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Blogger Templates by Wordpress To Blogger :: Convert WP to Blogger Templates

Posted by: tmwwtw
Posted on: Monday, May 24, 2010
Posted in:

Theme Request

WordpressToBlogger.com is a free blogger templates site that converts free wordpress themes to blogger templates to be used by millions of Blogger.com users. If you think that our work is great help us by spreading the word to your friends or subscribe to us via email.


Hi everyone, from now on please use this Request Page if you want to request a theme conversion.

Any inquiries please email me directly at

176 Responses to "Theme Request"

  1. Salim Says:

    Hello Sir I Want my WP Theme in to Blogger I would Like to Know if its Possible or Not I fits Possible i am Ready to Donate you

  2. admin Says:

    just give download & demo link here. and also ur email. after i convert that theme, i will show it to u. after that, u can give me donation.

  3. Avatar Says:

    Dear Admin,

    I think there would be many people willing to pay good money for great templates. However, you'll need to market it.


  4. Technoraz Says:

    Can you convert Revolution Tech Wordpress Theme?


  5. Imad-ud-din Saqib Says:

    I really want to have a wordpress theme converted but I don't have any money so I can't donate to you. I would be very obliged and grateful if you could convert it for me for free. You might even change the policy of donating to putting a footer with your blog/website name in it. I'll even recommend you to people who ask me to help in converting themes for blogger to wordpress. Again, I'm saying that I'll be very obliged to you if you convert the template for free. If you do, then here is the link. It contains the demo as well as the download link.


    My email address is imaduddinsaqib@hotmail.com. I'll be very thankful if you comply to my wishes. Please, please do.

  6. Dav7 Says:

    you should have a contact form!

    do you only convert templates? I what 1 custom template :\

  7. Imad-ud-din Saqib Says:

    Sorry , I forgot to tell you the name. Its called nine and is on the above link.
    Please do convert it and email it to me at www.islamicb.blogspot.com.
    Tell me whether you will convert it or not.

  8. e-spice Says:

    Hello admin, I appreciate your work and would like to donate you as well.

    I am already using arthemia template on one of my blog converted by Themelib.org However I am much impressed with your modified arthemia template and would like to download.

    I hv one conclusion.. as you said on this post that we can download any templates from this blog... do you mean we can ask for any blog template to download even though we have already downloaded some other template??

  9. e-spice Says:

    hello admin... donated your account.

    Please give the arthemia templates..

    Ilyas Kazi

  10. Rahul Manekari Says:

    Hello sit.... u are doing gr8 job...

    I liked this theme that is onl available to wordpress .... I want to apply at my blog..
    Please contact me

    Theme Title : Organic Premium WordPress Theme
    Author : premiumthemes.net
    Download link : http://premiumthemes.net/premiumthemes/organic.html

    Demo link : http://premiumthemes.net/organic/

    Email : rahul[dot]manekari[at]live[dot]com

  11. admin Says:

    hi rahul manekari,

    sorry, i only convert free wordpress theme.

  12. Sky Chew Says:

    Theme title:scruffy
    Author:Cobus Bester
    Download link:http://fresh01.co.za/downloads/scruffy/
    Demo link:http://fresh01.co.za/preview/index.php?wptheme=Scruffy

    thank you! am willing to domate!

  13. Technoraz Says:

    Can you create a cool blogger template that only available to me? I want to make it unique, that means it does not same with other site..

    I would pay 12 dollar if you can do that.

    By the way my blog is a tech blog so, I would like the template is tech-like.


  14. Technoraz Says:

    I even can pay 15 dollars if you want...but make sure the template is nice and only available to me...

  15. admin Says:

    hi technoraz,

    explain more about ur custom template. how many column, color etc. better if u have example template.

    leave ur email here.

  16. Amirul Ashraff Says:


    I like if the template look like

    it's a free revolution two theme.

    if you can, please remove the date and feed at the top.

    and the comment must look like the revolution music template that you have

    I you also can do these, I will make it $20 (make sure it only available to me)

  17. Amirul Ashraff Says:

    Donated You...
    Can I Get My Template?

  18. Anonymous Says:

    My friend, you need a "contact form here"

  19. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title: Desk Mess
    Author: Geek with Laptop
    Download link: http://wordpresstoblogger.blogspot.com/2008/10/desk-mess.html
    Demo link: http://tmwwtw-deskmess.blogspot.com/
    email: page1spot@gmail.com

    Will you upload the theme into my account after I provide you with the log in credentials? I'm interested in a turn key solution. I don't want the responsibility of downloading anything or upload anything myself, plus I'm using the latest version of blogger "Blogger in Draft"

  20. Amirul Ashraff Says:

    Theme title: Revolution Chrome
    Author:Jason Schuller
    Download link: http://www.revolutiontwo.com/download/chrome.zip
    Demo link: http://www.revolutiontwo.com/demo/chrome.html

  21. Anonymous Says:

    Good job admin, fast turn around.


  22. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title:
    Download link:http://www.revolutiontwo.com/download/church.zip
    Demo link: http://www.revolutiontwo.com/demo/church.html

    Here's the template I want!

    wait-mail and to understand
    how will it

  23. Anonymous Says:

    Hello again!
    will not understand Can I convert this template you said. on down and e-mail adre they write me to know. After that I will make donation

    Theme title:
    Download link:http://www.revolutiontwo.com/download/church.zip
    Demo link: http://www.revolutiontwo.com/demo/church.html

  24. Anonymous Says:

    Theme Request
    Theme title: Color paper
    Author: Smashing Magazine
    Download link:http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/10/30/color-paper-a-free-wordpress-theme/
    Demo link:http://freethemelayouts.com/blog/index.php?wptheme=Color%20Paper

    I use blogger to host my blog on a custom domain (not their free service) so I will host al associated images on my own site.

