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Remove anonymity in attacks by cyberbullies

Anonymous bullying — deliberate, repeated and hostile behavior intended to harm others — is the dark side of Internet freedom....

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"I think it's a recognition of the world of hurt our budget seems to be in."

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Needed: A panic vaccine

Needed: A panic vaccine

Cancer treatment has made great progress in recent decades, but the tragedy is that so much of our effort to combat this scourge is just...

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Debate jars Perry out of sweet spot

Debate jars Perry out of sweet spot

Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are exactly where they want to be.

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Putting the wrong words in famous people's mouths

Putting the wrong words in famous people's mouths

On the outskirts of the National Mall in Washington, the unveiling of the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial has the esteemed author and...

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The big sleep, Texas-style

The big sleep, Texas-style

Quite a few people were shocked to hear the audience members at Rick Perry's first Republican presidential debate burst into applause...

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How to save a sinking business

How to save a sinking business

This open letter is based on an interview I conducted with a contractor who's desperately trying to keep his head above water. He isn't...

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Wake up and smell the politics

Wake up and smell the politics

Can a coffee kingpin give American politics the jolt it needs to snap out of its tea party hangover?

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How much has Obama learned on the job?

How much has Obama learned on the job?

WASHINGTON — Our political system is not accustomed to the kind of battle that is going on now. President Barack Obama has been slow...

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A passion for feuding

A passion for feuding

Though even some liberals now echo the conservative mantra that Barack Obama is too cerebral, one professorial personality trait didn't...

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'Moderate' Muslims? They are right here

'Moderate' Muslims? They are right here

If there are "moderate" Muslims, I still hear critics ask, why don't they condemn Islamic terrorism? In fact, most Muslims do condemn such...

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Sept. 11 and the impulse to pay tribute

Not that you needed reminding, but Sunday is the 10th anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Around the world, memorials will be...

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Hallowed ground

In a recent Time magazine, Radhika Jones had an interesting review of a new novel, "The Submission" by Amy Waldman. The book, published...

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"We were like 'wow.'"

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Strange. It does that every time a teacher walks by.

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Ideas, big and small

Ideas, big and small

Temporarily suspend TIFs

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For whom would Jesus vote?

Given the plethora of strongly religious candidates this presidential election season, it's hard to know whom to vote for. Maybe the...

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Obama abroad is definitely adrift

Obama abroad is definitely adrift

Since President Barack Obama has been having a rough time lately, let me belatedly congratulate him on his apparently successful policy of...

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Who kept us safe after 9/11?

Who kept us safe after 9/11?

If there was any certainty in the weeks and months after the 9/11 attacks, it was that these were just the first in a campaign of terror...

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Things you won't find on the Internet

I am a crier. There I was on my flight home, a half-hour before landing, sobbing in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and...

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We're treading water, going sideways, you can call it whatever you want; this report says we are not gathering momentum.

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9/11 unity is just a memory

9/11 unity is just a memory

If we had another terrorist attack like Sept. 11, would members of Congress sing "God Bless America" on the Capitol steps like they did 10...

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Under the mattress: Start with $1 trillion

Under the mattress: Start with $1 trillion

Washington, abetted by President Barack Obama's scheduled lecture to Congress on Thursday, is abuzz with schemes for government to light a...

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… Before something really bad happens

The house at the end of our alley has been vacant for almost four years and we — the neighbors and I — figure it's a matter of...

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Question time for the Republicans

WASHINGTON — Wednesday's Republican "debate" in California will not resemble the 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates, in which one...

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The reality behind the numbers

As the nation's labor secretary,

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Rick Perry grabs a 'third rail'

Rick Perry grabs a 'third rail'

I sometimes wonder whether politicians actually write the books they release. In the case of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's book, I sometimes...

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Wired for overregulation

Wired for overregulation

Outside the Washington headquarters of the Federal Trade Commission is a sculpture of a powerfully built, shirtless man forcibly restraining...

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Lectures and smartphones don't mix

A long, long time ago, in the dark mists of the 1990s, I'd face my college writing class and be met by a sea of eager faces. But these days,...

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New words to live by

Every year around this time, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary releases a list of words that will be added to its next edition. It's...

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Let's keep religion out of politics

Out there on Michigan Avenue, just a few hundred feet from Millennium Park, an aged man rested in a doorway, his feet stretched out beside a...

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News flash: Congresswoman has a spine

I am pleased to report the sighting of an artifact so rarely seen among Democrats that it has become the stuff of legend and conjecture,...

