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Gov 2.0 Events :  Gov 2.0 Expo  •  Gov 2.0 Summit

About Gov 2.0 Expo 2010

Experience Gov 2.0 Expo | Who Should Attend | Kudos for Gov 2.0 Expo | Program Committee | Conference Diversity

Experience Gov 2.0 Expo

When citizens interact with their government, powerful things can happen. Government 2.0 means doing more with small teams, and even the power of one. It means exploiting global creativity and changing workplace models and traditional designs for carrying out missions. It means infusing old processes with new technology. It means unlocking stores of data that can better inform and empower people about their communities, and governments about decision making. It means change has come to America.

Web 2.0 technology has shown that transparency, participation, collaboration add up to increased efficiency for the technology industry. Gov 2.0 harnesses this same effect for the public good. Gov 2.0 is the power to change the world.

Gov 2.0 Expo will showcase the real-world application of Web 2.0 technologies in government and municipal sectors, featuring a practical program that will teach government employees and contractors how to apply technology best practices to government programs, and in turn introduce new companies to the government market.

Conference Tracks Will Include

  • Policy
  • Technology
  • Challenges
  • People

Who Should Attend?

  • Technology innovators in all levels of government
  • Social media professionals in Internet and government technology
  • Developers and IT professionals in city, state, and federal agencies
  • Private-sector businesses in the Internet industry interested in helping government
  • Companies and organizations tracking emerging technologies in government
  • Government contractors and consultants
  • Political activists
  • Public policy academics

Past participants have come from companies, agencies, and organizations such as: American Federation of Teachers, Argonne National Laboratory, Booz Allen Hamilton, British Embassy, Center for American Progress, City and County of San Francisco, Cities of Norfolk, Petaluma, Portland, Santa Cruz, and Tucson, EPA, ESRI, Executive Office of the President / OSTP, FAA, Federal Trade Commission, FortiusOne, Forum One Communications, GSA, Google, Harvard Berkman Institute, Harvard Kennedy School, Hispanic Communications Network, IBM, Intelliware Systems, Library of Congress, Lockheed Martin, Meetup, Microsoft, Ministry of Education (Singapore), Ministry of the Interior (Finland), National Defense University, NPR, NavigationArts LLC, New York State Senate, OMB, Open Source for America, Oracle, OpenID Foundation, Palantir, Princeton University, RedHat, Rutgers University, Smithsonian Institute, SeeClickFix, State of Utah, State of Alabama, Sunlight Foundation, The Gilbane Group, The World Bank, The Washington Post, Thomson Reuters, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of State, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Dept of Agriculture, U.S. Dept of Defense, U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, U.S. Dept of the Treasury, U.S. Dept of Education, U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs, USGS, WebCitizen

Kudos for Gov 2.0 Expo

"Technology lovers and data geeks from all over the country gathered in Washington, D.C. this week for the Gov 2.0 Expo to explore the power of data and its emerging role in government." Kate Gardiner, PBS Newshour

"Tim O'Reilly is raising the bar on what he envisions for the open government movement. At this week's Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington, D.C., O'Reilly won't be talking merely about government serving as 'a platform' -- that was last year's idea -- but about government as 'a platform for greatness.'" John Foley, InformationWeek

"Gov 2.0 was the perfect launch pad demonstrating how government and technology can collaborate to improve the responsiveness, efficacy, and ultimately, the utility of government services in the daily lives of citizens...One of the biggest draws of any O’Reilly event is the caliber and quality of the speakers, workshops, and information sessions, and #G2E (as the Twitter crowd calls it) was no different. These events attract individuals who are pushing the boundaries and making serious headway to effect transformative change in how government interacts with citizens, and we got to be front row center for a good deal of them...Start-ups take note: we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Gov 2.0 Expo is priceless for exposure if you have a story to tell and the tech to back it up. The amount of media exposure we were able to garner and secure on site was incredible." CiviGuard Blog

"Advances in communications technology have accelerated sharply since the Chinese first invented the printing press in 305 AD. This razor's edge, allowing for government and citizens to interact, was on display at the recent Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington, as experts and innovators from around the world gathered to initiate the next advancement of digital connectivity in government. During the three days of keynotes, sessions and interviews, there was plenty to excite the interests of this 'technology native' millennial...Spending three days focusing directly on this next stage of governance offered great clarity in the mission of this movement, what has been achieved so far and the great potential that lay ahead." Paul D. Shinkman, OhMyGov!

"Well it has been an amazing couple of days in Washington DC. Tim O’Reilly and the Gov2.0 Expo 2010 have drawn together a remarkable group of people to share their Gov2.0 experiences." Kate Lundy, Senator, Australian Federal Parliament

"I just wanted to say thanks for putting on Gov 2.0.  I was on the fence about attending and found it to be one of the most rewarding conferences I've been to.  It was great to connect with people in our administration really excited about technology and startups.  It was also inspiring to talk to the many great NGOs helping the world. I've tried working with both government and non-profits in the past and found their motives and ways of thinking impenetrable, but being able to sit down informally and talk was really, really helpful and I'm hoping it will lead to new partnerships for my company and I'm hoping those partnerships will make the world a better place. I wish more of my startup friends could see what I saw - I've been talking about it ever since I got back to SF :)." —Lukas Biewald, CrowdFlower