  25. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you got it Template!
    will order another
    I am very happy
    Good luck

  26. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title: Notepad Chaos
    Author: Evan Eckard
    Download link: http://www.evaneckard.com/pages/themes.php
    Demo link: N/A
    Email: simplymeow@hotmail.com

  27. Nayan Says:


    Theme convert : Revolution church.

    download Link - http://www.revolutiontwo.com/download/church.zip

    Demo Link - http://www.revolutiontwo.com/demo/church.html

    my blogger already have a this template. see - www.filmtaka.com

    But the Home page of my blogger is not the same as in demo template. will you convert this wordpress template same as blogger template. if yes, i will ready to pay you.

    I also want to know if the converted template have any bug will you help to fix the bug, with free of cost.

    my email id - newday_17@yahoo.com

    Im waiting for your reply.

  28. e-spice Says:

    Hello admin,

    Once again, I need you and will pay you 10$ if you can modify the blogger template...

    here is my blog...

  29. Super Official Says:

    Can you convert this:

    Theme title: Vostok
    Author: Javier Cañada and Rubén Lozano
    Download link: http://www.vostoktheme.com/
    Demo link: http://www.programavostok.com/blog/
    Email: superxofficial@gmail.com

  30. Anonymous Says:

    Most scripts templates work when I want or do not work!
    The problem is, where his host transferred limit
    Now templates that you will no longer sell their work scripts for tables galleries
    Move your new best things to another host to enable those who sold their work again
    Because we do not do these supplements work

  31. Dale Bacar Says:

    Sent the donation and confirmation ticket as well. Following-up on the template :)

  32. tmwwtw Says:

    hi dale bacar,

    template sent. check ur email. thanx.

  33. Dale Bacar Says:

    Great template and awesome support. Thank you again.

  34. Mat Nowak Says:

    Theme Request

    There are many great wordpress themes available for you. If u want a theme for your blogger template, you can request it here. Please use format as stated below:

    Theme title: Black Canvas revoltion theme
    Author: Brian Gardiner
    Download link:
    Demo link:
    Email: matquiksilver@gmail.com

  35. Mat Nowak Says:

    Theme Request

    There are many great wordpress themes available for you. If u want a theme for your blogger template, you can request it here. Please use format as stated below:

    Theme title: Black Canvas revoltion theme
    Author: Brian Gardiner
    Download link: cant find it?
    Demo link: http://www.revolutiontwo.com/demo/blackcanvas.html
    Email: matquiksilver@gmail.com

  36. Bariski Says:

    Theme title: WP Max [Modified (Details are given below)]
    Author: tmwwtw
    Download link: http://wordpresstoblogger.blogspot.com/2008/12/wp-max.html
    Demo link: http://tmwwtw-wpmax.blogspot.com/
    Email: bariski[dot]bhanu[at]yahoo[dot]com

    Hello Sir. First of all I must admit that I am highly impressed with your skills. Yea really I am way too amazed with your

    superb templates and also your conversion rate.

    I am here to make a request for a customized theme. Can you please be kind enough to please add the follwing hacks to your

    current template WP Max. I want these hacks to be included.

    01.I want to mention that I am more a Internet Explorer 6 user, So I want this theme to work same as it is working on Mozilla

    Like bugs I found:
    When opening a post in IE6 the sidebars move down below the post body and comment section, which creates a lot of problem to

    me. :( So if you can fix that, it would be great. :)
    Also it shows error messages when we are viewing posts in IE6. :(

    02. I want you to please make a new right sidebar section so that it only appears in the homepage.
    Like I want the 'Media Browser' section to appear in homepage only and not when a post is opened.

    03. Please include the page navigation like this[icons included] just below the 'Latest News[i.e. the Blog Posts]' :

    04. Also as I can notice [Don't know if I am right], you have limited the word displayed per post in the homepage. If it so,

    then its just superb. i just want this[posts displayed in homepage] to look like a box as in here:
    With read more link and comments posted links, by default.
    Also please include that the images will not be displayed in the excerpts.

    05. Also please add a section just below the 'Blog Posts' section so that it look like same as the post excerpts, so that I

    can add useful links or ads in them.Also please make to appear in homepage only

    06. Also can you include a right side moveable link like done here;
    which a reader can close when he or she doesn't want it by clicking on X button.

    07. Also can you please make a code view for codes that I can post in a post. Like done in here:
    The codes are displayed in a grey like box.

    08. Also please include the number alongwith the comments posted, also admins comment to be highlighted and to display the

    images beside names. Just like what is done here:

    09. Please include this hack as it seems to be not working in many modified themes:
    So that the users can increase or decrease the text size according to their wish. So that it look likes what is displayed

    here ['Text Size']:

    10. Also please include a google translator in the homepage only like how it is done here:

    11. Lastly please include the search box in to rightsection of header below * News Feed and * Comments Feed but inside the

    header. Also please include this a frame so that I can add google searchbox code inside, but it still displating same as


    Hope you have got all things. Sorry if I have gone wrong somewhere.

    Also I am ready to pay for your great efforts so as to appreciate your great hardwork andyour precious time.

    Bhanu Ahluwalia

  37. Reddy Says:
    This post has been removed by the author.
  38. Chelle Says:

    Hello! I am interested in possibly having you convert a wordpress theme for my blogging group. There are three requirements:

    1) The converted theme must be compatible with the new Blogger XML format (easy to use layout, font, size, colour changes)

    2) It would have to be done very quickly - we want the site posted in a few weeks' time

    3) Must be compatible (without bugs) for both IE and Firefox

    What is your usual turnaround time? Here is the theme info:

    Theme title: Autumn Forest
    Author: Geek With Laptop
    Download link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/autumn-forest
    Demo link: http://www.geekwithlaptop.com/?theme=autumn-forest
    Email: threewriters09@gmail.com


  39. Chelle Says:

    PS. We'd also like to make sure that the photo on the right hand sidebar can be changed. We don't want to use this photo on our own site. This is in reference to the above post regarding the Autumn Forest theme conversion.


