications because of the high expense of the...

Remember victories, too

Just as we commemorate the anniversary of a shocking attack against the United States on Sept. 11, we should also commemorate the...

Fight for teachers

As life-long residents of Illinois and 39 year residents of DuPage County, we have observed Illinois politics for a long time.

Post problems

No wonder the post office needs financial assistance. It is supposed to be a service organization, but it certainly isn't based on my recent...

Compromising with fanatics

I was impressed to read E. J. Dionne's article "How much has Obama learned on the job?" (Commentary, Sept. 12). He certainly has a far...

American paranoia

After reading John Hilkevitch's column regarding the possible "terrorist cookies," I had to wonder. Is this what we have become? A...

Social Security worth fighting for

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry calls Social Security a "Ponzi scheme." Many other conservatives say that that important...

A fair shake for teachers

As a CPS parent, I'm not necessarily opposed to a longer school day. But I am opposed to my kids being used as political pawns in the...

Government jobs

Since his administration's failed attempts to revive the economy got us to the point where we are now, our president now comes before us...

G.E.'s lack of patriotism

G.E. is taking jobs away from U.S. citizens without a thought about the people, our country and/or the economy. What happened to loyalty,...

Learning from mistakes

It is generally agreed that the economic disaster of the past 10 years is, primarily, the result of deregulation, greed, enormous tax cuts,...

Simplify tax code

Obama gave a great speech - among the best of a man who speaks very well. But he only presented half the story.

Disappointing smog decision

For too long, smog pollution has left our children gasping for breath. Unfortunately, rather than acting decisively to protect our kids from...

Fix the tax system

Gregory Karp's "Illinois Sales Tax Rates Vary by Online Retailer" (News, Sept. 2) does a good job illuminating the convoluted mess that is...

Remember 9/11 unity

September 11, 2001. Wow, it's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since that tragedy. I remember the horror I felt when I realized New...

Value not-for-profit hospitals

Not-for-profit hospitals must be ready to treat sick and injured people 24 hours a day regardless of a patient's ability to pay. Free...

Don't discount Austin

We look to the Tribune for facts and enlightenment. On Sept. 4, alas, the Tribune informed us, that according to John McCarron, our...

Don't lament foreclosures

John McCarron demonstrates how leaving out a few words changes the complexion and thrust of an article in "...before something really bad...

EPA destroys jobs

Business is trying to create jobs in Illinois. However, the Illinois EPA is destroying job opportunities in Illinois.

Great America consequences

Your Sept. 2 article "Banned ... from Great America" was grossly over-featured and had no clear point. It should have been a one-liner:...

Who's paying?

During President Obama's pitch for the American Jobs Act, he said it was "paid for." But later in the speech he mentioned he'd ask the...

More than one memory

Long before the searing events that occurred at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, Sept. 11 was the date my...

Taxes, taxes, taxes

I missed the first part of President Obama's speech. He talked about raising taxes. Which one? We have federal income tax, state income...

Lies are lies

"What to do about witnesses who lie" (Commentary, Sept. 7) is a two-sided report about witnesses who have lied in previous trials and...

CPS attendance

I am responding to "CPS gives itself high marks for attendance" (News, Sept. 8). Chicago Public Schools attendance rose about 2 percent...

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• We edit and/or trim letters as little as possible, but we reserve the right to do so as necessary.

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