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Conservatives flee from science

Conservatives flee from science

The 1980s and 1990s were prime time for environmental scares, many of which proved bogus. On one side were liberals, greens and professional...

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This Labor Day we need marches, not parades, Robert Reich says

Labor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be...

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Is diplomacy in Libya delusional?

How much more death and destruction of Libyans is necessary to protect Libyans?

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Go get the Lockerbie bomber from Libya

Go get the Lockerbie bomber from Libya

Does President Barack Obama care that the terrorist convicted only a decade ago of killing 189 Americans is reportedly running around Libya?

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Why class reunions matter so much

Facing a class reunion can be daunting enough to make a teetotaler crave a bracing cocktail. But fear not. It's worth the effort. For at...

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An invitation Rep. Jackson should have declined

An invitation Rep. Jackson should have declined

Eighty-one members of the House of Representatives have just completed a trip to Israel, all expenses paid by an American Israel Public...

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Planet of the godly

Planet of the godly

WASHINGTON — Rick Perry's rapid lead over previous Republican front-runner Mitt Romney was predictable. But it is not a good sign...

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The real science trashers

Today I am writing about religion. Specifically, about those who worship in the Church of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming....

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"I don't need to see the photos. But bizarre and creepy are good adjectives to describe much of Gadhafi's behavior."

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In America's pantheon: King in word and stone

In America's pantheon: King in word and stone

WASHINGTON — It is one of the enduring mysteries of American history — so near-providential as to give the most hardened atheist...

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10 things you might not know about teachers

10 things you might not know about teachers

It's tough to teach school. As controversies rage from coast to coast over pay, tenure and training, here's a 10-part primer on teachers &#...

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The new she is he

I see it in the school district where I work. Girls punching boys — punching them hard, sometimes out of meanness, sometimes for fun,...

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Injustice, in plain sight

In 1989, a Waukegan woman was raped after three men invaded her apartment. She told police the rapist had a tattoo, wore an earring in a...

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Give King memorial a chance

Give King memorial a chance

It is poignantly appropriate that the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial has stirred controversy. After all, so did King.

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My Rick Perry problem — and ours

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination now, at least in the national polls. Undoubtedly that's...

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Pressure, money and understanding failure

For generations of fans, baseball has held a particular attraction, in part because we marvel at players' skills along with their...

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"And so language, the ability not only to master the ability to put your ideas into words succinctly on a platform to communicate ideas to...

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1 million dead in 30 seconds

1 million dead in 30 seconds

Seismic risk mitigation is the greatest urban policy challenge that the world confronts today. If you consider that too strong a claim,...

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'Victory' in Libya

'Victory' in Libya

For a president blanketed in gloom, the rebel victory in Libya comes as a welcome ray of sunshine. It took a lot longer than expected, but...

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Decay in the art of political insults

Decay in the art of political insults

With a presidential contest on the rise, so is the heat of the umbrage wars. That's what I call the endless contest to see which political...

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GOP primaries: Guide to vetting candidates' sex lives

Habemus Papam. That's what the Vatican says when the College of Cardinals elects a new pope. It also should be what delegates...

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The honest truth about Illinois

In a recent editorial, the Chicago Tribune asks a series of seemingly rhetorical questions about the state budget and state operations. It...

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Fracking and the road to energy independence

Spectacularly vast stores of natural gas — by some estimates a staggering 837 trillion cubic feet — trapped in shale...

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It's been more change at every level in a shorter period of time than at any other time in the history of the city of Chicago and I...

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This is Obamaland: Bad luck, bad faith

"We had reversed the recession, avoided a depression, got the economy moving again. … But over the last six months, we've had a run of...

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The life and times of domestics

Rosa Parks, the mother of the civil rights movement, and Nafissatou Diallo, the woman at the center of a rape case that has been called "the...

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Time to change

There wasn't much for the Democrats to look forward to in the 1972 presidential race, but my personal favorite was Oklahoma Sen. Fred...

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The persistence of fiscal fantasy

The persistence of fiscal fantasy

If the national fiscal crisis has accomplished nothing else, it has finally restored the good name of Ebenezer Scrooge. Frugal government,...

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They call me Miss Brooks

They call me Miss Brooks

Like Aibileen Clark, the central character in the movie, "The Help," no one ever asked me what it felt like to be a maid.

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Obama's Job No. 1: Create jobs

Democrats are finally up for a fight — with President Barack Obama. Having despaired that Obama gave in to the tea party on the debt...