  40. Rix Says:

    Theme title: Smashing apps wordpress theme
    Author: can't find
    Download link: Unknown :(
    Demo link: http://www.smashingapps.com/
    Email: groovy.rio@gmail.com

    Hello. Can you please be kind to convert this wordpress theme of this site to blogspot.:

    I have not been able to find for the relative wordpress theme. Please please. I will pay you instantly. Also please make the home and post look likes exactly how they have done it with all the features they have made.

    Th style sheet link:


  41. Jonathan Lyons Says:

    Theme title: NewsTheme
    Author: wpthemedesigner.com
    Theme Link: http://www.wpthemedesigner.com/2009/01/13/news-theme/
    Download link: http://www.wpthemedesigner.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=28
    Demo link: http://wpthemedesigner.com/demo/index.php?wptheme=NewsTheme
    Email: jon(at)trekeight(dot)com

  42. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title: falling dreams
    Author: Razvan Teodorescu

    m.kain.dzk [at] gmail.com

  43. MTV ROADIE Says:

    Theme title: Magic House

    Author: AskGraphics

    Download link: http://www.askgraphics.com/freetemplates/themes/Magic_house.zip

    Demo link: http://www.askgraphics.com/freetemplates/demo/index.php?wptheme=Magic+House

    Email: s.swaranjit@gmail.com


    I need this wordpress theme for blogger with proper functionality. AND I'LL PAY 10$ IF YOU CONVERT THIS THEME.

    Swaranjit Singh

  44. CBSE Says:

    I want the template same as labnol.org in blogger or wordpress don't matter.

    Theme title: Labnol
    Author: Amit
    Download link: www.labnol.org
    Demo link: www.labnol.org
    Email: navi_softwareguru@yahoo.com

  45. Д.Өлзий-Орших Says:

    I will buy this template. After can you convert this template to blogger ?

    Theme title: Theatre blog
    Author: Dj
    Download link: http://templates.entheosweb.com/template_number/20436.asp
    Demo link: http://osc3.template-help.com/wordpress_20436/
    Email: olzii.orshikh@gmail.com

  46. Open door to everyone... Says:

    Can this be done: http://web2feel.com/civix/

  47. Anonymous Says:

    Can you convert


    this theme to blogger.

    I will buy this template

    email me : megahot.1(at)gmail.com

  48. Francessca Wong Says:

    Theme title:Monezine

    Author: European Shutters
    Download link:http://web2feel.com/downloads/monezine.zip
    Demo link:http://web2feel.com/monezine/
    Email: james.wwh@gmail.com

  49. other side Says:

    Theme Request

    Theme title :2color
    Author :milo - http://wp2.3oneseven.com/
    Download link:http://www.4shared.com/file/31705019/331ec74d/2colours.html
    Demo link :http://wp2.3oneseven.com/
    Email :allen_aja@yahoo.com

    and i want the template look a like this blog http://flairinthecity.blogspot.com, but i will change all image to my own


  50. Anonymous Says:

    Can you convert this one:
    Title: Simple Paper
    author: Jai
    download link: http://www.blogohblog.com/wordpress-theme-simple-paper/
    demo link: http://www.blogohblog.com/
    email: ecarlton (at)inbox (dot)com

  51. Anonymous Says:

    hi from
    Theme Demo: http://www.premiumwp.com/demo/thestars/
    Theme Download: http://www.premiumwp.com/downloads/starstheme
    I want this template

    But first I want to see demo!

  52. Exe Says:

    Can you convert this one please:

    Theme title: Photographic Film
    Author: Wordpress Themes
    Download link: http://www.templatelite.com/download/dl.php?theme=10
    Demo link: http://demo.templatelite.com/?wptheme=Photographic+Film
    Email: exvega@hotmail.com

  53. Anonymous Says:

    Hi! I made his donation of $ 10! We expect to send me this template / thestars

  54. tmwwtw Says:

    i've attach the stars template via ur email urbantv02@gmail.com.
    thanx for ur donation.

  55. Anonymous Says:

    hi admin is it possible for u to convert below
    http://www.dezinerfolio.com/ website's template to blogger if yes I 'll donate more than u expect

  56. tmwwtw Says:

    i can convert it, but i don't want to convert it. plz choose free wp theme.

  57. JuaOoOo Says:

    Sennhor tmwwtw Thank God My Mom gave me some money for me to spend on whatever I want to receive the money and forgot the template! jah and paid U $ 10 in your Paypal account! Good thing my mom gave me the money if I die q Because the template! More Thank God I my template! Sent $ 10 U look very happy with the Template! :)


  58. tmwwtw Says:

    hi juaoooo,
    i have attach bloxy template via your email joaofelipepego1995@hotmail.com. thanx for ur donation.

  59. Red Leaf Network Says:

    I need a magazine template for Blogger. It should look as much as possible like this.

    http://playboy.co.uk/ or like this:

    http://www.fhm.com/ or a mix of both. You get the idea.

    I need it installed and ready to go so all I have to do is post. I have 8 blogs that will all combine into one. All widgets intact. i will grant you access.

    Of course, I will pay you. Give me a price.

    Thank you.


  60. Susan Says:

    Theme title: Beauty Magazine
    Author: Themesjunction.com
    Download link: http://www.themesjunction.com/dl/1694
    Demo link: http://www.themesjunction.com/view/?theme=Beauty+Magazine
    Email: swatkins4067@yahoo.com

    If you could do this, that would be awesome. I will need to completely be able to customize it with my own design when done. When it is finished let me know so I can pay you!

  61. Anonymous Says:

    So, if i pay the $10, you'll give me the template, am i right?

    one question: does the paid templates also include a footer link pointing back to your site?

    lets hope not, because we already pay the $10...

  62. tmwwtw Says:

    $10 for converting theme. but $20 if u want unique template. it means, i will give template only for u, not publish this template on my blog & not put my footer link. but copyright footer of original wp theme author must stay intact.

  63. drowner Says:

    Can you convert this one please:
    Theme title: leopress
    Author: hongkiat.com
    Download link: http://www.7graus.com/downloads/wp/leopress.zip
    Demo link: http://www.7graus.com/tech/wordpress/leopress/demo.html
    Email: drowner@seznam.cz

  64. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, can you convert this to blogger. I would like a little customization which I am very willing to pay for.