"I'm feeling recharged and reinvigorated. The Gov 2.0 expo was fantastic, it was great to meet colleagues from around the world in person." David Eaves, eaves.ca

"It has been an inspiring event looking at the application of new technologies in the public sector." Colleen Campbell, PR Soapbox

"Gov 2.0 Expo is coming to Washington, DC next week. It’s the latest offering from the O’Reilly event machine, which is unmatched in its ability to generate buzz and get everyone excited about topics that they’ve never heard of." Gunnar, OnePeople

"The showcase format was interesting in that it examined government as many different platforms rather than a building or institution." Kathleen Smith, Inside the Net

"An assembly of hundreds of government managers, technologists, and assorted consultants." Ari Herzog, AriWriter

"I came away both impressed and inspired by the results that were discussed...Thanks for the great event - generated a lot of thoughts/ideas/questions and was very well-produced and very inspiring. I'm glad that we have your [Tim O'Reilly's] voice involved in this movement and I'm excited for what that will bring over the longer-term." Steve Radick, Social Media Strategery

"Both the Expo and Summit programs delivered a deluge of examples of exciting new approaches to connecting consumers of government services with the agencies and organizations that provide them...All in all, thought-provoking, well-executed events." Mary Laplante, Gilbane Group

"Gov 2.0 Expo and Summit in Washington, D.C., re-orients what Web 2.0 will mean, not just for consumers and the piranha pond of business interests, but also for citizens and the administration that serves us." Rachel Abrams, Good.Is

Program Committee

Program Co-Chairs

Laurel Ruma

Laurel Ruma

Laurel Ruma is the Gov 2.0 Evangelist at O'Reilly Media. She joined the company in 2005 after working for five years at various IT analyst firms in the Boston area. Laurel is also co-chair for the Gov 2.0 Expo and co-editor of Open Government, published by O'Reilly in February 2010.

Dr. Mark Drapeau

Dr. Mark Drapeau

Mark Drapeau is Co-Chair of the Gov 2.0 Expo. He is currently the Director of Innovative Social Engagement for Microsoft’s U.S. Public Sector division in Washington, D.C. He was until recently an adjunct professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University, and an Associate Research Fellow at the Center for Technology and National Security Policy at the National Defense University. Some of his NDU research on Government 2.0 was published in a report titled Social Software and National Security: An Initial Net Assessment. He is a frequent guest speaker and blogger on topics related to government, marketing, social media, and science & technology.

Mark is a contributing columnist for O’Reilly Radar and Federal Computer Week, where he writes about emerging media technologies and the government. Mark is also a co-founder of Government 2.0 Club, an international platform for sharing knowledge about the intersection between technology and governance. Mark has a B.S. in evolutionary biology, a Ph.D. in animal behavior, conducted NIH- funded postdoctoral training in neuroscience, studied social behavior as part of the International Honeybee Genome Project, was a 2006-08 AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow in National Defense and Global Security, and is an avid mindcaster on Twitter.

Conference Diversity

O'Reilly Media and UBM TechWeb believe in spreading the knowledge of innovators. We believe that innovation is enhanced by a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientations.

We're actively seeking to increase the diversity of our attendees, speakers, and sponsors through our calls for proposals, other open submission processes, and through dialogue with the larger communities we serve.

This is an ongoing process. We are talking to our program chairs, program committees, and various innovators, experts, and organizations about this goal and about ways they can help us achieve it.

Here are some ways you can help us build a more diverse conference experience:

  • Recommend appropriate speakers and/or program committee members to the conference chairs (see individual O'Reilly and UBM TechWeb conference sites for program information; you may also send an email to diversity@oreilly.com)
  • Forward our call for proposals to relevant affinity groups with the message that we are looking for a diverse speaker roster
  • Suggest to potential speakers that they submit a proposal during our Call for Participation conference phase (see individual O'Reilly conference sites for details)
  • Organize community-based public speaking trainings and practice events (Ignite is one popular format)
  • Suggest ways that the onsite conference experience can be more welcoming and supportive, free from intimidation and marginalization (send an email to diversity@oreilly.com)
  • Share your ideas and best practices for how we can realize our vision (send an email to diversity@oreilly.com)

We value diversity in the communities we bring together, and we welcome your contributions to bringing balanced representation of the richness of our collective human experience.

O'Reilly Media Logo techweb
  • Adobe Systems, Inc.
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • ESRI
  • Microsoft
  • Palantir Technologies
  • Google
  • Oracle
  • EffectiveUI
  • EveryBlock
  • Intuit QuickBase
  • JackBe
  • MarkLogic
  • NetApp
  • NIC
  • OpenText
  • Sapient
  • Spigit
  • Synteractive/Smartronix
  • Microsoft
  • Government Executive Media Group
  • Nextgov

Sponsorship Opportunities

For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Rob Koziura at rkoziura@techweb.com or download the Gov 2.0 Expo Sponsor Prospectus

Media Partner Opportunities

For media partnerships, contact Jaimey Walking Bear (707) 827-7176 jaimey@oreilly.com

Program Ideas

Send an email to gov2-idea@oreilly.com.

Press and Media

For media-related inquiries, contact Maureen Jennings at maureen@oreilly.com or Natalia Wodecki at nwodecki@techweb.com.

Gov 2.0 Expo Newsletter

To stay abreast of conference news and to receive email notification when registration opens, please sign up for the Gov 2.0 Expo newsletter.

Contact Us

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