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Invasion of the idiocrats

You may not have seen "Idiocracy," the 2006 sci-fi comedy set in an utterly dysfunctional nation 500 years in the future, but chances are...

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We have consistently said that President (Bashar) Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way. He has not led. For...

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Monsters of more than the midway

Jacques Barzun claimed that "whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball." With all due respect to our...

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The false hope of sex offender registries

At age 14, J.L. impregnated his girlfriend in a consensual encounter. This was bad news on several grounds, the worst being that she was...

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A different world

— During the Second World War, a future prime minister, Harold Macmillan, said America is "the new Roman empire and we Britons, like...

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5 easy steps

5 easy steps

The St. Louis Cardinals are in town this weekend, and I'm reminded once again that my husband, John, and I have a mixed marriage. We're...

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Will high costs lead to the extinction of on-campus learning?

Will high costs lead to the extinction of on-campus learning?

Last weekend I moved my oldest son out of the rundown, $3,000-a-month apartment he shared with five other University of Wisconsin at Madison...

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Obama is on the way out

Obama is on the way out

On Saturday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry got into the race for the GOP presidential nomination, and within 24 hours, former Minnesota Gov. Tim...

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The real effects of gambling

The real effects of gambling

Stereotypes about gambling have been around for as long as free people have chosen to invest their time, energy and interest in games of...

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"If this guy prints more money between now and the election … I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat...

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The new old Obama

For President Barack Obama, these are the days of never hearing an encouraging word. Not since his own supporters were losing faith in his...

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Getting education back on track

Here's a way for taxpayers to save billions of dollars while improving education:

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Tea party's decline a hopeful sign for nation

Cheer up. Not everything went down over the last two weeks.

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System works despite Democrats' complaints

WASHINGTON — Of all the endlessly repeated conventional wisdom in today's Washington, the most lazy, stupid and ubiquitous is that our...

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10 things you might not know about Wisconsin

10 things you might not know about Wisconsin

Our neighbor to the north has become a national newsmaker, wrenched by political battles, including attempts this month to recall lawmakers....

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Why Obama looks so bad

Why Obama looks so bad

Barack Obama came into office aspiring to bridge the chasm between liberals and conservatives, red states and blue states, and the gulf is...

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Being authentic requires work

Want to be authentic? Good luck! These days it takes deliberate effort, focus, even a long-term commitment to change. This might sound...

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Racial politics of the mileage-fraud scandal

I believe I now know why Mayor Rahm Emanuel was so measured, so passionless, in responding to reports last week about widespread mileage-...

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Riot rationalization misses the mark

Riots are fascinating things. How lawless greed, cruelty and violence suddenly set fire to the minds of men is one of the most mysterious,...

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Depends on your definition of weird

— Just what is the meaning of weird?

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Grand fix for the supercommittee

WASHINGTON — Conventional wisdom holds that the congressional supercommittee established by the debt-ceiling deal to propose further...

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Standing on bizarre principles

— Actually, no, Mr. Vice President, the tea party gang wasn't "acting like terrorists." They were acting like kidnappers. Let's get...

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Recipe for budget fights

A "sugar-coated Satan sandwich." That's what Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Missouri Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus,...

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The truth hurts: Bleak indicators

The fierce debate over raising the federal borrowing limit has had at least one happy result: The public's newly found awareness that...

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The siren song of Google+

Google+, which launched a month ago to great fanfare, is so far feeling more like Google nonplussed. Reported to have crossed the 20-...

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Breivik's real enemy: Himself

Anders Behring Breivik, the far-far-right-wing monster charged in Norway with the biggest mass murder by a single gunman in modern memory,...

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Big push for the Half-Trillion plan

WASHINGTON — The debt ceiling looms. Confusion reigns. Schemes abound. We are deep in a hole with, as of now, only three ways out: the...

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Juan Williams' payback time

Juan Williams' payback time

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold, an old saying goes. Juan Williams, the Fox News political analyst who was famously fired last...

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Temper those mayoral 'temper' stories

Temper those mayoral 'temper' stories

Despite the events of last week, I'm standing pat on my "never" bet in the "Pick the Moment Rahm Totally Loses It Sweepstakes" announced...

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The anti-Obama

— When you pick up a glossy, multipage color brochure at a presidential campaign event, you expect to see a candidate's image on the...

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Rule of politics:  Educating Cain

Rule of politics: Educating Cain

WASHINGTON — Politics Rule No. 1: Never say what you really think, especially before you think.

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