    Theme title : That Music Theme
    Author : thatwordpress
    Download link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/that-music-theme
    Demo link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/that-music-theme
    Email :element@rhymeryders.com

    Custom Add ons: video space ready - like in the Revolution Church Theme; ability to have a flash header - like in the Revolution Church Theme; Special Featured Content plugin like in the Revolution Music Theme;

    Thank you.

  65. J.M. Snyder Says:


    I'm interested in having this converted to a Blogger theme:

    Theme title: BookIdea
    Author: ND83
    Download link: http://www.netdesignr.com/wordpress-themes/index.php?do=download&id=56
    Demo link: http://netdesignr.com/wordpress-preview/?pt=BOOKIdea
    Email: jms@jmsnyder.net

    I will gladly PayPal you $10 for it :) Please let me know when payment should be made.


    J.M. Snyder

  66. Ryan Boggs Says:

    Please let me know if you can do this theme. I would gladly pay more than $10 for this theme to be converted to blogger!!:

    Theme title: Creative News
    Author: Karan Khatri
    Download link: http://www.freewordpresstheme.info/go/4919download
    Demo link: http://www.freewordpresstheme.info/go/4919demo
    Email: rp_boggs@yahoo.com

  67. Elizabeth and Luna Says:


    I would like to use this theme for my Blogger, however I plan on use a differnt image for the header.

    Theme title: My Diary
    Author: Geckoandfly
    Download link: http://www.geckoandfly.com/2007/12/19/my-diary-handcrafted-wordpress-theme/
    Demo link: same


    would you convert this to blogger please.

    Theme title:Freebie #2: Lilac Stitch (Wordpress)
This lilac & gray stitch 2 column design is for Wordpress.
    Author: deliciousdesignstudio
    Download link: http://deliciousdesignstudio.com/freebies
    Download File: lilacstitch.zip
    Demo link:

    thank you so much.
    I am looking forward to hear from you.

  69. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you for the great job you have done with my site. It has come out better than I expected. I also appreciate your taking time to help me with all the updates. You are awesome.


  70. Mani Says:

    Hello, can you please convert this theme for me! It's quite a popular theme on WP. Thanks

    Theme title: Vigilance
    Author: Jestro
    Download link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/vigilance.1.34.zip
    Demo link: http://themes.jestro.com/vigilance/
    Email: salmanghani(at)msn(dot)com

    I'll donate surely if you can convert it for me. Thanks very much

  71. Maria Says:

    Hello. I like the FalknerPress theme, I would like to request if you can change it's color for me, like green perhaps? I want it's color to be like of the Lemon Twist (Wordpress template). There's a Blogger version of Lemon Twist but I don't seem to like the template. FalknerPress template would be perfect for my blog. I'm ready to donate if you can process my request. Thanks.

  72. Deineshd Says:

    This is my second theme request.This time I am giving u a job to convert the Template from the given information below soon.

    Theme title:Arthemia Magazine
    Download link:
    Demo link:http://michaelhutagalung.com/arthemia/

    Reply me soon then I will send donation to ur account.

  73. Nick Says:

    Here's my request:
    Theme title: Cleanr
    Download link: http://wpshoppe.com/demo/cleanr/about/
    Demo link: http://wpshoppe.com/demo/cleanr/about/
    Email: archerland@gmail.com

    I have already donated. Thanks

  74. the writer Says:

    My request

    Theme title:Viewport
    Author: http://labs.paulicio.us/viewport/
    Download link:
    Demo link:

    I'll donate once you finish making it. I swear

  75. tmwwtw Says:

    @the writer,
    already convert this theme here

  76. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title: Vrede
    Author: Moris

    Download link:

    Demo link: http://test.nattywp.com/?preview_theme=vrede

    Email: sonreyz@yahoo.com

    Please convert this wordpress theme to a blogger template (xml)and I will make my donation upon completion. Thanks...


  77. casadekaloi Says:

    Theme title: Snow Man
    Author: Scribble Scratch
    Download link: http://scribblescratch.com/themes2
    Demo: http://demo.scribblescratch.com/index.php?/wptheme=Snowman
    Email: stephaniekaloi@gmail.com

    I can probably donate, but if you're willing to do this in exchange for a review and a link on my site (my blog doesn't get tons of traffic, but probably 3000-5000 visits a month), then I can do that. Just let me know!

  78. Tirrell Hill Says:

    Theme Title: Free Minimalistic Wordpress Theme - Modicus Remix 2.0
    Author: Brad
    Download Link: http://www.zidalgo.com/free-wordpress-themes/minimalistic-wordpress-theme-modicus
    Demo: http://talkseattle.com

    email: tabloidguru@yahoo.com

    willing to donate 10-20 if possible. please help!

  79. Fahéj és Feta Says:

    Theme title: Girls Fantasy-land
    Download link:http://www.ezwpthemes.com/wp-content/uploads/Girls%20Fantasy-Land.zip
    Demo: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/templates/girls-fantasy-land.html
    Email: fahejfeta@gmail.com

    Can you do it for me. When it is ready, I can donate you, and you will get a link on my blog.

  80. tmwwtw Says:

    @Tirrell Hill,
    plz give correct email address. coz i've receive failure notice from yahoo.

  81. TBG Says:

    OMG! Thank you.

    But here goes the correct email:

  82. Anonymous Says:

    good job!!
    *thumb up!!

  83. Anonymous Says:

    Hello, can you please convert this theme for me, Many Thanks !

    Theme title: Vigilance
    Author: Jestro
    Download link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/vigilance.1.40.zip
    Demo link: http://themes.jestro.com/vigilance/
    Email: nagalr(at)hotmail(dot)com

    Please Reply, and I will send donation to ur account.
    Thanks very much.

  84. oes tsetnoc Says:

    Hi, Just like to tell you that this piece of info is one quick to the point, no nonsense, workable and effective as fast as possible. It worked for me and thank you for the effort. Keep up the good work.

  85. Ronia Nash Says:

    Hello, please convert to blogger theme for me. Thank you so much.

    Theme title: Nishita
    Author: Brajeshwar
    download and demo link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/nishita
    email: roniasavage@yahoo.com

    Donation made. Thanks again.

  86. Salman Yahya Says:

    Theme title: Mobile Galore
    Download link: http://www.kawaiithemes.com/freethemes/download/mobilegalore.zip
    Demo link: http://www.kawaiithemes.com/demo/index.php?wptheme=mobilegalore
    Email: loud865@gmail.com

  87. renee Says:

    i'd like a wordpress template converted to a blogger template:

    theme title: monezine
    author: terje asphaug
    download link: http://web2feel.com/downloads/monezine.zip
    demo link: http://web2feel.com/monezine
    email: arwest84@aol.com

  88. uFuk Says:

    theme title: Structure Theme: Just another WordPress weblog
    author: Hybrid.
    download link: http://themehybrid.com/downloads/structure.zip
    demo link: http://themehybrid.com/demo/structure/
    email: ebrugundes@gmail.com

  89. Joe Says:

    Theme title: Cellar Heat
    Author: Evan Eckard
    Download link: http://www.cellarheat.com/download/wpTheme-cellar-heat-dark.zip
    Demo link: http://www.cellarheat.com/
    Email: joeshmoe25@gmail.com

  90. Jessie Says:

    I'd be happy to pay you to convert this to Blogger!

    Theme:Freebie #2 Lilac Stitch
    Author: Delicious Design Studios
    Download link: (it's a zip file available on the site)
    email: jessie@sweetjessie.com

  91. Anurag Says:

    Theme title: Techified
    Download link: http://www.technologytricks.com/download/techified2.zip

    Demo link:http://www.technologytricks.com/themes/techified/

    Thank you! I am willing to domate!
    Please reply if you can convert the theme. I really need it.

  92. delflux Says:

    Theme title: theOS Blog
    Author: The Office Software
    Download link: http://www.testfiles.dreamhosters.com/theos/theosblog.zip
    Demo link:

  93. Anyah Says:

    I am ready to donate and convert my WP theme to Blogger Please contact me asap... Good Donation for good turnaround time... Please email me at whoisthhs@gmail.com thx

  94. brandenlee Says:

    Theme title: I can watch movies

    Author: ADMIN

    Download link: http://www.acosmin.com/download/48/

    Demo link: http://www.acosmin.com/wptest/?theme=i_can_watch_movies

    Email: ratedrstar1987@yahoo.com

    I know there is one out there already for blogger but this one is kinda of a remix or another version and coded definitely .This one looks way better but it's for wordpress and not blogger..thx hope to hear from u soon..

  95. Dedy Says:

    Theme title: StarCraft II News Wordpress Theme

    Download link: http://www.templatepanic.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=168

    Demo link: http://demo.templatepanic.com/index.php?wptheme=StarCraft+II+News

    Email: dedy_7604@yahoo.com

    Ready to donate!

  96. ahmad Says:

    Theme title:Hazel V.1 Wordpress Flash Oyun Teması / Wordpress Flash Games Theme

    Author: http://tasarimkaynak.com

    Download link: http://tasarimkaynak.com/tema/hazel-v-1-worpress-flash-oyun-temasi-worpress-flash-games-theme.html

    Demo link: http://www.erkekler.biz/

    Email: forex2090@yahoo.com

    i`m Ready to donate!

  97. Jen Says:

    You ROCK! Thank you so much for helping me with my code on my blog and offering help even after the job was finished. Awesome job, awesome work, awesome person!


  98. Steven M. Says:

    Theme title: greyblog
    Author:David Herreman
    Download link:http://ericulous.com/?load=greyblog.zip
    Demo link:http://ericulous.com/demo/index.php?wptheme=Grey%20Blog

    More than will to donate, thanks.

  99. PrettyGirlSavage Says:

    Theme Title:: Full screen

    found on Graph paper press website

    download link

    live demo

    Ready to donate when your done.

    my email address is
    please convert this for Blogger.
    and anyother graphpaper layouts!
    I like a lot of theirs.

  100. g4s Says:

    hi admin….!

    can u convert this theme to blogger plz..

    Preview : http://wpthemedesigner.com/demo/

    Download : http://www.wpthemedesigner.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=156


  101. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, we need this theme for blogger, please help us! Many thanks. Greetings from Italy.

    Theme title: Galactica Wordpress Theme
    Author: Web2Feel Web Design
    Download link: http://www.wordpressthemes2.com/download-wordpress-theme/?ID=364
    Demo link: http://www.wordpressthemes2.com/view-theme/?ID=364
    Email: asterion2012@gmail.com

  102. 1234danny1234 Says:

    Hi im danny can you change this template to a blog template

    Theme name:Atahualpa



    Demo link:http://wp-themes.com/atahualpa/?TB_iframe=true&width=1149&height=524


  103. Anonymous Says:

    would this work in blogger?

    Theme title: tanzaku
    Author: triple ships
    Download link: http://www.tripleships.com/tanzaku.zip
    Demo link: http://www.tripleships.com/sample/
    Email: paxacha@gmail.com

  104. Anonymous Says:

    Is this service still available? I would like this Wordpress Theme converted into a Blogger Template. I am ready and willing to donate for this service. Thanks.

    Theme Title: Autofocus
    Author: Allan Cole
    Download Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/autofocus
    Demo Link: http://allancole.com/themes/index.php?wptheme=AutoFocus
    Email: PeterM_Vang@Hotmail.com

    Thanks again.

  105. Anonymous Says:

    Hi ,i want your Demo-channel as blog can you do that for me.If you can convert that for me ,i will pay you.
    My email internram@gmail.com

  106. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title:ModXBlog
    Download link: http://wordpressthemesbase.com/view/806.html
    Demo link:http://wordpressthemesbase.com/view/806.html
    Email: I don't want to put my e-mail in a comment, i don t want everybody to see it, but i really need that one converted.
    Is there any other way to talk?

  107. tmwwtw Says:


    u can email me tmwwtw@yahoo.com

  108. Anonymous Says:

    I would love your help in converting a wordpress theme into blogger!
    Theme title: margot
    You can see the author, download and veiw the demo here: link:http://wordpressthemesbase.com/detail/715.html
    Email: Cfrehner@aol.com
    Please let me know. Thanks!

  109. Daniel Tsang Says:

    Theme title: Intrepidity
    Author: szstar
    Download link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/intrepidity
    Domo link: same as above

    My email is: danieltsang@airwaysaviationnews.com

    Please do send me the blogger template soon!

    Thank you very much.

  110. Afif Says:

    We are currently modifying Wordpresstoblogger.com and adding more themes. Our hands are pretty full at the moment so expect a delay in theme's request.

  111. Admin Says:

    Title: Arjuna X 1.3.9

    Author: sebastianrs

    Download Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/arjuna-x.1.3.9.zip

    Demo Link: http://wp-themes.com/arjuna-x?TB_iframe=true&width=1025&height=574

    E-mail address: wicky439series@gmail.com

    Please convert this wordpress theme to blogger and send me via mail or give me the download link. Thanks in advance

  112. Alison Says:

    Theme title: Soccerine

    Author: WebHostingFan.com

    Download link:http://wordpress.topwpthemes.com/download/soccerine.zip

    Demo link: http://wordpress.topwpthemes.com/index.php?wptheme=soccerine

    Email: alisonbueno@gmail.com

    Please coonvert this wordpress theme

    Thanks for help.

  113. krishna Says:

    Theme title:New York New York
    Author:Siiimple website
    Download link:http://www.siiimple.com/new-york-new-york-siiimple-wordpress-theme
    Demo link:http://s51370.gridserver.com/_newyorknewyork/
    Email: krishna_mostwanted@yahoo.com

  114. Afif Says:

    Will keep it in mind but some of the themes does not really fit what we had in mind for the users. KIV at the moment. Thanks for the inquiries

  115. Afif Says:

    Have a look at this theme as a better alternative

  116. sc3v7nn Says:

    i would like to know if this could be done.

    Theme title: monochrome
    Download link:http://www.mono-lab.net/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1
    Demo link:http://www.mono-lab.net/demo1/

  117. Afif Says:

    @krishna - don't you think that the theme is a bit too white at the header?
    @alison,sc3v7nn - will be in waiting list. Need a few more days(maybe a week max) to wait for a site's completion and should start then.

    Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS theme subscriber. Just put in your email.

  118. Anonymous Says:

    Theme title: Infimum
    Download link:http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/infimum
    Demo link:http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/infimum
    Email: deuxsixquatre@gmail.com

  119. mr-apollo Says:

    Theme title: WordPress Theme – Portfolio Press
    Author:Blog Oh! Blog
    Download link: http://www.blogohblog.com/download/portfoliopress.zip
    Demo link: http://wpthemes.blogohblog.net/index.php?wptheme=Portfolio+Press
    Email: isander11@googlemail.com

    Please help me convert this template to blogger.
    Thank in advance !

  120. Sam Says:

    Theme title: Motion
    Author: 85ideas
    Download link: http://85ideas.com/public-releases/wordpress-theme-motion/
    Demo link: http://onlinereleases.net/
    Email: imsaaam@gmail.com

  121. : Ultra Digital : Says:

    Hi !
    Great site, so good.
    Please if you can make a blogger theme of Jarrah V1.6, here was the link:

  122. ajdpadbury Says:

    I left this request for you a few days ago, please let me known today if you can do this for Blogger for me, otherwise I will look elsewhere. I am a fan of your work and have donated three times to you already this year.

    Theme: On Demand
    Author: Press 75
    Demo and Download Link: http://www.press75.com/demos/on-demand/demo.php
    My email: ajdpadbury@googlemail.com

    Thanks in advance!

  123. Afif Says:

    @Anonymous - Sorry but this theme is too minimal. We have a better version in the form of clear at our sister site. Please do have a look

    @mr-apollo - There is 2 options already

    @Sam - looks cool. Will put in list
    @Ultra Digital - nice too. Noted
    @ajdpadbury - Its a paid theme. I am sorry but we only do free wpthemes.

    p/s- The other site is done. Hopefully can get the ball rolling soon. IA

  124. Afif Says:

    Completed - Soccerine and Monochrome.
    Will put the listing tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Waiting list:
    @Sam,Ultra Digital
    - http://85ideas.com/public-releases/wordpress-theme-motion/
    - http://www.templatesnext.org/wordpress-theme-jarrah-version-1-6-released/

  125. Afif Says:

    K, just finished Motion and Jarrah, will put them up hopefully tomorrow.

    Soccerine and Monochrome was already available a few days ago.


  126. Geophrie Says:


    Theme title: SF City Bay Area
    Download: http://www.freewordpressthemes4u.com/downloads/sf_city_bay_area_cie009.zip

    Demo link:link:http://www.freewordpressthemes4u.com/preview/?preview=1&template=sf_city_bay_area_cie009&stylesheet=sf_city_bay_area_cie009
    Email: JWHamby85@gmail.com

    Thank you so much, You're a godsend!

  127. Jon Says:

    Theme title:Simple Organisation
    Download link:http://templates.arcsin.se/download/simple-organization-wordpress-theme/
    Demo link:http://templates.arcsin.se/demo/simple-organization-wordpress-theme/

  128. w a ! Says:

    Theme title:Satorii
    Download link:http://code.google.com/p/satorii/downloads/list
    Demo link:http://lab.yukei.net/wp-demo/

    thanks ! i really do need it very much and i hope i can receive it asap. THANK YOU.

  129. Afif Says:

    Posted up Jarrah and Motion.

    @Geophri/wa/Jon - I am really sorry but it does not really fit into our current theme choices.

  130. The Prince Says:

    Theme title:Windows 7 theme
    Author:VPN Hosting
    Download link:http://www.wpyag.com/downloads/ddarkwindows7-theme.zip
    Demo link:http://demo.wpyag.com/?preview_theme=ddarkwindows7

  131. pick Says:

    Theme title:traction
    Download link:http://www.box.net/shared/35zuxyezxa/downloads/list
    Demo link:http://demo.thethemefoundry.com/traction/

    Note : there a slidshow in this template i dont need it ( remove the slidshow in
    this template) .

    i really need this template fast for my blog ... thanks in advance.

  132. Elías Moura Says:

    Theme title: Digital Statement
    Download link: http://www.blogohblog.com/download/Digital_Statement.zip
    Demo link: http://wpthemes.blogohblog.net/index.php?wptheme=Digital+Statement
    Email: eliasmoura@live.com.pt

  133. Afif Says:

    @pick - pending review
    @Elias - Its already converted. Please use the search next time ^^, Here


  134. Pick Says:

    when my template will be ready ?

  135. Afif Says:

    @Hi Pick, I contact themefoundry.com about this theme and didn't allot me to convert it as its a premium wp theme. I am sorry. If you can make persuade them to to give me the permission then I will be glad to convert it right away.

    Update: We have just finished an excellent template conversion. Heads up and subscribe to our RSS to find out more about the new theme. I'll be releasing it on wordpresstoblogger around next week.

  136. Shan Says:

    Theme title: Blog 02
    Author: bestfreetemplates
    Download link: http://www.bestfreetemplates.info/webtemplates/freewebtemplates-20.html
    Demo link: http://www.bestfreetemplates.info/webtemplates/freewebtemplates-20.html
    Email: freakytrends@gmail.com

    I love this template very much & want it for my blogger. Can u please convert it?

  137. Afif Says:

    @Shan - looks really nice. I'll put it in the queue right away. Will update when its done :)

    So thats 2 great theme to be released here next week,currently 1 completed.

  138. wordpresstoblogger fans Says:

    Please I'm request
    Theme title: Gazzete Edition (Multiple Coloums)
    Author: www.woothemes.com
    Download link: -
    Demo link: www.woothemes.com/demo/gazette/

  139. Rahul Singh Says:

    I want urgent help from your side. I am using ur theme i.e Revolution Black Canvas.

    Just below to the post title there is :
    Filed under:

    i want to remove the above 3 things from my blogger page. If you will help me i am ready to pay you.

    Please Reply me at:

  140. Afif Says:

    @Shan - its template, not a wptheme so it cannot be done. I am sorry.
    @wp2bfans - I am sorry, we only do free themes
    @Rahul - I'll get back to you later.

    Doing 2 release this week.
    Bright Sky n Girl Diaries

  141. Amandine Says:

    Hi, is it possible to convert this theme

    Theme title: lite magazine
    Author: wp corner
    Download link: http://www.wpcorner.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=29
    demo link : http://www.wpcorner.com/demo/index.php?wptheme=PurpleLite+Magazine
    Email: amande13004@gmail.com

  142. bane Says:

    Theme title: Magazine blog
    Author: dont know
    Download link: http://www.unodesignstudio.com/magazine/
    Demo link: http: http://www.unodesignstudio.com/magazine/
    Email: bane89@rocketmail.com
    pass: itechnobuzz.com

    thanks in advance if u can do it

  143. Fans WPtoBlogger Says:

    Theme title : Gazette Edition (Multiple Column)
    Author : Woo Themes
    Demo link : http://www.woothemes.com/demo/gazette/

    Thank's Before ^_^

  144. Afif Says:

    @Amandine - will keep in view, thx for the suggestion
    @others - please give the download link and also must be a free wptheme unless if you got the designer's permission.


  145. Afif Says:

    @Rahul - sorry but can't back to you

  146. Suganthi Says:

    Theme title: C U
    Author: Wordpress Themes
    Download link: http://www.wpthemesexpert.com/downloads/c-u.zip
    Email: suganthikrishnavathi@gmail.com

  147. Anonymous Says:

    hai ..i hope u can do it for us...tq
    Theme title:Big Blue
    Author:Jai Verma @ http://www.blogohblog.com
    Download link:http://www.blogohblog.com/wordpress-theme-big-blue/
    Demo link:http://wpthemes.blogohblog.net/

  148. Marc Says:

    Would you be able to assist me with customizing the Techified theme?

  149. Asad Manzoor Says:

    Theme title:ElegantBlue
    Download link:http://www.blogger-template.info/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=860
    Demo link:http://www.primehealthchannel.com/

    Hey guys please change this site to blogger and send me mail on my ID...please hurry

  150. Asad Manzoor Says:

    Hi bro please convert this template as quick as u can
    Theme title:Elegant Blue
    Author: coolweb
    Download link:http://www.blogger-template.info/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=860
    Demo link:http://www.primehealthchannel.com/

    Hey bro i am from pakistan and my mobile number is +923235419151. And my blog is for games just create same like this.....thanks

  151. Afif Says:

    I am sorry but currently we are full in our hands and we will be releasing only a few lucky templates per month. We can't do the work fast as we also need to consider req sponsorship for the free themes and the promotion involved.

  152. Umie Nadhirah Says:

    can u covert this template for me?it very awesome template,:)


    if u don't mind,send me the link of organic promag template to: http://www.facebook.com/umie.nadhirah if you convert it already..Thanks you very very much :D

  153. Afif Says:

    @ Finished the Big Blue theme for blogger templates design by blogohblog :)
    Also finished another really cool template, going to do 2 more before releasing it to the public. I am sure Asad can benefit from the 4 templates released too
    @Mark - I am sorry but as mentioned I am barely to just release new themes rite now, Maybe you can get support from other blogger tupport for customisation purpose :)
    @Umie - I'll have a look. It looks pretty nice but have you seen our latest release at www.wp2b.com. Maybe you can have a look. Also the 4 templates I am releasing is top class too :)

  154. Umie Nadhirah Says:

    i have look it already...but,please??? convert ORGANIC PROMAG for me?

  155. Asad Manzoor Says:

    Theme title:Elegant Blue
    Author: coolweb
    Download link:http://www.blogger-template.info/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=860
    Demo link:http://www.primehealthchannel.com/

    Hey bro please give me your number i will contact u i need this template urgent in blogger
    please do it

  156. Bigpropolis Says:

    Good afternoon! I badly speak in English.
    Will cost how many to change the given theme?


    Best regards

  157. Nguyễn Thị Dịu Says:

    Hi,please to help me to convert this theme to blogspot.

    Theme title:BlogNews v0.4b
    Download link:http://www.mediafire.com/?0mym2u2qmzd
    Demo link:http://www.gabfirethemes.com/demos/blognews/
    Email: huongdiu83cz@gmail.com

    Thanks a lot.

  158. Paolo Says:

    Hi, please convert this to blogger. Thanks so much for your work! I will spread the word

    Theme title: WaveFront
    Author: Pink & Yellow Media
    Download Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/wavefront
    Demo link: http://www.designisphilosophy.com/free-wordpress-themes/wavefront-a-calm-space/
    Email: paoabarcar@gmail.com

  159. Anonymous Says:

    afif tq for your time for my following requested theme as below:
    Theme title:Big Blue
    request by Anonymous June 22, 2010 7:24 PM ..
    i hope u can release it after finish

  160. Afif Says:

    Ok Everyone, these are the latest blogger themes that we will be releasing for the first half of July.
    @Big Blue,Elantris,Insignia,Prowess
    See the demos -

    those are high quality blogger templates and will be available hopefully in a few days.

    I'll now try to get work done for
    - http://www.themes2wp.com/download-free-organicwood-promag-wordpress-theme for umie and Asad's theme request.
    @Bigpropolis - I am sorry but I don't convert premium wpthemes unless you got the permission.

    After this comment I will like to close for awhile and I am a bit busy with offline work and may only convert targeted wptheme from wp2feel.

    Thanks everyone for all your support.

  161. fortuna Says:

    Dear, AFIF!

    Here the free Freshlife version of a template - to download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kqyzyz1zn2j

  162. Mayumi Says:

    please convert this for me :D so much appreciated if you can get a mirror image from wp to blogger. good luck

    Theme title: Channel
    Author: Theme Junkie
    Download link: http://www.theme-junkie.com/download/channel.zip
    Demo link: http://theme-junkie.com/demo/channel/
    Email: eileenatillo@gmail.com

  163. nikk Says:

    Dear Afif ...

    Tq for your help to convert my request template i.e Big Blue request on June 22, 2010 7:24 PM by Anonymous or nik..

    i will wait for release of it.

    i hope u can also can convert my new request as below:-

    Theme title:Blue Green
    Author:Jai Verma @ http://www.blogohblog.com
    Download link:http://www.blogohblog.com/wordpress-theme-blue-green/
    Demo link:http://wpthemes.blogohblog.net/


  164. Jenna Danelle Says:




  165. Afif Says:

    @nguyern,fortuna - Sorry but as mentioned many times before I don't convert premium wptheme unless you get permission.

    @Mayumi - Here, its already done
    @Jenna,Nik - will put in list


    Ok because of overflowing stream of request we have to stop taking req for July or until I update here.
    All comments after this will not be approved so make sure to comment only after I update here.

  166. Afif Says:

    Hi everyone, all of the new templates are released at
    Please see for those that requested previously. It should all be there.

    For now I won't be receiving any new requests due to too many work.
    As I think most of you know that this site is more to a hobby site.

    I may still release new templates occasionally for those who are willing to make a sponsor for that particular template though. ^^

    Until I update here.

  167. Wiley Hidson Says:

    There is a wordpress theme I hope that you convert it for me
    Title : SktechPad
    Download : http://sketchpad.themesheep.com/SketchPad(standard).zip
    Demo : http://sketchpad.themesheep.com/
    Email : Wileyhidson@gmail.com

  168. ceker Says:

    please convert wp theme to blogger

    Theme title: smells like facebook
    Author: ainun nazieb
    demo & Download link: http://smells-like-facebook.nazieb.com/513/smells-like-facebook-2-6/

    Email: lantera13@gmail.com


  169. Afif Says:

    @dear ceker
    Please search wp2b.com too first next time

  170. ceker Says:

    @afif this is new version of "smells like facebook 2-6"
    please check this link : http://smells-like-facebook.nazieb.com/513/smells-like-facebook-2-6/


  171. KIKE♎ Says:


  172. Afif Says:

    Hi Kike,
    The problem is solved. We are paying quite a lot to host the images and files due to so much bandwidth used by our users, must have been a user with DDOS attack or a traffic hike. Please host the images at your own free account at imagehosts and replaced the images url at the template file. Thanks you

    @ceker - I am so sorry but I can't do the theme at the moment as its too similar.

    Anyway at the moment I can't accept any further requests. For your infos I am getting tons of req but I really can't approve it yet without taking a huge chunk of me.
    I'll do something to solve this soon :)

  173. Afif Says:

    Hi everyone, here is it. My solution. Hope I can get cooperation from everyone. This way I can make sure to divide my time to get the themes done faster and worth while :)

    Please go to


    to request for a theme.
    Thanks a bunch

  174. Maylmer Says:

    Hello there ,
    i hope you can convert this template for me :


    Thank You ,
    I don't know how will you send it to me , but i will just give my email to you:


    Once Again Thank You

  175. Surrealist Adam Says:

    Theme Title: Mystique
    Author: Digital Nature
    Download Link: http://digitalnature.ro/f/mystique-wordpress.zip
    Demo Link: http://wp.digitalnature.eu/mystique/
    E-mail: surrealistadam@hotmail.com

  176. Afif Says:

    I am sorry everyone but this post is closed permanently. Please go the page specially for theme request mentioned above.

    @ Surrealist Adam - Mystique is already available at wp2b.com

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